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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock When one keeps in mind the most basic premise of government that they never want to do anything that benefits anyone other than themselves, one must ask themselves why all of a sudden they care about homeless.

    Especially considering THEY are the ones that intentionally caused it in the first place

    theyre canadians and they cant go to war with other countries
  2. Originally posted by infinityshock picture his mother gave to the missing children agency shortly after his disappearance

    i know you meant "have you seen me" thing on the milk carton. but thats not normal.

    in almost everywhere around the world milk cartons only show the picture of the animal the milk was extracted from.
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock They say the same bullshit about the manatees where I live. They complain they're starving.

    Yea, no shit…there's too many of them and they've eaten all their food

    the only solution is to make it fashionable to eat these manatees.
  4. Originally posted by Obbe What is the recommended quantity of humans?

    the recomendation was blown up a few years back by irresponsible party/ies.
  5. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    This guy is the hero we all deserve.

    only chinese can drunken fist.
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock No

    They fucked bushmeat

    they been doing that since time immemorial and didnt have any problem until anthony foul-see came around.
  7. Originally posted by Obbe Tent encampments prove 'exactly how broken' Canada's system is, federal housing advocate says

    the real root cause is the financial system.
  8. i dont let another mans testicles hang around rent free in my head
  9. Originally posted by infinityshock It's illegal

    its legal in poland
  10. Originally posted by infinityshock No

    and hence the US never won a war again since korea.
  11. this aint hate dis iz love
  12. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Zuckerbergsteinowitz's desk. Now I don't feel as bad.

    how many glasses does he need.
  13. so hows your herpes
  14. is there such thing as anal herpes
  15. buck break
  16. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I think gnomes and trolls are related.

    and gnonces
  17. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ How about Gavin Newsom?

    more like Gay-vin Threesome
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock niggers invented ebola and aids

    sieg heil


    jéws invented it for them
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock i didnt have it bad…ive seen a lot of shit-tier 'rates' who had it much, much, much infinitely worse.

    on one of my deployments my assigned sleeping area was the nicest non-high-rank-officer living space on the carrier. it was in a deep area of the ship away from all machinery and traffic…meaning literally as quiet as possible to be on a ship, it was always dark, the 'heads' were ALWAYS empty…i never saw anyone in them, everyone else in the sleeping area was 'quality' as in they kept everything clean, tidy, and in good shape, it smelled good/clean (not like other sleep spaces where they smelled like grease, oil, stagnant piss or shit, or unwashed dirty ass), and it had the nicest mattresses, lights, water/showers, TV/VCRs, and furniture

    i was basically my own supervisor and while i, for the most part, made my own working hours, i still had shit to do so there were countless times i literally didnt leave my work space for more than a week and slept in a bunk room…or if that was occupied, literally under or on a desk. a commander let me (ordered me) to use his office one time for a nights sleep of two hours after a debate of why i couldnt return to my quarters to sleep.

    i didnt know being a sex worker on an aircraft can be so fun.

    and dignified.
  20. Originally posted by infinityshock No.

    It's where the fire lands that wins

    and you needed to be commanded where to fire for those fire to land in the correct places.
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