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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man

    This is what i walk 3-5 times a week. I've walked this distance abut everyday the last 4 days like is aid.

    I didn't reealize i was walking this much. I think taht's why i am in OK shape

    please don't hurt me irl, you will be fighting a scared cat that will go home. I exerecise so much with yoga, fucking, walking and push ups/pull ups/sit ups/squats because i'm afraid to die unable too walk, i'm a man who loves to fight, and I like to have better sexual performance and look more attractive

    remember], this fitness hobby is a journey not a destination.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    This is why i'm noto fat despite my excessive consumption, i thoought walking to the lake was a mile or so away, apparently i've been walking 8 1/2 miles everey othr day, not whateever number i said

    please don't hurt me, my life is kinda horrible already and you will be killed in thee attempt if I am blessed

  3. Bradley Florida Man
    i used to be eaddicted to k2 am2201 and then the bleends when i got out of prison
    bath salts were kinda gay to me and I think Crouton is good if used for pain but kinda gay as well
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    oh and effexx0r foor my depression
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    xanax (tiny amounts)

    i used to drink alcoohol until yeesterday at 7pm 5/15/21
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    ur so lucky i prayed for u despite your massive homosexuality bringing down the porch on you.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    they should give us mental health counseling and ipads to do zoom on
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    my friends mom said she has the backpack i thinks he's gonna steal the weeed that's in it but that's w/e tbh maybe not we'll find out
    i'm gtting my id lube food stams cards, only bank card, fucked up phonee and vape charger so that's super cool

    i figured she'd bel ike nah u didn't leave it here just to keep the weed and lube
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    i was at onoee point considered a genius and received a 31 on the ACT the first/only time I took it.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm also a devout Pansexual & consider myself to be a Conservative Moderate but I did support Donald Trump until he let Joe Biden steal the 2020 election but then didn't do anything.

    now i support biden cuz he's my president but i think he's a lame and fear kamila like i fear hillary
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready you are just some guy he used to start shit because of what I said, clearly pushed him over the edge.

    I like Red, I just figured it was something like this that he tried to tell me Totse wasnt related to 9/11 events. all i said was it was used to post threats on. it has become an ongoing joke Jeff Hunter did 9/11 which I found funny as well. this wasnt my beef with Jeff. it was a conversation we had on the afternoon hours after it happen. Feds apparently was at his house and he warned me to fuck off and not stir shit up and blame him for not reporting it. clearly they were watching the site. or someone that morning called them. everything regarding how to make weapons to the 9/11 manifesto thread that was probably 300 plus pages long was removed from the board. "We want bad ideas back". who were you on totse, bradly? since youre close to 40 i would think youre at least early .com days.

    I was Greenspam.

    I came to this community in 2010/2011 under the name RCVBradleyB93. I was born in 1993 and am a 27 year old American White male who loves drugs and sex, I am colleege educateed in Busineess Administration & Accounting but consider myself to be self taught in a variety of differeent secret skills and sects.

    Red alluded to this and you've known it for a long time.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Brush well with this shit, then use 3% hydrogen peroxide as mouthwash for a minute or so (you can buy stronger, and I heard of people using up to 10%, but be careful). It's a strong whitener, so don't get it on your clothes either.

    how ooften can u usee it
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    DC also has a high popuatinoo where iet's dense i think at one point it was the highest homicide rate in the nation but it;'s an outlier cuz i think there's like 60,000 people ther making it a very diny dense population like the gaza strip or anywhere with water in africa. The white folks leave and leave only the poorest, infirm, and disinfranchised young, which in turn creates a whole class of criminals who juggle the realities of economic stagnation, life in a violent place, and a depenedence on the same violence and crime to survive that made the place such a shithole for him as a juvenile

    believe me being on ssi and sell cock shots to Ghost has gotten me really paid these last couple years, ive been able to settle down into my alcoholic personality really successfully

    but i feel confident about today, i have these shitty non narcotic anxiety pills i have to take when i first quit drinking and sometimes when i get anxious about going out

    not sure why, i blame the amount of crystal meth i did with my father up north for giving me the same type of anxiety attaks he got

    i continue to use about 1-2g of crytstal (I just buy 1g and then quit again unless imy friends have more and are with me getting high)
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    damn that's awesome there's no way iw ooulnd't have it and i got teseted three weeks ago and have only had sex with like a dozen different sex partners since i declared myself to ghoost that i was a winner when one of this threeads about just walking up to women and complimenting them and touching their arms and getting their name and thee entire time i smile as wide as I can (I have off whitee straight teeeth 31 1/2 are present which is extremeely good for a man who loves to fight other men for hobby/sport
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 I mean acting like you're involved with Jeff and company, and pushing false narrative about wozny guy

    yes and red and the mic that is all accurate
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    i shuld havea son with some meexican girl and name the boy Douglas Bill Krozby B and raise him as my own
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Intimidation failed, brad

    dude im trying to get quick mix ready to woork out cuz he has the same shit wroong with him that i doo (a bunch nd slight retarrdation)

    help me get him to walk in a chatroom, we could all do it, first one to gete hit by a caro n accident loses

    ur in good shape cuz of ur job SecretCrawlspace, but hima nd I literally can just sit on our asses and eat and be entrtained,

    we haave to gete out and exercise, if u were fat i would push u to walk with us
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    i haven't walked today but will be taking a marine scenic route that is about 5-7 miles. I sorta know i can walk 4MPH the entire time and guesstimate most of my disances and just walk in huge 2 hour loops around town stopping to do dumb shit like get high or try to talk to cute girls, go into every gas station to check my atm and hit on girl cashiers and buy 1 item like im a cool nigga just on the go with money

    BradleyB a determined horny motherfucker, i masturbated 8 times last night and the night before i was having sex with an ugly dude and couldn't come cuz i just wasn't feeling it.

    but i really wanna come in brown girls most of all . I used to do a set of 10 push ups or 10 squats everytime i wanted to check my telephone to see if horny twinks wanted ot get ahold of me and everytime i sent a text message, so i'd end up doing at some points 50 or 60 push ups and squats in 30 or 40 minutes which is also good cuz it makes me seem way less desperate

    I am extremly desperate and have to move out in 2 1/2 months on August 1st i can't live with my mom according to my mom so i'm hoping to put my half a house worth of stuff in the basement and then just idk i can't live above a bar like i used to or i'll live at the bar or get killed outside the bar, so i'm thinking get in good sahpe, find attractive partner with life together => RUIN IT WITH MY DRUG ADDDICTION CO DEPENDENCY AND NIGGA TENDENCIES

    I will pay like 300 or 400 in rent and not use a bitch though because I am a man and never would mooch like that out of pride.

    (UNless I had to then I will survive)
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Beenw alking everyday despite pain in my knees being so so. I never take pain medication. Walking 5-6 miles back to back to back (5 days ina row, all the days iw as gone i would walk to give my mom a break from me) and my beautiful calves are kinda lookin toned & r sore.

    Upon closer examination i have determined I am not the world's sexiest gangster, my work out partner Paul Wozny/Quick Mix Ready is.

    He and I are gonna video call and motivate each other to walk. as I said before I will walk days he does and we can talk when i get my cell phone back from my friend's mom i fucked on saturday

    i think it'll be really cool and a great way for me to GPS cordinate my friend's location when he's walking alone to keep him safe incase they don't see the walking couch on the side of the road.

    God bless everyone except Kevin
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    we can find a way to link up with a friend.

    or other boardgames such as monopoly or risk would be kinda fun

    everyone is welcome and included :)

    I"m trying not to drink today and stay busy
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