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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by Blunt Wrap Supreme Heard about recycling being a scam, still been doing it, went along the lines of at least it is not in a landfill.
    But dont know, its all fucked

    is desire to have an abortion caused by chemicals in plastics ?

    which one kills more ? plastics or abortion clinics.
  2. deploying puppies to attract muh attenshun again
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein You’re a pedophile…I literally save lives while you try to destroy them

    Loser lol

    how many life saving treatments and surgeries have you performed.
  4. Originally posted by CandyRein Good dog

    immitation is the highest form of slavery
  5. Originally posted by RIPtotse Hey candy can I borrow $1,000?

    careful there.

    you can be charged with possesing proceeds from criminal activities
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock thats why they call it the third world. theyre backward savages

    and yet these savages manage to keep their children secure without them going missing.

    so much so that they have to print their likeness on milk cartons.


  7. Originally posted by jerryb Only if the satellite is over 16.

    too old.
  8. Originally posted by jerryb Need rope, lots of rope.

    you only need about a foot of rope to tie a 7 year old girl
  9. hey asshole

    im talking to you
  10. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Nobody knows for sure, because that would require sewing the head back on to find out.

    so ... brain activity is a speculatory opinion.
  11. is ... was that real.
  12. thats what happen when you dont swallow
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock No, that too

    too late to change your statement.
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock I literally said you're not old enough to get an erection. Stop trying to use the same metric your mother's clients use on you…

    even babies can have an errection if and when given the proper stimulation.
  15. more like dick heads than musgrooms.
  16. Originally posted by Instigator I bet you like pie charts you pie fucker.

    i prefer strings of texts.
  17. Originally posted by A College Professor i only fly aieyr ligmus 🍀

    anal lingus
  18. Originally posted by Meikai child molesters actually prefer irl bcos diddling kids with electrons is rly hard

    but they offer zero cost softcore child pornography
  19. Originally posted by ner vegas I ended up going to her sister's place because they wanted to do a 'group' thing and her six year old niece kept trying to do sleeper holds on me because she started jiu jitsu a while back

    this is making me uncomfortable

    *stretches front part of underwear*
  20. Originally posted by Aryan Nobody is gonna fight for globohomo against Russia, not woke MORALLY SUPERIOR BEINGs on the left, WN's on the right or any of the 6 gorillion handsome and well tanned individuals they've brought here.

    The kikes genuinely aren't as smart as they think they are…. its hard not to L0L

    dont you worry too much about that.

    trump will make sure everybodys more than happy to fight and die for "america"s best ally
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