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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    ya bro i don't really give a fuck about looking like a He-Man character that hit a coma

    G was always a mischievious character that didn't like me, and I accept that, nigga looks like what i imagine a grave robber would find when he hits that crowbar on the last lock

    oooo so jealous haha

    but really i'd rather look like him at 60 than Quick Mix Ready.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Sudo i would love to be your drunk father, but this Islam. We either gotta go 100% or 0%, son, and I don't think we're Muhammadians.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    I jerk off after breakfast bro and if you watch me you're a fucking faggot.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Folks a lot of people like to shit on old people but i think they're a reserviour of experience & wisdom

    #1 Jiggaboo Johnson
    #17 SpectraL-
    #2 Quick Mix Ready
    #0 Stl1

    Honorable mention:


    Holy fuck do we have a lot of old people here.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    i bought a 4 pack of steel reserve, a 4 pack of Natural Ice, a pack of newport red 100s, comes with two packs of matches, and then I took the .18 cents that came back off the 15$ and put it on the ground outside the gas station for the homeless and shit
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    One day the Muslim hoards will overrun the West Bank, the Golan Heights and the Lebanease border.

    Every man woman and child will be brought into the street and their blood will cleanse the world of eternal jediry.

    And then when the sun rises, there will be no sabbath, there will be no Torah, there will just be dead jedis and the world exhaling, free of the parasite we rid of ourselves from.

    Or so my muslim says.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Wow yall are fucking mean

    I would love to see ANY of you high as fuck on meth, naked, walking around your boys trap house, cold as fuck, and he's like "here pose for grindr" and I just look up.

    Folks this isn't my beauty shots, this is real life.

    I'm not a "pretty man" i'm not really much of anything, I"m a shooter with a semi large penis and a subgenius IQ. I"m not the greatest, the strongest, the smartest, or the richest, but you know what I am a real nigger. A real nigger who has real problems, real solutions, things going good and thingus going bad, all at the same time.

    my friend who took that photo is dead of a heart attack from meth, you can't make this up, dude was my nigga.

    So yeah i'm ugly as shit, but you know what else I am?

    I'm just a person trying to be happy.

    & IDK where DOn't Tell Them gets off saying I critique women, i hope you know I don't like skinny girls, I like chubby girls, like not fat fat, but even if they are, IDGAF as long as they like take care of themselves.

    I coulnd't imagine shitting on a bitch because she's not aesthetically pleasing unless it's obvious she doesn't take care of themselves.

    Wonderful people come in all sizes, unless they're FAT FAT. Like if your beer belly passed their tits, i'm out.

    But for similar reasons, I don't have bitch tits.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by G Kid I've got a luscious full head of hair & 12% body fat for the last 3 years or so. Even in my lowest habitual drunk obese chatroom phase I always had a mane of glorious hair lol. Get out of your mental delusions & embrace reality.

    Why is hair so important bro? YOu know I do yoga once a day, I'm in fair shape, I literally do an offbrand workout of what you do, no reason to sit on your pedastal and hurl stones at the commoners.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by WellHung the tp roll is all fucked up.

    we have two one I steal and get shitloads of, the other is my mom's fancy shit.

    I don't mind using the receipt paper.

    But if it's not like infront of me, i'm gonna use the 14ply soft deluxe paper.

    So I keep it ontop of the roll

    Yes folks I am so cheap I steal toilet paper, smell good spray, & antibacterial soap.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    WHy don't you sit in their diner and enjoy 5$ unlimited Soup SALAD BradSticks

    Can't imagine calling some restaurant "Yea can i get your pistole rigamarolley, oh yes, I'd like french dressing with that."

    Like nigga just go buy a head of lettuce and some ranch and stop beating around someone wife's bush.

    oh u feel fancy, here's a microwaved hotdog, i bit it so it wouldn't EXPLODE
  11. Bradley Florida Man

  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Ok fucker u pick the next date & time? The only day I"m busy is the 3rd through the 29th
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    i accept your apology and look forward to our new friendship.

    in frith
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    I used to live across the street from this school like two months ago.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    imma try talking to him on the phone today and see what's going on with our guy.

    I will post back
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    are u making sloppy hoes?
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    IDK i just find viewing another man's excrement to be befouling to my soul.

    like it woudkln't be so bad if we were poaching and you dug a ditch, went and said "you wanna use this pit?" but you intentionally photographed your feces in a toilet then wanted me to view it.

    Kinda gross, like i get if you fart or something but don't cup it around your asshole and then share it with others.

    That's pretty fucking gross.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    what does cv mean?
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    idk what that emoji is,but if you promise to never send me innappropriate scat play photos, I will give you my number.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    WellHung are you lonely bro? Do you need someone to talk to on the phone or something?
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