personally it's sad for me that sommeone I was e-friends with for 12 years and watched go from a nodding out junkie on tinychat to a successful friend who is dual employeed-college enrolled, and text regularly turn into a massive doucher who wants me to fail.
Like RIPTotse I'm not jealous of you, I'm really proud of you and your life and your explanations of things have made me reconsider the methadone maintence type program, you've been a good friend to me, I wish I could say that I didn't use for the last ten years, but you're unbridled desire to see me fail is kinda sad and makes you a bad friend.
I hope everyone here except Wariat has successful lives, grows and improves their condition. It's just sad that not everyone feels the same.
Other times it's kinda like this;
1 guy works hard for five years and gets promoted to supervisor, I get hired and tell him I want to get promoted to supervisor one day too, he sees I am better qualified for the supervisor position, so by either committing real sabotage (telling the boss i'm stealing, making my job harder, etc) or by manipulating me as an individual (telling me how hard it was for him tow become supervisor, saying how i'll never be promoted) he attempts to ruin my ability to advance in the field.
This is done because like in this example, he's been working hard, in college, doing his best for 10 years but doesn't have a degree or anything to show for it, I took 1 year of college in UW Whitewater (3.5GPA iirc), had 1 year of AP class credits and will have an associate degree with honors in December.
He's hoping that I fail so that it makes what he's barely managed to achieve in over a decade of working at seem more impressive and not an easily reached level of success.
Kinda shitty, but he's a bitch and I learned that this week.
ok so crab fisherman commonly store crabs in a bucket, now they're made of slippery plastic but before they were made out of wood.
It is incredible easy for a crab to walk up an uneven surface. So one would think that crabs in a bucket would all climb out. However, when placed in a bucket with other crabs as soon as 1 crab starts to climb up, other crabs grab his legs/body and more crabs soon crab onto the crab trying to hold down the first crab, resulting in the first crab losing his grip and them all falling back into the bottom.
All the crabs could escape if they just acted independently to climb up the bucket and go onto live wonderfully crabby lives.
However because of extremely unhappy crabs (RIPTOTSE in this case) no one is able to suceed. My success is seen as detrimental to his greater position in life, so he pulls me down, so that we all remain at the bottom, all unhappy, all soon going to be turned into chowder.
It's necessary in life to escape crab bucket mentality type people, lest they drag you back to your death, where they seem happy to just wallow, refusing to undertake anything that would result in anyone other than them being better off, alive, or successful.
aka a hatin ass bitch nigga
i really wish I wasn't gay, I want a family in the traditional sense, I want to be happy, I like pussy. I just like having sex with feminine men too buyt I dont'w ant to be with one and like hold hands with them walking down the street and feel their stubble when they kiss me. THat's fucking gay.
RIPTOTSE has a very crab bucket mentality (and it shows)
HTS would be a lot happier with me.
i got a lot of these absorb the canadian states & the mexican states into the United States of North America
immediately seed widespread propaganda against those JOB STEALING PANAMANIANS!!! Ask ourselves who really gonna fight us if we hit cuba? Immediately sack cubans president and tell everyone in Cuba they can swim to Columbia or get the fuck over it, call in the national guard to eliminate the cartels in Mexico, START BUILDING PRISONS!~!~!~!~!~!~ Give everyone minimum wage!!!
Tell Canada their dollar won't be shit anymore!!!! UNITE ALASKA WITH UNITED STATES THROUGH THE MANIFEST 2.0 Destiny!!!!
Tell Peurto Rico to get real and institute federal taxes there making them a state as well!!!
ok im done for now.
In America, Force all previously self reported White, Black, Asian, Native American or Hispanic persons to marry outside of their race, anyone who previously checked "Mixed 2 or more races" are free to breed with anyone. Anyone who has 'Pure' children will be heavily taxed much like China's One Child Policy taxation. Make EVERYONE have non white genetics until American racism is something that no longer exists.
White Power
Utilize the Monroe Doctrine to absorb all Northern Hemisphere nations into The United States of Americas through rapid military coup attempts, guaranteed 8$ minimum wage, and elimination of all political leaders (now called governors until the next election), encourage China to do the same in Asia.
Ask Europe if they want to be the United Nations of Europe or part of the United States of Greater Americas.
WAGE 1v1 global war!!!! (No one wants the pacific islands, aside from for bases, no one wants Africa at all for anything, and Australia will always side with America)
I've played Risk
Focus on increasing green taxes and recycling incentivation
Free Wifi everywhere, NO WPA2 passwords!!!, Good Signal in the cities through SOCIALIST infrastructure
Lower drinking age, age for sharpies/paints/whip its/ETC to 18. OR increase everything Age of Consent, Age of Military Enlistment, Age of Majority/Voting to 21, YOU CANNOT GET IT BOTH WAYS
Decrease punishment for drugs (all), Increase punishment for child sex crimes with an exponential increase to repeat offenders and sex crimes against pre pubescent (<13 year old victims). Bring back the Death Penalty, commute all lifeterms to execution and rapidly carry them out.
& kill yourself.
Hoping to illucidate others why I, BradleyB, deserves some pussy, a wife, someone to give me a place to live, and hopefully someone desirous enough of me enough to want me for a life partner despite my faults so that I can love them, settle down, learn everything there is to know about them, and go to sleep every night being held by a person that's chosen to spend their life to me.
! Introduce yourself to your classmates by writing a couple of paragraphs. After everyone has posted, please respond to a couple of people who may share similar backgrounds or educational experiences with you. Also, attach a digital picture of yourself to the posting or set up your profile in the My Blackboard menu. Here is some information you might want to share with your classmates:
Your name and a little personal background about yourself
Your interests, hobbies, sports
Future plans
What courses are you currently taking and/or plan to take?
Remember to attach a picture to the posting or set up your profile in the My Blackboard menu.
yall like how I skipped over 9 years of being a total failure (4 of which I was incarcerated for)
This is for my Earth sciences classes, so bear in mind I just wrote it once, checked for misspellings and called it a day. It's called Introduce yourself.
Hello, everyone. My name is Bradley "Bigs" Weiner-Johnson. I am a 29 year old man from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I graduated from Mexicans Mostly High School in 2011. I attended one year of schooling at UW-Whitewater in Whitewater, Wisconsin the following year which focused on Accounting. I haven’t been enrolled in education for some time and recently moved to Miami, Florida about a month ago because I wanted a new start in life. I don’t know many people in the area but am doing my best to make friends and forge a life for myself here.
I have an interest in horticulture especially as it relates to landscaping and bonsai. I am also a former animal breeder specializing in freshwater tropical fish, aquarium plants, line breeding of ball pythons, redtail boa constrictors, and the line breeding of various types of finches. I enjoy studying the genetics of animals as it relates to animal husbandry, mostly limiting myself to that of ball pythons and guppies. I also enjoy fishing from shore. Florida was a large draw because I have always liked Hispanic culture, tropical plants, and the ocean. That is some of the reasoning that led me to moving here.
My future plans are to stay in Florida for life, likely southern Florida in the greater Miami area. I would like to one day have a family and get married and have children, but am largely focusing on my own education and advancement first. My major is Computer Information Technology, where I plan to focus on database management and network management. I am currently in five courses to satisfy the Associate requirements so that I can transfer to a state school upon completion. I am taking Introduction to Philosophy, Humanities, Calculus AB, Environmental Sciences and Advanced Earth Sciences this semester. Following this semester I am hoping my classes more closely relate to my major.
I look forward to learning with all of you this semester and responding to some of the other introductions in this discussion board. I appreciate you taking the time to read my introduction and look forward to reading your replies below. See you in school. :)
2022-08-28 at 3:42 PM UTC
Bradley's beard
I don't tell men I want to fuck that I sleep with women.
I don't tell women that I want to fuck that I sleep with men.
Pretty simple, folks.
Wow that's really mean to say, I'm disabled and content with what I have. For someone who speaks of zen and planes of existance and all that other bullshit about morality, it's kinda shocking you're so hypocritical when it comes to contentment and acceptance of ones current position.
I'm not sure if a lot of people are comfortable with their disability stipend, I used to 15 months ago juggle paying rent (albiet I paid a little less), with my alcoholism and rampant narcotics use. I was unable to save but able to live in my means and supply my own habits and make a little side hustle.
Once I moved somewhere where cigarettes are 4$ a pack instead of 10, stopped drinking (Which is about 10$ a day), stopped using crystal meth and marijuana.
I have less to pay for (drugs/alcohol), pay less for what I do need (cigarettes_, and have the same amount of desires (almost none) so whereas before I was making due and making ends meet, now I have a surplus, that little bit of surplus is my window where I find contentment enough to facilitate my life, do I really want a 400$ Surf Rod & Reel that can help me land big ass monsters with ease? Yes, but am I able to use the rod with the busted tip and the plastic reel from the 90s? Yea
bro all this talk about people fucking each other in the ass has made me wanna go sodomize a stranger i meet off grindr.