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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    fuckbiscuit died two years bro. sorry to tell you. Kr0z is also dead. And 4j.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    hi Coppah are you still in that Army program for sex offenders? Tort got ssomthing like that now, he also camee out as transgender.

    Panthrax is balder than he was before and every now and then i get a message from tortilla about a two sevcen room opening up, maybe one day u will get emolested by such an invite too

    best o luck, hope things worked out with that girl
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm in this niggas sooul like a soulchilla paint sniffer
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Ask Hot Flamees to give ur girlfriend her "first" bbc experience for u
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    We will be having a Pow Wow every Full Moon to celebrate our Eternal White Emperor BradleyB whose white skin matched ours, but his heart and surpassed.

    Emperor BradleyB93 to (Still Alive) A.D.
    White Male America, Top, 27, HMU
    No weirdos.
  6. Bradley Florida Man

    Same sex pedophilism will be met with death at the first verified report. RIP AblinoKev cuz imma tell on u anonymously to me the director

    Heterosexual pedophiliaism will be treated on a case by case basis by heterosexual researchers who can better serve the system and victim. My choice is co researcher Sophia.

    That is all.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    i think we shoould get a colony of albino humans togther, like the Internationoal Space Station, and just breed them up to 30,000 as a tribe and give them a country to live in (Albania, would be obvious choice) in a world of racism and globalism and the invitable evenetually of thee "human race" why not throw a scieentific ironic bone in the histoory books and create a new race

    i bet if u asked them if they want to live in a society with only them and not be made fun or cut into pieces for African witch doctors, they'd say it's a prosocial thing too doo

    we as researchers can only fuck males over the age of 18 in the ass.

    milfs that have reached menopause may leave the society after at least 3 researchers have verified she is beyond her breeding years and may go to pasture

    Who wants to go to BradleyB's Albino Breeding Colony (ABC)

    "We do!" "We do!"

  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Damn i leave for a little bit and this site changes so much.

    Is Kr0z really dead? can anyone confirm
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Wariat. I have noticed you are both as well researched as you are predatory when it comes to relationships.

    From an academic perspective i am impressed, as a human being of low morality, i am still disgusted.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    I have been using drugs.

    But not a lot of them just

    A lot of them.

    I even took a Hydrocodone 5/325
    just now on accident, lol (they were mixed into proscriptions). II think the 325 is just Tylenol to take the edge off this crazy train.

    Also included today are
    Green Tea 1pot
    Bulk CBD my friends concern grows.
    1/3 of a dab cart
    45 minutes of Intermediate Vinyasa Flows
    1 blowjob from a stanger in the park (strong maybe)

    Sorry folx my liquor life license has been revoked

    All dranks off me, gas tank on B.

    Also I had my first HELP CALL 911 SOMEONE WANTS TO KILL ME BUT HE WON'T SHOW ME WHERE HE IS last night and my roommate wants me to move out because she doesn't feel comfortable. I said ok I can in like 8-9 weeks.

    Our lease ends August 1st.

    This has been another update brought to you by the #1 Nigger in America Bradley G

  11. Bradley Florida Man
    don't watch movies bro, i literally can watch 2 minutes of porn on a loop that makes me happy without any need or desire for more.

    It's quite nice, i very rarely get bored with having one on one relationships and prefer like if were to hang out with you, i'd turn my phone off rather than having people bother me. every couple hours it's on for a minute, i get that's annoying to people who are too lazy to write a text i can view later, but rather get ANGRY and call back to back times, wheni turn my phone on and see that shit, what's their for me to say?

    "I don't know why you called me almost a dozen times over the course of an hour, i'll call you tomorow morning when i'm home, if you have a chance HMU and i'll try to respond as fast as I can. What's good?"

    if I like them, if they call me a couple times and i block the call and they call me again, i just put them on ignore and give it till i remember or they can respect that my attention to the current moment is enough that i don't need others to FORCE me into HEARING them and GIVING IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK.

    I started doing it back when it was a cool drug dealer thing in 2006 to never answer your phone, never set up your voice mail and if u did answer the phone it was to say "What you need?" from someone that gets to call you because they only hand you bulk money so you work a lot harder for them.

    I knew this at 12. Some of you are just now thinking that world really might be like that.

    It's shitty to say but i have 113 voicemails, the only ones I check are ones I don't know (I can see them in an interface like texting through an app) and when i respond to their voicemail i do it in text.

    Bunch of buyers wanted to buy snakes from me and would ask me for 24 photos, can u tell me how he feels, does he smell like my first snake? and i got so much better shit to do, i post 2 of each snake, when they text me for more photos, I send 1 more photo of the snake. If they need to call me, verify they can pick it up in four years, or proceed to text me a paragraph i just tell them "I can discuss this in person, sorry. Not a long texter at my age." THen they show up and I'm 30, carrying a 2019 Tablet, and obviously am at work.

    This (and lack of profit sharing) is why I suck at working any job not paid commission or for someone I respect more than the money they're giving.

    Most of my friends I prefer to work for free and then ask them to help me later. i mean I get if it's building me a fucking deck or something, but like people be so greedy and shit asking me for 5$ gas money someone did last week to go to the post office, accross town, i said hell yeha, gave him 6, said it's all i had, he said that's cool thanks. Now everything he buys from anyone i am closer than he is too is going up 10% eights, grams, whatever he might be getting.

    I love how greedy people are always so poor and you can tell they never had anyhting except whatever they currently have that's giving them meaning.

    I love how some poor people go the opposite direction and though having very little, are more than willing to give what they do to those that need it. I'd rather be "below average significantly" and be happy with what I do, who I do, how i'm feeling, than be able to be insulted by someone because he is "my boss" and "I must"

    I mean maybe, but that's like is a fish wet? WHen she see me in space she be wet nigga.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    What is Hippomario05 is that hikkimario/japanis eteranl sorry im just trying to follow this to decide a) If I want to play ball on a new chatroom b) If OP is a fat greedy pussy who will never gangbang at any level that remotely rises to "wanksta"

    Wanksta would be a good user name for someone on this site that a) wanked, b) acted liek a nigger despite being white.

    Maybe i need a name change, maybe I just need a place change, maybe when I said "Bill Krozby whatever demon was in you, needs to enter me, i can tell." Idk, i started hearing rap music really really quietly for hte last like three or four days cuz of my ocmputer fans, & enhancements that run my 6 (soon to be 7 wheni cut the shrimpies in two tanks in preparation of giving one away to my business partner so he can start selling 7 types of aquatic plants on natural searock and shit & bring me more Fire Grade Red Shakura Shrimp (which is my next breeding plan and my hardest focus of study currenty making up my animal husbandry program.

    For the second time in my life I breed my favorite snake (Bestla 5 years old, had 4 1/2) to her husband (Bor 4 years old, had since about 3 or 4 months old)

    She is pastel he is pastel enchi

    They make my super pastel line. Puckket squares and my own study of animal husbandry genetic line illuminate a chance average of 8 eggs per clutch

    Super Pastel x 4 300 ish, more as babies and females properly sexed.
    Super Pastel, Enchi x4) 400ish.

    I also have Moe & Monica (I don't like 1 snake having multiple wives at all! My snakes mate for life and if they stop they get a sad divorce, never see each other again, and find other middle age snakes to fill their stretched out souls.

    Mojaves (along with four other strains) produce Blue Eyed Luecistics 1/4 times (400-600 dollars depending on purplish of head, cirspness of blue eyes, and lack of patterning (not anemic which is lack of pigment coloration.

    mojaves are a solid seller at like 150-225, probably get 500 for the pair whenever I wanted if I said the male is a female and the fmelae is a male, lied about age, said they should only breed with each other, and produced a photo of someone i ask to take ap hoto of their BEL cuz i'm excited about my clutch.

    sometimes instead of 1/4, it's like flipping a coin, you can get 10 heads.

    COuld end up getting 6 Bels, 2 Mojves and a still birth/die off in he last egg

    If u guys wanna see examples of my snakes, i'llt ake photos but i just wanted to ramble, get all this out there, and go smoke some pot and packing up my valubles to put into a storage locker or digsite everyone i know seems intrested in knowing, so is aid why co president do u want to konw where my best things are being hidden

    and he said cuz nigga if u die from aids or get shot tryna stab someone, i'mma get your shit.

    and i said ya ok that makes sense

    Wheni have no valubles except what i use, no tihings i hoard like fishing stuff and clothing, and no like i can't even think of anyhting, i guess anything bad like pipes or something, and then when i have all my stuff moved to the safety zone, well then, friends i can feel a little better and I might act a little different.

    God bless, don't break contracts with bad man! Or steal from them. Be good to bad man when he needed you and you'll love having one in a low place (Not sexually)

    I would say about half my friends are good people, and about half of them are "bad people", by society's standards, that's perfect for me, i like the variety spread of characters and points of view and knowledge based experience, so i never have a blind spot for finding a person i want in my life it's just a matter if they can expect me for being a dog that came from the shelter, hasn't been you, but growls alot and mauled soemone to death on a deck iin 2020, he woulda died if he didn't, but apparently,

    being a murderer is very unrespected unless u are Police Officer (by half of whites), a Veteran who did it during a war against an enemy soldier (Everyone loves soldiers imo) and... uh i guess if ur boyfirend/husband/babby daddy and he murdered himself, I would tell you how i respected him so much as a ruse to start playing FAMILY where he left off cuz he decided he's too good for life, (But I won't, Sometimes how close death follows me is bothersome, or times I smoke a blunt, put on a gold trap house chain, a nice watch, my suit and my nice ring with my new strawberry digital camo wear shoes and go walk the block with my boy for the day.

    Most women were checking out Trayvon Martin and waving at him and winking at him . I like when women see i said hey and i'm smiling and they see i'm giving them a little wave and walking away and they smile a little bigger and when i turn around they see me and wave.

    This has happened three or four times int he last week and everyone of them (Beginning with black julia) has a sweetheart that wants to do only two things Like them as friends, Fuck the shit out of them, Probably fall in love, let's be real.

    When I saw that first brown clitoris against my eyeballs at 15 I knew kinda like how Marco Polo felt when he told his father "Fuck the church I"m gonna be a explorer

    Thank you for my story time.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    i was gonna upload some photos of my set and then i was like "That's a lot of black bars to put infront of eyes (9 + 1 who has to be photographed alone as he is an African in AFrica and we are White People + 1 Hispanic, equal opportunitty try out givers

    Unless u look like a bitch and won't not look like a bitch and or are whiney about your own failures.

    You'd never make it like you never made it anywhere, have fun when ur VR porn forum closes and ur the fattest guy at the food pantry still.

    Like really dude, i think u can come ever 4 weeks. I haven't bought groceries in over 3 years, I rely on the food pantry (by choice)

    fat fuck, mail me ur food stamps and I'll mail u a pair of walking shoes and u can see what it's like to walk a mile knowing a retard who makes such great posts as you.
  14. Bradley Florida Man

    yall ever heard low liek rap music (or your favorite or another type of music) like uc can just barely hear it a little and maybe make out words

    like making shapes in clouds or finding position in waves.

    I know it's coming from R&B played by the abused woman with 4 kids who husband beats them all. He goes tow ork, she sits on her as while these kids cream (I've never seen her except once when someone left their vehicle running and i told all 6 units, fat, unkempt, hair uncombed, kids toys and plates adn shit everywhere, i can see why he comes home from working all day and beats her ass and she's not even drunk.

    Retarded white lady that's out of shape, lazy, and doesn't take care of her already existing 4 children and mastrubates to nigger voices i have to mistranslate as me developing Kr0zicism (Where fictional nigger voices (Or maybe they were soul singers, get it lol) or Skitzo Affective.

    Or maybe im just really really high.

    Good thoughts. If i ever die, remember it was quick mix ready = killed bradleyb for living out his dream of meeting Trayvon Martin/Red/Barbara Sue (His real name according to his female, Canadian ID, I noticed when he showed brothel staff after they accused of us of not paying the senior citizen premium. I said hey fuck off my friend is not elderly and neither am I.

    I wish I had a fake ID or like a fake name I could go by, that i could make everyone forget my real identity with as I wear them out one last time.

    Just kidding i've never had sex with Kr0z but i want all of you to know, i was going to and I am at some point going to live out his retarded fantasies when i tell drug addicted women they call me Kr0z cuz of my Kr0zD0g and then attempt to do the hickish laugh that worked out so well for him.

    I kinda giggle and that's not by choice, being a gangster

    also not really by choice.

    Still doing both of em, definitely a sign of my high socialsocioeconomic status i am descended from, repulsed by, and largely copying myself like a cycle of addiction.

    my mom actually says "I can't believe you didn't break your addicition" and im like "ya idk how i even got exposed to pedophiles, alcoholism, child abuse, lying to protect my loved onces even at detriment to myself, and my position as the child of an alcoholic

    Don't Talk
    Don't Act
    Don't Think
    Don't Feel

    If you grew up with a single parent household or wish you did because both were such shit people and it be easier with just one (I was blessed with a father who didn't molest me or want anything to do with me or my mom) truthfully. if I was a deadbeat dad that left me alone with that mean dumb drunk, I'd be honest with him. He had to save himself.

    Moving in a couple months. My roommate wants me to break my lease agreement with her (not mangement) from when I moved in, because "I mentioned when i first moved in, that i may leave around June or July. FOlks for over 9 months she has planned on finally finding a man to accept free housing from her, accept her low physical appearance and lower acitivity level and the fact that she doesn't like anal sex or cum (sorry, that's the only reason i want to do this with ugly people when I finish power lifting at the gym and can't find anyone better before i shower :P

    So i'mma tell them "I have an apartment for August 1st like when our lease ends, i can ask them to move it up and let you know what they say."

    then imma tell more lies and not pay any pills and if her new friend comes over I told three of my boys each one of them can have a couch but one of them has to sleep on a blow up mattress.

    I have mail from the bank, clerk of courts, my stimulus and a letter from the landlord in fall asking her if the bonsai treees outside are mine, as they want everything off the patio/yard before it snows.

    Figured all she can say is "He said when he moved in and was taking the apartment half over with me, that he mentioned right at first that he may want to move out before the least is over in August, like july or june. No this wasn't included in our 1 year written informal lease agreement i signed, or mentioned until I really didn't want to be just me and my cat living at my mom's house for the rest of my life while i work at a garbage recycling center everyone says is just a dump

    it's not!

    Her house was a fucking hoarders episode when i moved in here, ammonia from her never doing anything with the cats, one of them had worms, fucking just straight up nasty bitch, but she lives in her 1 room except to make trash piles and a dirty kitchen, so I snap on her and tell her to do the fucking dishes with the dishwasher and ask her how she sanitizes anything at her job with this attitude (But only when i am drunk and she will not clean the kitchen)

    folks she liked me when i got here and i was tarving and this fat bitch din't even think to offer me some food once or twice, i have fed her probably 15 times when people are over, she straight up orders 2 mcdonalds bags (while we're drinking one day), puts on in the fridge for later, and goes into her room to each the other while her cat and i (cats don't want fries and grease and mixers at all).

    Do I eat mcdonalds? She's never seen me. But I bought her taco bell when i was fixing her/our vacuum that's probably gonna break before i leave.

    folks i want all to know, I am a great friend to my people and I really shit i can't even desribe it. I try to have empathy and when people like really get to me, I just wanna see them struggle and if I can make it happen without blame or fuck it go blame me and find out what 8 of me feels like that you don't know how to tell on

    mas niggas amore they BradleyB

    And if they don't, they sure as fuck adore the fact that when it's they in a situation.

    Friends, i have had a history or reputation or i guess like tic, where when conflict starts (especially when it's for one of my people) i have a habit of taking things "Way Too Far"

    Similiarly this is how both men and women describe one night stands after I tell them "I"m not big or anything but i'm a white guy" and refuse to send them a photo just to shlap them in the fact with the monster that created this thread.

    Thank you for dealing iwth my rambling, excited speech, and hitting on that black lady with the pink nails that made us a burrito and had the broken nail u asked her if u could kiss (I think that's what you said) she can take her glove off in the middle, I might too with mine

    I have never loved more people than make up this community and I want you all to know, much like bricks in a wall, none of you are important and like Liver cells that also feel emotions, none of us are as important as all of us in the Tample of the Screaming Erection, NiggerZoklet &

    I have confirmed, blacks everywhere are more confused than offended by the term Nigrums

    They seem to think it connotates to Negros.

    I think I might take that pill that prevents you from getting aids, so that I can have sex with black women without fear of geting it from them, i figured whatever else some kind mulatto girl can give me else can be treated like her by me BradleyB

    i have the same disease as Quick Mix Ready, but it's fuckin worse cuz i got no addies, and I love to walk
    just a disease to plesee me, as I go out on my blockin, lookin at your momma and tuggin on my cock
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    I mean, yea but why
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Im not sure I want to hang out on here anymore. shits all fucked up and shit and I have a future of got damn responsibilities to do and I still have no seen one dollar of my tax returns nor my stimulas has come. nor my Unemployment. why is it taking so got damn long when Mr Biden wrote me personaly and said I would get 2000 from the Stimulas. 1400 and another 600 on top of my IRS refund not paid from 2020 yet. was supposed to be in my account April 5th or some shit.

    where the fucking hell is my Money. its over a month late. fucking bloody hell

    i just baet thete "King of all Trolls" by scaring him so badly with my trollin and playin oon his fears and makin funny shitty up
    u sir suck at trolling and are a failure and a tired burnt out husk of a troll if u ever were one

    worry about diabetes not being the King of Trolls weak nigga from the 90s
  17. Bradley Florida Man

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Im not sure I want to hang out on here anymore. shits all fucked up and shit and I have a future of got damn responsibilities to do and I still have no seen one dollar of my tax returns nor my stimulas has come. nor my Unemployment. why is it taking so got damn long when Mr Biden wrote me personaly and said I would get 2000 from the Stimulas. 1400 and another 600 on top of my IRS refund not paid from 2020 yet. was supposed to be in my account April 5th or some shit.

    where the fucking hell is my Money. its over a month late. fucking bloody hell

    i just baet thete "King of all Trolls" by scaring him so badly with my trollin and playin oon his fears and makin funny shitty up
    u sir suck at trolling and are a failure and a tired burnt out husk of a troll if u ever were one

    worry about diabetes not being the King of Trolls weak nigga from the 90s
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    LOL! Quick Mix Ready r u actually this upset ur gonna leave 1 seecond imma seet the record straight yall
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    it might be in recent foldere if he was all high on tweak
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    has anyone sought out cheeseburger for the labtop so we can confirm or deny whether or deny the allegations by austin pd

    or is she just in possesion of that felony level cp???????? out friend kilt hisself he was os cared of it being found,

    it might be something yall
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