2022-05-10 at 6:55 AM UTC
I hope she doesn't have a name like L-A.
I shit you not I had to interview her and I pronounced it La Ah she corrected me that it was LA Dash Ah ....
2022-05-10 at 6:53 AM UTC
I think I might do the trendy thing to do and date a black person cuz I agree with BLM kinda, i like watching black buns filled with white chocks, and I am a fan of gangsta rap and being ez wit it
2022-05-10 at 6:42 AM UTC
complimented a beautiful black lady today, thought of you.
Mostly cuz Im sick of not getting money.
My vacation going good. Might cut it short.
Dude I'm staying with bought me a cheap switchblade. It really is the thought that matters.
White Widow from Michigan. I don't like it. Also some carts that taste how pine smells and is listed as OG COOKIES.
Sounds like a lot of you have severe codependency
2022-05-04 at 10:07 PM UTC
tips on running from cops
Don't they teach kids this where you're from?
2022-05-04 at 10:06 PM UTC
tips on running from cops
What the police do is typically set up a perimeter. It can be accomplished as a square by as little as 2 officers. The goal is to escape the immediate vicinity before they establish a perimeter, the securing of an area allows them to thoroughly comb an area with 8-12 other back up officers,
Same logic applies to car chases, as soon as they secure you with the Chopper you're on Fox6 and not gonna be able to evade your pursuers.
2022-05-04 at 10:02 PM UTC
tips on running from cops
Avoid letting people see you running down the street at full speed, 1 block or 2 that's okay, don't run all the way to your destination cuz you'll draw eyes and make memories
2022-05-04 at 10:01 PM UTC
tips on running from cops
1 Beat the scene
2 Beat the description
3 Beat the case
This memory aids reminds us to first get away from the immediate area of the cop or crime, change your appearance, a jacket going off into a dumpster or bag, or pulling one on and putting it on with the bag on under it.
Deny being in the area + not looking like who did it, let's you walk
My grindrname is BradleyWITop
Have had a lot of ass in my face and would recommend unless they are unclean.
So I'm going to try to prove that her Belgian lover she never met isn't real.
Do any of you speak Dutch so we can verify the easiest element possible.
Spent the last 5 days in bed with my friend I'm visiting, came up here to fish but I've just been getting drunk and fucking.
I'm the trap God and I walk on water.