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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock You know exactly what I meant, retard

    you meant retard ?
  2. thats nothing.

    ive seen black peepuh look in the mirror and see White peepuh in the reflection
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein



    he looked like hes 60 when he was 40.
  4. *return to observation deck*

    the negroerology continues ....
  5. Originally posted by Speedy Parker That was him killing off the SA after their danger to him outweighed their usefulness. The night of the long knives has nothing to do with removing checks and balances against his power to legislate/dictate you simple mong.

    He was made Chancellor on 30 January 1933. He passed the Enabling act on 23 March 2933 establishing himself as a dictator. The night of the long knives took place between 30 June and 02 July 1934. Or more than a year after all possible balance had evaporated on the German legislative process.

    Your right there with wariat and pauliwog.

    way to miss the point.

    point being, shlomo, obstacles be they friends or foe, internal or external, can be moved and removed via a variety of creative means.

    one does not have to sit there can bitch and moan like a bitch about how peeouh and constitution n sheit wont allow for it.

    iq very low.
  6. the same bunch of peepuh that claimed some armless balloons are a threat to "national security".
  7. give her a strap on too
  8. is your phone still workimg ?

    we need updates.
  9. Originally posted by Donald Trump People in the future are going to be confused about how shells were even an issue when we had drones.

    i doubt people in the future would be unable to compare between apples and oranges.
  10. Originally posted by infinityshock Irrelevant.

    Strategic policy doesn't equate to tactical common sense

    tactical common senses are useless with idiots in charge.

    its not how you fire that win wars. its the one who commands your fire that does.
  11. Originally posted by infinityshock The russkies pay 1/3 for their 155mm rounds that the ukrainians do

    that'd be over priced since they dont use 155s,
  12. Originally posted by infinityshock It's the fantasy I masturbate to while looking at his milk carton photo

    picture of cows
  13. Originally posted by Donald Trump I spent €50 on roses in Aldi, but GG is happy. She likes flowers. Even got some french kissing, which is something she usually doesn't like.

    how unbecoming of an ukrainian.
  14. she should have used the hard R.
  15. Originally posted by infinityshock It's basic MOUT doctrine

    the same doctrine that leads to afghan withdrawal.

    and vietnam before that.

  16. Originally posted by infinityshock They don't need to. A bomb strapped to a glorified jetski will work

    sure, once in every 35 tries.

    the ukrainians tried multiple of dozen times with US supplied unmanned jetskies and only a few ocasion there were hits.
  17. Originally posted by Donald Trump Probably not, but I would have supported them.

    Hitler getting high on methamphetamine and invading Russia was the most tragic event in history.

    Europe died in Berlin in 1945.

    no one knows the truth,

    maybe poutin does since he have access to soviets records.

    some say russians were going to attack had hitler not preempted it.
  18. vagina day
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock It's not gay if you squeal like a piggy when you're getting corn holed like a cheap whore on Friday night when the fleet is in port while she's offering a two for one special

    didnyou came up with that while showering ?
  20. Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Name a better things to stuff your dick into (besides a McRib).

    3rd world vaginas
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