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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    i can make one on wordpress and godaddy for like 80 bucks TOPS tell ur dude i'll do it for 2000 dollars retarded ass nigga

    dude learned to java script just for html to be like haha u have download 5
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    dude you shouldn't be having sex with kids
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    finding someone who loves me
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Can I have you hypothamalmus when u die
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    ou guys may remember me from previous nicks I had and know that Ive done a bit or time (a couple months) for trying to meet a girl online (I wont go into the details). Anyway, recently I got arrested again this time for assault with a deadly weapon for getting in a bar fight where I responded to an attack with anger and a pint glass but the guy came at me first with multiple punches and from the side I saw his friends walking toward me before my response. Anyway, because of me already being on probation and my history I took a county year and a strike under California's three strike laws.

    I met a young man in there who really needs a movie or a book or both. This is a story of a handsome young man who became like my brother in there and who told me he is Polish or mostly Polish in his background although he was raised and born here.he could have been a leader in life. Not only does he have incredible basketball talent but I saw the way he lead and even Mexicans followed him and there were only like five white guys there in the drop out gang pod (thats how much respect he commanded). Meet Christian Speaker: cs1116cmspeaker~1_GALLERY.JPG

    I suggest you read the rest of his story while listening to the music from the movie Driver, or Kavinsky's Nightcall.

    What I noticed in him and the reason we clicked was I saw respect and intelligence. I did not see a thug but a warrior. Someone who does not look for people weaker to bully or beat up or prey on or take advantage of. He even rejected most of my offers to hook him up with canteen stuff. I saw someone who will get down with a drop of the hat and take leadership roles like roll someone out that causes problems or that just came in that is a potential risk (he rolled so someone else out who he said was an active northern rider).

    Me and my mom sent Christian some money recently and a book and he replied right away and sent us a letter that came in today. He said this was the first time in his life someone ever showed any love to him and that he was only 17 yrs old when he was in this area so he know was trying to explain how happy he was and how no one ever cared for him or showed him any compassion or love. He said this is the first time anyone has ever done anything like this for him.

    Many of you probably have no idea what goes on in california or have probably done a days time in these hell factories. There are young men under 20 years old being shuffled in there with no hope of freedom ever entering their hearts and put in places that are so horrible they don't exist in many third world countries. They put them in these jails with no programs and nothing to do then when they right they charge them like if they did it in the free world and even after guards place enemies in the same pods or tanks.

    His charisma was incredible when I met him as a fellow inmate. He knows and accepts the fact that despite being 20 yrs old (17 at the time of his crime), he will never get out of prison. He has been in group homes and juvenile gladiator schools since a young age and told me personally how he grew up in a very violent home. He also told me " this is my world. Ive been doing this all my life." Here is some more information about him and how his life led to the murder he committed and how he really represents what a lost kid or a child swallowed up by the system is: re-clerk-gets-life

    This was when he was a teen of 17 and had to start the beginning of his life inside the system:

    Here is another potential life sentence he is fighitng for fighting and continuing his behavior ( the only one he knows) inside the jails and gladiator schools: 2010-watsonville-murder-pleads-guilty cruz-courtroom-between-convicted

    Unlike what many community college sociology professors would like you to believe or the media, this isnt an only black and hispanic problem. There are plenty of white guys like this or lost children who no one speaks out for or believes in and are even in worse position than minorities in his position because there are less support groups no activists or books being written since everyone focuses on the black and brown problem. These guys are like left to rot without love or care because they are not black or brown with no attention paid to them.

    Oh, and he was a norteno gang member on the street when he committed the murder but went wood or white on the inside since he told me that his dad gave him a choice: "you will either go white on the inside and ride with us or go northener, but if you do that we will kill you." As you can see, this is the only world he knew: gangs, drugs, violence.

    Also, in terms of fighting, I've seen Speaker in action and boy he can fight despite his lan and tall statue he can use that size unlike any of the NBA basketball fights you've ever seen. He took out a man named sniper (Mexican gangster who looks like those guys in the movie training day where they try to kill officer Hoyt). He torpedoed inside a cell full of four people (including Sniper) at once to make room for an attack and in a split of a second can turn it on and off.

    He looks almost like me to the dot when I was younger. He is a blond hair blue eyed leader with Polish roots who would have made many women happy but instead America is shuffling him through the system where all his life (since 17) he will not get a chance to live a normal life. He will not get a chance to see the sun or breathe fresh air and be out in a system full of mexican and black savaged trying to punk whites any chance they get. Except they will never punk him, in fact half of them followed him in there. He is a true leader, a warrior caste.

    Imagine a nation that does this to people. Violence is all he knew since he was in diapers. He was raised by the state and was actual a word of the state officially when he committed the murder. Group homes, YMCA, juvenile facilities, etc. was his world. Even read the comments in this article: kill ing-watsonville-shopkeeper-sentenced-jail

    Im sure a woman could have changed him if one gave him a chance. But he gave up and when there was a pod full of jailed girls across he hardly ever acknowledged them or acted like the rest of the guys starring at them with no hope of being face to face with them anyway.

    He hugged me in there when he realized how horrible or a place I put myself in and how bad it was in there. You guys dont understand in California there is a whole society, a whole world, inside the world you know. It is so horrible so violent and so controlling where to see the sun and fresh air once a day is a privilege. It is so horrible you don't even have pillows to sleep on so your ear up daily with neck sores. It is so horrible you feel the walls closing on you with no hope or future awaiting.

    My family has also recently send him some money and a book and he didnt know who it was from but responded right away and sent me a letter. He said this was the first time anyone eve did something like this to him or showed him any love in his life. Anyway, his life is a tragedy and I see a book or a movie In the future.

    I don't know why the initial images are not showing up when I copy and paste but here is the most current image of him and article: 2010-watsonville-murder-pleads-guilty

    Here is another news pice showing the wayne looked during the time of his arrest at age 17 and how Polish he really looks: lle-store-owner-now-wants
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    I certainly can
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    This is how we get more members from our pedophile hunts and raising awareness of chomos from our community ni theirs, bring these polish forum fags to us if they hate wariat, they'll probably be cool
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Fucking LOL!

    Check this fuys:

    link his account to

    it's more fun

    link them this thread!
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by blaster master I'd have ten bucks on it, thats about 40 polish zlochtys, we could do something as simple as a picture of him, his name and address, and say that he's a serial child predator who has escaped justice in the united states for his online and in person sex crimes against minors.

    did u just wake up today feeling good and know it was a day to just chisel a child molestin nigga's life apart?
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by blaster master hey you know what may be even cheaper, lets put a thread together where we quote all the pedo shit wario admits to and send it to the chief of police in his town.

    scron can u get on this? You're our best compile archiver.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    what's the talking/dating app he uses? We could make a profile of him and go on tinder with a warning in the photo over a picture of him stating his full name & convicted child rapist & city
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    the worst thing you can have is that one weirdo someone will recognize named Miecj Lada with several photos of him and say he's literally prowling for future victims and goes to his bar and posts about it and now you don't care and some girl gets raped/has to eat out dudebooty/killed and no one noe ever wants to go to the booty eating rapist bar
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Were telling people that we have photos of women he's stalking inside the bar and trying to molest having been convicted and dsent to prison as a rapist polish man whose next victim is going to be from one of the local bars.

    wariat is park moczydo near you and if so how near, i saw there was sex crime there and i am thinking it was you, it was posted 25 zolotys reward and i could use that

    I wish i could visit u in poland
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    were gonna getchu
  15. Bradley Florida Man
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    red there are more bars in warsaw than milwaukee, we have like 20 per 4 blocks
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Wariat how do i use the internet to call poland for free or can i just do it through google voice
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    I would not eat the fish that come out of the majority of the waterways around my area due to high amounts of pollution and fertilizer from the industrialization of the arm pit of wisconsin

    You can't hunt for 3/4 of the year. It's called poaching and hard to do where i stay now that there are so many people.

    Harvest fuckign what it's january you dumb nigger

    i lol'd. d'oh
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    I don't think she wrote any of it though, fabrication purely created by her Uncle during his time in the Hallahcost

    Think about it, he didn't have shit going on in his life but he was sitting there off work, hiding in a closet, BORED, then he got to camping. Being a human shaped cockroach he didn't have much interest in camping, an unhappy camper,

    so he wrote the diary and sat around and then sold it to Penguin or Simon & Shushter or some shit and got 30 pieces of silver

    dumb fucker wrote half of it ina ball point pen that didn't exist when the nazis were out making germany the third reich

    and if he wasn't just trollolin, then that dumb bitch is a fucking snitch and a straight teller. I'm glad she died because if she told on the old dude she'll tell on the next dude.

    So many people hate the jedis they got their own term "anti semitic" if you hate niggers or gooks or some shit you're not anti nigger you're just a racist, but if you hate only the jedis low and behold you're an anti semite

    well fuck christ killers, the enemy of all people. And if you're jedi, let me know, so I can tell you personally to fuck yourself

    thank you my goyum
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    and ejaculating on a black girls head and stickin the weave back on
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