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Posts by Fluttershy

  1. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Yes, get the job.
    No, don’t help immigrants cheat for chump change.
    You’re literally talking about throwing out your whole future for an extra few hundred a week.
  2. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Is not wearing underwear also for hygiene reasons or do you just like rawdogging sweatpants around a bunch of other men all day?
  3. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
  4. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not if you have the ability to go multiple times no dumb dumb…the implication of "once in a lifetime" is that you can ONLY go 1 time..

    Wow, you guys need to lay off the crack

    Many people don’t have the ability to go to Greece at all, let alone once in their lifetime.
    Considering I’ve never had that opportunity and likely never will, I’d consider it a once in a lifetime opportunity if it came up. If it came up twice maybe I wouldn’t.
    You are arguing semantics to cover up your trust fund. Try harder, Jedi.
  5. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Brad to me it seems like you have control issues. You’re more than willing and capable of facing adversity when it’s self inflicted, but god forbid your boss tell you to do your homework in the living room for a few hours a day.
    Isn’t time management part of being, you know, a manager?
    To me it just seems like you’re using this as an excuse to fall back into bad habits. And if that’s what you wanna do I won’t fault you for it, god knows you’re more fun when you’re fucked up, but at a certain point you have to either break the cycle or just accept it.
  6. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You're confusing special with frequency.

    You can have a special time in a tent in your backyard if you really want to.

    A once in a lifetime trip/event is something that you only do…once in a lifetime.

    …going to shitty Greece isn't it

    So if I go to Greece once in my lifetime and never come back it’s not a once in a lifetime trip?
    Ok retard.
  7. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka

    Originally posted by Kafka

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Irene Apartments Agios Gordios
    364 reviews
    Greece, Corfu, Agios Gordios
    7 nightsSelf CateringStudio Superior (2-3pax)
    02 Oct 2024 from London Gatwick
    Includes flight and apartment.

    ^ $300 per person for 7 days…If that's your idea of once in a lifetime one needs to aim higher!

    Hell I spend more than that in 1 day when I got to San Antonio or New Orleans.

    Not everyone has $300 expendable income or the ability to take off work/other responsibilities for a week. (and that’s assuming there are no other expenses) You guys sound actually retarded. Some of us need to decide between heat and lights and y’all are trying to explain how your extravagant vacations “really aren’t a big deal”
    Fuck you, faggot.
  8. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Instigator

    I made up the saloon bit.

    Jesus Christ. Someone please tell me this is AI generated.
  9. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    One of my fav movies when I was a kid 🥰
    I still randomly say some of the lines …

    You’re killin me smalls!
    The great bambino !

    Happy 9/11 Candy!!!!
  10. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood They must have been thirsty!

    They must have all been thirsty

    He must have been thirsty

    That was the funniest shit I ever read
  11. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka You're the one that's entitled for thinking you can make rape threats toward me then asking me to add you on Steam. You don't meet my standards of what a good person is and neither does Donald and you cannot change that.

    Why does he need to be a good person to play video games with him?
  12. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Instigator Fried potatoes are often referred to as "frisps" is certain back alley drinking saloons I used to visit.

    Out of all the things that aren’t true this aren’t true the most
  13. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Fuck you, get a job.

    BradleyB has a job! He just doesn’t work for “money”, per se.
  14. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka This is why men shouldn't be allowed to vote. You would rather a senile and uneducated narcissist run the country just because you think you can relate to him. You can relate to him because you're trash, but he's still looking down on you.

    We want him because gas was $2 and everywhere had a now hiring sign out front. But you don’t care about that because you don’t work and your entire existence is subsidized.
    You don’t live in the real world so why care about it?
  15. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka Watch this. She dies because she follows real advice that was given to girls in the 1950s.

    You do know this is a fictional movie right?
    As in, a made up story not grounded at all in reality?
  16. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Wait so you like what wariat does?

    He just likes being controversial and cryptic because people only ever interact with him out of confusion or anger.
  17. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Begging is not self improvement

    He’s asking for donations. Like Donald Trump. It’s way classier.
  18. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Warning: This thread may induce Bradaphobia in those with a decent set of values.

    What’s wrong with a guy trying to get back on his feet after struggling with drug and alcohol abuse?
    Are you suggesting the world just be fully of filthy niggers who sit around contributing nothing to society without trying to better themselves?
  19. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Why were you with a small child?
  20. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bradley Honestly I could really use a nice backpack and a pair of black shoes more than anything.

    Can’t you use ebt to buy shoes? I swear you could in South Carolina…
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