2022-04-09 at 3:01 AM UTC
Folks I've been selling thinsg online and I got scimmy scammed.
I'm goin gto ask my friends in third world countries for money.
Whatever they send me I will return 3fold/10fold if below 50$
I have never sent more than 10$ to them and am asking each one for 90$ to make ends meet for this month as a loan, kinda word it where i couldn't pay it off,
then i'mma hit em all with xfold more.
2022-04-09 at 3:05 AM UTC
ildds send t you money in riptyo but you clearly don't need it'. I don't need money and I have a job. Your excuse? We the same age BRWTW and im a rat faced ngiger lets here it fellow africon