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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock Not when I duct tape your head to my crotch as my own personal codpiece

    with your size you gonna need more than duck tape for a leak free seal.

    you gonna need teflon tapes. loads of it.
  2. Originally posted by ner vegas Putin's recently talked about how naiive he's been in terms of 'goodwill' and Lavrov just openly said there wouldn't be any more, so we'll see how that goes I guess

    idk, it happened once, it could again.

    btw lavrov isnt soy-goo.
  3. Originally posted by ner vegas if it's the ones I'm thinking of they were traded to Turkey until the end of the war in return for other prisoners to be released (as a sort of gesture that they wouldn't be flat executed; they'd face some kind of UN tribunal), but Erdogan had them released

    yea but there like hundreds of non azov commanders that could be traded.

    sending azov commanders as reserve and leverage for talks is just bad optics. especially after proclaiming that all neo nazis would be prosecuted. it reeks talking from a position of weakness.
  4. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "Where am I?"
    "Where's my body?"
    "Why can't I feel anything?"
    "Who turned the lights out?"

  5. Originally posted by infinityshock You just read it

    too short, too little
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock They steal their assets

    whos this "they" and "their"
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock Swallow

  8. Originally posted by ner vegas IIRC Russia doesn't treat them as regular forces so they don't get the Geneva Convention protections, often either just executed or put on show trial if commanders get captured

    would you like to explain why like 8 of these azov commanders were released back to ukraine by the russians ?

    there picts of them with zalensky on his presidential plane.
  9. ok this got me thinking about ASAT weapon of the furure and im sure its going to be this:

  10. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The eyeballs have been witnessed looking around.

    just some random muscular spasm.

    like a headless cock.
  11. Originally posted by infinityshock Irrelevant

  12. Originally posted by infinityshock That's what they use their proles for

    no i mean they cant go to war to spend tax payer money so they do this house the houseless thing.
  13. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The head definitely looks around for at least a few seconds.

    looking implies there are brain activity to perceive whats being seen.

    you cant tell for sure theres brain activity.
  14. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It's not just recycling they lie about. These so-called "environmentalists" lie about EVERYTHING.

    tucker carlsonishly: o_ryl
  15. Originally posted by infinityshock Everything in modern western religions…everywhere west of hindu india…is plagiarized from the original mesopotamian religious practices

    lets see your thesis, professor.
  16. Originally posted by CandyRein Putting on my seat belt because I drive them crazy ❤️

    typical negroe behavior
  17. Originally posted by ner vegas you can do high-density stuff like the potato cube

    I'd like to give it a try but I don't have a yard

    try hydroponics
  18. unable to work due to being too hot, farmers neglect to cull their corn this year, causing an over supply of corn in the market, and crashing prices.
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock You mean the ones that are killed on a regular basis in 'honor killings'

    a majority, like 93% of the 3rd world countries dont have honor killin's

    and for those that do, at least their children arent missing.

  20. Originally posted by infinityshock The power used by the trucks to collect and then the people playing around with (they call it sorting) the so-called recyclables, is exponential more environmentally costly than of they had just thrown the crap into the same landfill as all the other garbage.

    It doesn't count as recycling, but 'they' tell you what is actually valuable to be reused by adding a cost to it for failing to return it…such as car replacement parts that have a 'core charge' added to them due to the massive amounts of actually valuable metals in them.

    actually no.

    they just have all plastic wastes shipped to a 3rd world country to be "processed".
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