Despite hating myself I'm happy I am alive and can't really wrap my myself around the idea of suicide.
I feel like the Paul Wozny and it's not a good feeling.
This has been one of the most exciting and greatest days of my life.
I'm so proud of myself for doing what I said I wanted for only myself and my own desires.
I've been not doing good it's been really fucking fun.
Step 1:
Stop taking your meds, you don't even need the arthritis ones if someone asks tell them you don't get any meds anymore.
Step 2:
Folks this will require about 3$, 2.80 at Walmart.
Bring 20. Youll require 4 four packs now I probably shouldn't give away all the secrets:
the number% ABV must be high enough to put clearly on the can.
I've tried most of them unless they're not cheap, my recommendation;
Hurricane Malt Liquor
Reds Apple Ale
Steel reserve 211
Get all of them everyday fuck it!
Step 3 realize you're officially back withdrawing from alcohol, shake and get sick every 8 to 12 hours and you barely eat.
But you do hate yourself and the majority of the people in your life. I love this community tho mostly because of the interactions you and I have shared. Don't ever forget thisfaggot.
Step 3 suck and fuck and tweak and drink and fall in love with your ex.
I packed up all the stuff, she made dinner and started ridiculing me guys. So I told her my opinion of her and said I don't normally tell people how I really feel. She locked me out of the house when I went outside and called the police non emergency line for a welfare check
Step 5 tell the cops youre moving to Florida tomorrow morning and don't get welfare checks my SOCIAL SECURITY go on a card.
He said what do you need out of the house. I have 3 outfits a fishing pole and the ring I was wearing and my wallet
Step 6 oh shoot the cop thouggt I was serious, drove me to the greyhound station and "helped me" use my debit card to buy a ticket at noon two days ago to be in Miami Florida 50 hours later
Folks I've left the state of Wisconsin twice before and I'm 28 and visited 11 cities in the last day, got robbed for my phone in Atlanta, smoked crack, bought a blunt at every stop, got my dick sucked by a black person in the bathroom (the highlight so far) and tried to fuck this fat Amish girl who going to Ft Lauderdale.
She told me she is widower and not promiscuous. I said oh and started writing this
But I have a plan for when I get there! And it involves me asking for mental health treatment while I detox at the hospital. I hope I can get back on my meds and into transitional housing.
I had a seizure 2 weeks ago from delerium tremens and that's when I realized I'm fucked (again)
So I took the opportunity of my departure to tell everyone exactly how I always felt about them
My best friend stole from me while I was gone and I just kinda realized everyone in my life except for 3 men could not exist and I'd be happier. So I gave away everything I own or told my roommate to keep it or left it at my mom's.
tldr I'm doing what §m£ÂgØL did except I'm gonna get my dick sucked a lot not fucked in the ass by hydromorphones husband in a piss smelling trailer.
Or maybe I will!
Declared yourself the greatest and THEN YOU CATCH DAT BUS
to Miami where youre gonna try not to be an ego tistical mean drunk
I'm gonna try to be nice to everyone I meet and not be the piece of shit I have been for years that thinks he needs to be the bad guy because I have been for so long. Can't wait to be drunk in 7 hours guys, Miami in 12.
Long Live our Community.
I will include a photo of me and the Amish lady who while not being a looker has a really cute mouth and an accent I've never heard b4
I'm not sure how to say this but I like to hurt people and if I fuck up I throw 30+1 and run.
I called the office and cops for the a suiciding 15 year old. I even called 911, they said I need to call Marinette, I told them to transfer me they didn't, called 911 again asked what I'm supposed to do, restated the name and said if this kid dies its on you, "but I tried" have a good night.
My oppositional fighters regret their choice in an ops.
I literally meditate and ask for myself who is the worst enemy they could ever have.
Enjoy CPS
2022-05-28 at 4:42 PM UTC
red flag
Imagine being a sufferer of autism and someone rapes you, dumb bitch can't see a set up. Good luck kafka
2022-05-28 at 4:40 PM UTC
red flag
Have a good time getting the good. I hope it works out.
2022-05-28 at 4:39 PM UTC
It's 1999
So I came to share this with you.
2022-05-28 at 10:32 AM UTC
I don't like pedophiles
I guess free speech is a double edge sword.
About 20% of the userbase is pedophiles.
I won't be back
Spoiler alert:
I do discuss the ending.
Plot Summary:
1963, Western United States.
These 2 cowboy rancher guys get a job doing some sheep herding as a seasonal job. Out alone with no one else to talk to this small 20 year old gay guy gets to be his friend.
Other guy is manly and I think unattractive.
He gets the older guy really drunk and they have in tents sex. It was OK I guess, so then it's the dynamics of their first year relationship.
They annually anally take this job, both have straight families with kids on the side.
A decade later the twink wants his daddy to leave his family and start a ranch.
Daddy tells him he doesn't want to be gay.
It's really sad.
So he gets to thinking about cock and his boy toy and says fuck it and goes to call him.
The twinks wife answers the phone and said local fag haters beat him to death in a field years earlier.
He struggles with this and went to go visit his boy toys mom and dad and dad said ya he was with another man from Texas and had planned on starting the ranch with him.
Tldr I watched some fag movie with my gay friend about 2 dudes falling in love and it made me cry, but I was really drunk too.
Then we watched about gay conversion therapy and had gay sex before bed.
One of the best movies I've ever seen, fags.
Don't give your mom's money to children for sex bro
2022-05-25 at 3:06 AM UTC
Thumbs down button.
Thumbs down button will not assist us in group cohesion