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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. deal but you must swallow
  2. Originally posted by jerryb To many niggas on the planet. Huge fishing fleets scooping up everything that swims.

    hear say.
  3. Originally posted by ner vegas he actually did mention that part

    i would have watched it if he wasnt so jéwed and sounded so jéwed.

    but i guess everything he mentioned are cliche-tier with whatever michael moore have put out over the past 20 years.
  4. *punches air*
  5. Originally posted by ner vegas no it mostly just complains that the private healthcare system and government are grift machines without discussing where that money goes, and throws out the statistic that US taxpayers lose 43% of their income to taxes, while the English lose 26% and Canadians lose 11% (lol?)

    due to the military and its 800+ bases around the world. thats why "americans" had to pay more.

    also their healthcare industry is working glove in hand with the insurance industrial complex because hospitals cant directly and ethically charge patients exorbitant fees for services rendered, and so they have the insurance companies as some sort of medium to extract money from the public because insurance companies arent bound by ethics or hypocratic oaths n sheit.
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock That's some shitty amateurish technique

    - repeatedly firing from the same spot
    - the loader sucks. He should have been up the dudes asshole, out of the way of the backblast, then as soon as the round way away, the shooter drops the launcher to vertical, loader inserts fresh round, rinse and repeat
    - at least one of those pants-thieving mohammedians with a rifle should have been providing cover fire for the RPG team

    At least they didn't show the part where they raped the dead body

    its hard to comment without knowing what exactly theyre engaging.
  7. Originally posted by Donald Trump in Avdiivka were the remnants of Azov, NS types, who the Russians (and just about everyone else) hate (I don't hate them).

    you would have joined the nazis if you could.
  8. Originally posted by infinityshock I'm surprised a US warship hasn't been sunk in the middle east by now using the same techniques.

    It's only a matter of time before Russia offers their proxy services to the mohammedians in revenge for the US assisting the ukrainians

    russians arent stupid.

    they arent going to reveal their deus ex machina over some petty issues like this.
  9. involuntary gain of function.
  10. Originally posted by ner vegas overarching point about corruption and grift is solid, but the implication that prosperity comes from government assistance and the very questionable data on taxation and service costs/issues in other countries is not

    just seems like a rehash of the socialist (and I'm not using that as an insult) OWS ideas of redistributing wealth from 'the corporations' as being panacea, and that everything will be great if everyone gets their 'fair share' regardless of whether they work for it or not.

    i didnt watch the video for more than a few minutes but does it address the militarily camoflaged elephant in the room ?

    great savings could be had if the US simply just cut funding of its military spending by say, 80%.
  11. ... having just climbed out of the pan of spanish inquisition, humanity has now found itself in the fire of a scientific inquisition.
  12. lotsa discounted posts ah sea
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock no

    the spartans

    oh sure.

    i forgot men fighting in short skirts is your thing.
  14. Originally posted by CandyRein My boyfriend just got a haircut i saw the video of him after …And I cummed so much

    *notes entry*

    the female of this primate species is capable of orgasm from visual stimuli.
  15. Originally posted by Donald Trump I sometimes like to pretend GG is someone else. It's more about novelty, fucking the same person all the time is boring.

    have you pictured her as adele before she lost weight
  16. early life ....
  17. farmers strike because its too hot to work

  18. Originally posted by Obbe Global food production at risk as rising temperatures threaten farmers’ physical ability to work

    have you seen a typical "american" farm.

    theres nothing but field and air-conditioned tractors.
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock There's more details and specifics than what's on kikepedia

    what for example.
  20. Originally posted by Donald Trump It's unbelievable that westerners aren't taught to read the cyrillic and greek betabets. It's really not hard.

    for what tho.

    it wasnt a powerhouse of culture or scientific advancement or economy until putin came along and all those literature that are significant to the humanity has been translated into german, french and english.

    you only need russian language if you plan to become a weapons smuggler and gun runner.
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