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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    why would i have a crush on a loser
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Kevin is a child molestor who is mad he's too stupid to learn from his chomo bromo Sophie C+ or Java in two months and can't even get Tinychat to work.

    Sounds like he's mad Sophie gave up on him and now they wont' be able to surf the darkweb for child porn together.

    Kevin spent ONE YEARS begging Sophie to teach him and in TWO MONTHS he couldn't get tinychat to load.

    Sophie give your boy some attention .
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    We are not a harm reduction forum, not in BLTC, not here, not anywhere. We neither advocate or discourage any advice be it of a nature that helps or harms. You get what you get, faggot.

    I used to take 13 of them bitches which was 650mg because 13 was a scary number, when i was 13 bitch nigger.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Kev i didnt post other peoples private messages, i posted MY private message to him. you got a problem with me exposing a psycho? and i dont have "nonce friends" but quite a few nonces want to be my friend for some reason.

    can i get a link to this?
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    dehydrated? Boof this cucumber. it's mostly water.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    I wish I could participate in the discourse but i am a pariah no ne wants to interact with out of fear of my leopard skin.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Ghost I don't know who you rape but you are a rattex bitch that posts private messages of people so I would imagine it's not gonna be very long before one of your nonce friends turns on you for you being a rattex ass bitch and leaks all the juicy details of your sex crimes against children so we can all laugh at you like wariat.

    Kevin is definitely the pedophile on this site i try to see some good in, but can't. I think pedophiles are definitely the bottom of the barrel of the shitty keg that is our world and any society.

    But what can you do, someone will put him in a river if he acts on these things, I Think. I pray.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Sudo you havent had sex with a female in 8 years which either makes you gay or as asexually beta as humanly possible. Either way nothing you can type is relevant to a thread about abortion

    IS this true, Cigretting? That is kinda pathetic, I even had sex with a woman in November. You need to be less gay, bro. We watched Rosanne, I ate the pussy, I smoked a bunch of shitty CBD and did a crossword puzzle when i woke up at 5am. She paid for an uber to come get me and drop me back off in the morning, I told my friend and he said "I would pay an uber for that dick" so then i had sex with him later that day. No uber was needed.

    Be more cool bro, everyone can fuck bitches if they want. Just tell them you like rosanne and grilled cheese and have a huge pipe.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    jiggaboo johnson is 310lb bro. he's a big guy. he eats 8 tomatos, also §m£ÂgØL ur not that skinny yourself with ur sweet potato latino bdy.

    I'm proud of this nigger for eating tomatos at all. i always get tomatos put on stuff and eat them of right away cuz i hate the taste of them, but i know they are very good for you.

    Quick Mix Ready could eat a few tomatos as a meal replacement and stop thinking about lemon grass seasoning he's gonna use in his next fried sacrament.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    wariat show me ur prison art and ur prison boyfriend luciano i know u've drawn a couple pics of him since you got locked up

    do u wanna right my friend in prison? He's doing 40 to life under armed career criminal enhancer

    he's a big black nigger that loved to kick it with skinheads and thought i was the greatest cuz im an og nigga off da block ya dig

    also wariat keep ur prison stories to yourself, your like the guy who comes back from War and thinks everyone wants to hear about how many iraqi boys you raped in that mosque when you lured them with your big weapon and handcuffs.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    The only reason I went there at all was to hang out with my buddy because as an adult "work" is the only time you get to see anyone.

    I felt this as someone who doesn't work I feel really alienated. I have seen int he last month 3 of my friends, most of them once a week. I tell myself excuses:

    I dont go to taverns except very early in the day with my mom for lunch or drinks (I'm 10 days dry right now tho) or to play cribbage Because I am always armed in some capacity and i have a lot of enemies (I am a jacker and talk a lot of shit) i am averse to sitting in a tavern or bar. They are very very popular in my alcoholic state.

    Covid. IDK why this would make it harder, but everyone wants to stay inside.

    Work for myself/Disabled. I don't see anyone and i don't let my customers into my home.

    Kinda shitty. I'm aversive to meeting people wearing a mask. I'm not doing an "online date" or whatever gay shit they want me to. I don't like strangers coming to my home so I don't meet anyone off grindr (Even less since i lost my phone three weeks ago)

    I'm in the same boat as you Phonaplats.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    eliminate people who make shitty polls
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    why isn't your curent job doing it for you? Are you being bullied? Tell us what's going on bud.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    kinda cringey, i can imagine hikki doing this outside of a middle school or pool
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Did you meet the Reno seller in person? Did he get to know you? Either or, you may have more luck buying land anonymously given that people usually like their neighbors and wouldn't want the property to be sold to someone of your low character.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    especially if it was my overly impressed father continuously monitoring their growth and physical dimensions.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    i have a really big penis but average size balls. It's cool though cuz i really dont like anyone touching my testicles at all.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    cumming then running is better than running then cumming
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    how many adults have you exposed your child's genitalia to bro?

    That's kinda cool and i would take photos of it and show other adults and get their opinion.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    nah im just playin that's not right
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