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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Captain Falcon has a large amount of money, unlike Golluym who tries to say he's getting 30k in a tax return because he bought a mercedes captain falcon has made no such missteps. He lives in a second rate country (I think it's pakistan) i remember asking him about a city he mentioned in passing that i recognized from balck ops 2 as a straight up shithole with dues fighting with rocket launchers and shit in it.

    he asured me, the cities are a bad place and then i thin he mentioned how he has ecurity, his family members have various security when they go out and he has a driver.

    Sounds like a rich bastard to me, and he din't say it in a pretentious way and then keep refreshing the page to see what anyone said, he said it like a rich asshole telling you "Yeah" when you tell him how rich people are bad people and he can't figure out why you're poor then.

    So I would say yes, probably a human trafficker.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by mmQ That doesn't make sense. I actually died once and I was clinically dead for 18 minutes and nothing happened.

    We arent more than just our body we are literally just our brain. We are LESS than our body.

    I like to imagine a world where bodies dont exist and we're all just brains floating around trying to talk and communicate our thoughts but we cant because we dont have vocal chords or eardrums or whatever. Billions of floating frustrated brains trying to figure out what to do.

    You really don't think there's any soul?

    What was the cause of you too go without being alive for 18 minutes?

    YOu might've just been really really high, you know?
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Solstice I immediately assume most people are stupid as fuck once they say they follow organized religion and I'm usually right.

    Everyone believes in something bro, Bill Krozby just isn't a creative person so he's roman catholic, just like wariat, just like JFK, just likee Pope John Paul, just like every mexican. It's their culture bro.

    Yoou're probably some edgy nihilist or some goofy thing you made up.

    says thee Odinist. yea
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Meh, he's our friend and if needs someonoe to talk to i'll talk to him even if no on else will. I been there, i been that unlikable and alcoholic befere, some peoplee still think i am rightly.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    hey aldra, i really like you as a user and want to talk about some stuff with you. If you have skype or like can call america or wanna d me on messenger mesage me

    I also have a problem consuming copious amounts of alcohol and stimulants (I don't take xanax very much cuz im not a loser) and i am not really a suicidal person i just walk around with weapons and talk a lot of shit and fight and stuff.

    I erally don't want you to die and maybe i can give you some advice or show you what my shit ass life is in hopes that you also get better off and don't die.

    I want you to live and so do most members of this website. I don't know if you have any children, but you have a girlfriend and you should tell her you'd be less depressed and thus use less if she gave you more head.

    Best of luck on getting more head and not killing yourself,

    HMU before you try to die next time, even if you're all fucked up.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    damn i want to see them on HTS
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Ghost Why do all gay men hate trannies? You are just like cock nose or §m£ÂgØL HURR DURR IM GAY AND HATE TRANNIES

    imagine being a stereotype

    You shut ur tranny lovin mouth boy. I love trannies let that be known.

    I am a friend to the transcommunity. Maybe I call Ally Austin and refer to her boy pussy, if thats' what me and my significant other are into, why y u gotta hate bro?

    Do you speak for all trannies? Are you a bitch with a dick? No yu're a ratfaced faggot trying too causae division between the LGBQ community and the T.

    The T wants the D from Bradley B and if u do have a platonic relationship with HTS and nevere fuck, it's probably because she thinks you're an ugly rat faced weirdo too.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Data Tbh everywhere is fucked up and basically every society has a pedophilic/gay/polygamist/rapist history because sex is weird and fucked up.

    It is only through our own sense of culturally adopted morals that we see any of these things as wrong. Not that I'm saying its wrong to believe pedophilia is inherently bad, just saying that this is the base human state that society has worked hard to escape. Any sex which hurts others (without informed consent) is immoral. Violence outside of self defense is immoral.

    You just have to find civilized and decent Cambodians. There are tons of them.

    Shut the fuck up §m£ÂgØL and stop being soft on the butt fuckery of children dude.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    i ate cold oatmeal today and did not practice my Khmer language studies

    I am sad but im not gonna let myself drink or get really high, i'm gonna walk to the gym if my friend doesn't come by by 3 and then imma walk back and get a footlong sub from the grocery store with my 700$ in accumulated foodstamps (Hail biden) and probably a bang energy drink (honey apple crisp flavor) and maybe uh yeah idk maybe get a fatass bag of brown rice and a bunch of stir fry vegetables to Wok it out with tomorow morning before i go exercise and try not be sad while i find a new gay ass dream for everyone to ruin one way or another.

    Thanks for your help everyone

    Chom Reup Lim!
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    how do you make them have goose bumps

    r u interested in manufacturing goose bump porn for men such as ourselves

    it would require you taking all of your hatred of me and jealousy and setting it aside and admitting that you are a faggot

    That is the only way we can heal
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Will you guys go get ROSHAMBO he lives in the area
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    dude at my house,you'd get 28 months of internet

    what a dumbfuck!
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    great news everybody, you can't get the covid virus, if you get sunshine, it kills the virus like a vampire

    -Dr Fauci
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Hahah Bradley is a Gay Poof just like §m£ÂgØL is

    you two should hook up. you´re what.. 200 miles apart

    I don't have sex with fat men or losers.

    I might have sex with a loser, but not a fat sweaty liberal spic who tells lies on the internet. THanks tho!
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    Now is the best time to be a tranny, fuck outta her, the farther back in time you go the worst it was to be transgender and it's only gonna get better for them.

    Suck a dick faggot and stop being so bleedingheart for these people, we're all fucked in the head buddy. YOu have a mental disorder, I also have a mental disorder, HTS Has a mental disorder and every LGBTQ person has a mental disorder because it doesn't result in us spamming out DNA out, we're just buttfuckers in the other room that are really nice and funny sounding in how we talk.

    Stop being a bitch, what are you transgender too?
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    damn i wish i was on the route to do this :(
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    none of that has too do with gas stations though it reelates to me beieng a pieece of shit and a drug addict and a criminal yeaers ago and people not being huge fans
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    What about you ?
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Yes, I have ben robbed before in life at gun point, No i have never been pistol whipped.
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