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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by 自殺少女 The thought of some bald bearded creep like you eating some guys ass is terrifying

    i don't eat ass that's fuckin disgusting, i don't even eat pork. I hate that anyone that's a gay dude is presumed to be munchin on butt

    i'll eat pussy but i won't eat ass that's just fuckin gross

    u look like u'd pay a woman to eat your ass hikki and that's fuckin nasty.
  2. Bradley Florida Man

    Found this video of Hikki
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by 自殺少女 You look like a homeless bum without teeth
    You wish you could be as good looking as me

    Why woulnd't I have teeth Hikki?
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    read some of the article, i dont need to be multi cu ltural because i embody non white elements into my life. I eat taco bell. I listen to gangsta rap. I have been buying malt liquor and the occasional black and mild for years now. I get food stamps. I want kids but don't want to like be there for them. I wanna work a cash job and not actually work that hard for the cash at the job.

    So why i Need to be non white acceptin gwhen im basically a nigger already
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    do you have a photo of your mother and father's noses?

    Not their face, I just wanna see the noses that bred that beak
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    God you really are one ugly piece of shit with a huge cock nose

    I didn't really see it before but god damn

    you ever try cocaine? You could do an 8ball in one rip
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    i can commit, wifey material for sure bro

    i got nothin goin on in life anyway, i was gonna go learn to be an emt so i could witchdoctor my niggas back to life and shit if anyone gets shot gun fighting or stabbed up or w/e

    like a trauma stabilizer so we can instead of calling an ambulence, drive our people to the next state over and not get in trouble or risk death

    but now im like meh, kinda tired of this shit and i wanna move somewhere warm
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by chzbrgr I've had cyclical depression since I was 13, which leads me to think it may actually be something more like bipolar disorder. I've been anxious ever since I could remember, even as a young child. My mother is terribly anxious and believe I absorbed that energy in the womb. But, I nearly committed suicide when I was 18, so they sent me to the doctor finally and I was just diagnosed with depression and anxiety. A therapist I went to briefly then I said I had severe social anxiety. Over the past few years I've done more self assessment and research and think I'm falling more in the realm of ADHD, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and/or autism spectrum. And I've got some PTSD from some of the things Doug put me through, unfortunately, but I finally went to domestic violence survivor counseling a couple years ago after the last time we engaged with each other and I've been doing a lot better the past year or so in that regard.

    I've never been much of a drinker. I've only got drunk enough to puke once. Only drugs I've done were mostly with Doug and it was infrequent and nothing very serious; Klonopin, Gabapentin, Vicodin, Acid, GHB, all about once each except for the Gaba, but that was only a few times. I just smoke weed daily, but usually just after work or on days off. I've had issues with binge eating; I guess you could say that's my vice, but I've been in control of it better lately.

    sounds good i'll wife you where you at.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    dude what's offspring, u fuys and ur shitty music i love it

    for a guy who worships nigger cock u sure don't listen to much rap music
  10. Bradley Florida Man
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Friday and or saturday is usually a drink night (you pick one or the other)

    You maintain the buzz like a mature adult and smoke some buds to level out the high. I used to get wasted and stopped for over a decade and started up again.

    drinking all of the time is destructive and rock star lifestyles usually end tragicly

    i drank 3 beers today and gave the 4th one to Bill Krozby. a hadn't drank in 10 days, i'm sure that made him happy to have me doin a brew

    now it's back to smokin weed and thinkin about sellin my paddle boat so i have room to store a kayak
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    that didn't answer my question at all, i'll buy you a pizza
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    This is an interesting note, the suicide part. In an age when people are overdosing left and right off that good heron, i cannot determine what distinguished what we all seem to be thinking (he overdosed) and what the reality of it is (he was high off crystal meth and in a psychosis state and kilt hisself in a way that wasn't with too much product).

    Either he left a note or he died in a manner that would be evident of a suicide without a note.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    o, i thought u were some new fag from the last 4 years.

    wanna be freinds jaba? I'm sorry for being mean to you. Do you wanan talk on the phone or hang out one of these days and reconnect or have I trolled you so hard you can never forgive me?
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    What emotional or mental disorders would you say that you have Cheeseburger?

    I have depression and alcoholism, though I am not drinking currently.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Fuck sakes how old are you? shit im pushing senior citizen years in less than a decade and that shit was way before my time

    I think Spectral is about 72 years old and you are about 50-53 years old. Maybe younger and just look old because the weight of your animated compost is quite massive. Like how a truck you use for towing stuff everyday won't ever get the same mileage or life as if it were a daily driver doing mostly highway without a fat fuck ruining the driver side suspension.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In the '60's, people had to share phone lines. They were called party lines. You only knew if the call was for you by the way it rang in. There was one long ring, one short ring, one long ring and two short rings, two long rings and a short ring, two short rings, two long rings, and so forth. So if you were the two long rings and a short ring, and you didn't hear the first long ring, you'd pick up a call meant for the guy down the hall, who was a long ring and a short ring. Then you'd have to say sorry and they'd have to hang up and call back. Or both parties would end up on the line and arguments would break out, with one party accusing the other of trying to listen in on their call. You also had peepers who would silently pick up on any ring format coming in and listen to what everyone was talking about.

    Thanks Grandfather, this sounds like a lot of fun. WAs this still back when they had rotary phones? Whehn you wanted to purchase hard drugs (such as speed, or whatever teh equivalent of amphetamenes/meth was back then) did you just go to a house that you knew a guy at, or did you call a number and hope nosey people werne't listening in?

    Did detectives really carry primitive .38 revolvers and was it easy to evade capture if you got into a gunfight with law enforcement and successfully murdered them and made it the mile or two away?

    I wish I had been born in your generation, I know it would've been a lot harder as a gay guy and i probably would've kept it to myself or got aids, but i think it would've been a lot more enjoyable for me to live in a world where i don't need to be hypervigilante about 1080i cameras on someone's fuckin doorbell or dashboard recording me doing nefarious things.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready are we coding, Bradley.

    idk what that means, i wrote 17 in jest.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    dude he's fuckin dead cheeseburgers is getting his shit, there's a memorial outside of his crib, weedsmoker dropped off fuckin raid and half a bottle of vodka, this isn't a hahahaha moment, quickmix this is a 'our friend is dead and you should stop patronizing it with your retarded nonsense' moment.

    King of trolls, fuck outta here. You aint shit compared to what my generation has done. You realize Shopping Cart for Brains started jenkem right?
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Can I send you nudes? I have a large piece i wanna show you.

    In wisconsin men call it a piece rather than a cock or weiner or whatever texas jargon is.

    We're gonna bring doug back to life with a child (if you can do that)
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