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Posts by Fluttershy

  1. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Also thank you speedy <3
  2. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker


    I’m still learning don’t make fun of me!
  3. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Well they’re not my neighbor, but they’re in the next neighborhood over. Apparently “they” took his kids and god delivered into him one message : “paint the motherfucking fence!”
    And so that’s what he did

    We went to investigate and the gentleman was sitting outside, he bummed a cigarette from me and insisted I take it back when he saw I only had 3 left in the pack. I insisted he take it.
    He was a nice enough fellow although I didn’t stick around long enough to get his number.
    As we were walking away, we noticed that he was pulling sections of fence from between the houses to make for additional sign material (what is leaned up against the fence on the front side), but as we were walking away I didn’t think to snap a pic.

    What an interesting fellow!
  4. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    I remember reading this book in high school. It was pretty stupid. Just a bunch of animals getting abused by pigs. Was it supposed to be an allegory or something?
  5. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bradley College classes on Saturday, lack of money, & I work.

    He’s not legally allowed to leave the state due to a pending k-nine related investigation.
  6. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by shitty titty Now who owes someone an apology!

    Still Bradley. He also showed me his penis and it scarred me for life
  7. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I hold a grudge against myself and my alternative accounts, often I reread something I wrote in a drug fueled haze and completely disagree with myself more than any other user. I can't stand that guy! I have to constantly correct his (my) own bullshit and it's tiring

    Alt lick her to get you there quicker
  8. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Elbow I hold a grudge against OP for clearly being Captain Falcon aka BradleyB aka §m£ÂgØL aka Grylls aka Scron.

    Wrong again. It’s the pedophile formerly known as Paul Wozny!
  9. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr Flutter, you told me you were homosexual… Were you fibbing me?!! Not very nice of you!

    It’s 2024, women can have penises too, biggot!
  10. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Folks, I know I’m a pretty agreeable guy, but it may shock and alarm you to learn that even I have had my share of issues with members on this website. Let’s run through a few of them now.

    Frala : Her and Kafka completely derailed my previous thread which acted to serve as a safe space for all users of NiS! Frala did apologize, but I don’t think she was genuinely sorry and I’ve been holding this grudge ever since.

    Kafka : see above but she didn’t apologize

    BradleyB : Perpetuated a rumor that I was micheal myers, has never apologized for this. He will be listed in my suicide note.

    Please use this thread as a place to discuss users you also hold a grudge against and why
  11. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka Curves disappear when you lose weight.

  12. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka It feels like, should I be beautiful and have the dopamine rush of all the pink? Or should I be taken seriously in professional environments and not give men the wrong impression about me, because they're not gonna think a girly girl is a feminist and that's what I am.

    Kafka when was the last time a man approached you in real life?
  13. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Here’s the plan, we’re gonna rob the bank that’s right in down town Chicago. Fona will be the driver, posing inconspicuously as a worker. KoF will be the demolitions man, i of course will orchestrate the whole thing and we’ll be in and out in 45 seconds.
    Fellas, after this one we’ll never have to rob another sperm bank in our lives.
  14. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka Today in the shop I felt taller all of a sudden and don't think my posture had anything to do with it. It was weird.

    Does she really not know?
  15. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Obbe That's basically the argument I proposed to Lanny above.

    You know what's crazy? I don't know if any other animals do this. If some greedy monkey claimed he owned the banana tree and hoarded all the bananas for himself and tried to keep all the other monkeys away from HIS bananas, I'm pretty sure the other monkeys would just kill him.

    Are humans too greedy or too domesticated, and is that an irredeemable corruption of nature?

    We are both. You are right, in nature, might is right. Us humans would rather pick up a shiny rock and go “here mr monkey, please give me a banana” than take what is rightfully deserved.”
    But the one monkey that shoots the monkey with all the bananas has to endure a trial and then death by lethal injection.

    It’s complicated which is why I don’t like to think about it
  16. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood This is proof that true communism has never been tried before.

    Because true communism, much like you, only exists in a fantasy land where men are women and it’s not gay to stick your penis in a man’s butt.
  17. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The way communist countries view their economy is in isolation of the world at large, and reality in that they might as well exist by themselves on a space station because they view everything in control of their national borders to belong to the economy at large. When you see a parking lot of trucks in America it's owned by Joe Blow but in other places those would all belong to the government and it's impossible in a system like that to just build your own truck and operate outside of that system as it encompasses everything.

    But I don't see it being that different from who owns what because Joe Blow would get crushed by the boot of BIG GOVERNMENT if he didn't pay his property taxes or vehicle registration and he wouldn't be allowed to drive off his own property I'M NOT DRIVING I'M TRAVELING FUCKING ROAD PIRATES!!! because if the government didn't collect taxes it would be literally impossible to pave a road according to everyone that pays taxes

    Gee, it’s almost like every form of governing body we create will ultimately be corrupted by the people at top because giving people extreme amounts of power with either no or a laughable system of checks and balances is actually bad or something.

  18. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood not an alt btw

    Yes because I need to be a member for 5 years before I learn you like to fuck men in the ass
  19. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I don't really understand Marxist theory very well. I thought for some reason this statement wouldn't conflict with Marxist theory but according to the AI it does. I don't really have a defense for this as I am not a Marxist and I have no idea what Marxist apologetics look like. Gonna need Lanny or Tacho to chime in here to defend this one.
    “‘No’ says the man in Washington, it belongs to the poor. ‘No’ says the man in the Vatican, it belongs to God. ‘No’ says the man in Moscow, it belongs to everyone.”
    I have no idea why "owning" a tomato is bad but my guess is that because Communism is supposed to come AFTER Capitalism in a post capitalist system with the ultimate goal of post scarcity, so if you are taking a tomato in such a system logically it must be theft and being a traitor to the revolution or whatever. But in a true post scarcity system you wouldn't be growing a tomato in the first place, and it remains to question where you would get the seeds, dirt, water etc if you were in a space station owned by communists for example could you really grow a tomato and own it?

    This raises some fundamental questions which I think are addressed well in works such as Ayn Rand's "Anthem"

    I think the dude in the Vatican is probably right and the Tomato does belong to God ultimately so all this fussing and fighting over left and right doesn't jive with Jah, man *tokes*

    And herein lies the problem with leftist philosophy in general. we don’t live in a communistic space station, so your entire metaphorical framework is irrelevant. You shouldn’t need to make the same point with 5 different justifications for each justification, either your idea stands on it’s own, or you need to vehemently defend it with paragraphs upon paragraphs of mental gymnastics. But I’m not here to talk politics, I’m here to harass the NIS POC community
  20. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Obbe There is no reason anything exists.

    Yeah but that’s not a good excuse to be a defeatist retard about it
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