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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by ner vegas

    not funny.
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein No…he’s a hard headed nigga wouldn’t listen to my advice ..last I heard he was on the way to the doc to get rid of his lice ….

    sounds like your shrugging off your failure instead of owning up.
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein Couldn’t save yourself either….

    very hard to stop black on non-black crime
  4. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Complaint Handling 2/10

    Would not complain again.

    jave you tried bigger bottles
  5. Originally posted by Solstice It's not the size of your brain it's how you use it. Most of that shit is just water anyways

    chimp knighting
  6. mantan and sleep n' eat
  7. Originally posted by CandyRein I was teaching him how to fill out job applications and what to wear to an interview ..tryna get him out of the trenches….giving him advice on life and stuff ..just real friendship type stuff

    Now do you have any questions about HIM ?

    did he manage to get himself a job ?
  8. also i made a bet with these dirt cheap SD cards once and i lost.

    just say you found out lenovo doesnt actually produce or sell these cards but my advice to you is to just let it go.

    keeping an unregulated and free international market free and unregulated is in the best interest of everyone. you can probably also order gun parts and trigger groups from ali express as well.

    ive bought hundreds of items from china e commerce sites and it has been pretty good. you just need to be smart about what you buy and know how to judge the reviews, as most peepuh are retarded.

    i would have to say i almost always got what i paid for and SD card was a bet thst i lost.

    got my refund tho.
  9. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Memory modules can report whatever size they want to the operating system. Once the actually physical memory gets full it just loops back over and keeps writing. It's dangerous, cos the user won't see any error. Just the files won't open any more. I'm kinda curious to see what size these really are.

    on phone true sd/capacity tester is also a good app since it doesnt have any ads.
  10. Originally posted by CandyRein He was a very dear friend of mine …why lmao

    whats the nature of your friemdship
  11. auntie jemima and uncle tom
  12. Originally posted by CandyRein He’s a coward azz bitch ..what else you wanna know

    I have all the information you need

    how deep have you knownth him.
  13. Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Fricking SLAMPIGS

    did ah just saw a negroe knighting ?
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock That's why miscegenation was a criminal act for more of human history than not

    products of miscegenation is a subject matter that interests me a lot.

    i find it fascinating how the offspring gets their characteristics from their racially difgerent parents as there isnt a clear cut pattern or rule of thumb on how their parental traits are inherited.
  15. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Not in the biblical sense.

    in classical sense ?
  16. Originally posted by ner vegas

    i scammed through the entire wiki and i cant find a single DATE, not even a year or an era was provided concerning the "religion" itself.

    the only year mentioned in the entry is the year documemtary was made about it, seems bery likely to be a complete fiction made by White man/men so that he/they can be at least some expert on something.

    african studies is their go to before complete made up sheit like gender studies and climate change studies became acceptable proffesorial subjects.
  17. i would ask if she have a sister
  18. Originally posted by CandyRein Eww eat a diq fagg

    i want to eat yo dick
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock You do realize white people invented flying…right.

    they just discovered how not to fly.

    birds invented flying.
  20. the facial features of these negroe-aryan hybrids intrigues me.
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