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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock changing the channel isnt my thing

    i make sure the idiots get informed and know full well that theyre idiots.

    how very convimcing.
  2. Originally posted by infinityshock romance is for amateurs

    jam it right on in and pound it like a naughty stepchild

    how many step fathers have you had.
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock j­ews profiteering

    stereotypical trailler park resident excuse.
  4. Originally posted by infinityshock no…im talking about basic zero-tech defensive countermeasures…

    spread out so a single weapon cant damage more than one vehicle….camo tarps…place barriers to recon, like in woods or behind some sort of sherlter. NOT in the middle of a fucking highway while STOPPED in a combat zone…some sort of security/patrol perimeter…

    epitome of "american" military thinking.

    fighting with what ah want, not what ah have.
  5. Originally posted by infinityshock youre an idiot

    very informative and suscinct.
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock Artillery shells are manufacture essentially the same as they've been since ww1, other than some have sophisticated guidance packages but regardless they're the exact same as the russians yet russians 152mm shells are less than $1000 each and the equivalent nato 155mm shell is $5,000 to $7,000 (depending on the source)


    Kikes in the industrial military corp-ocracy

    REASON: economic illiteracy.

    find out how much does one make flippin' burgers in the US per hour and how much it pays to do the same in russia.

    go ahead, find out.
  7. Originally posted by Number13 Old stock needs to be replaced and at ever increasing price

    all those "stocks" are consumables perishable goods. just like the food you eat will need to replaced with foods that cost more by the day, the same it is with these national consumables.

    in the US, with or without conflict the order for these
    armaments were politically determined at each and every budgeting season.

    that means each fiscal year and each budgeting season a certain amount of these bombs and other armaments need to be produced by contract. one of the most obvious sign of this practise is the US ammo and military gear surplus market where excess and unused military orders are sold to civilians to keep the momentum in the arms production facilities.

    of course big guns and bombs like patriots and m777s cant be sold to civilians because the US have a trannified version of the 2A, so these large and heavy weapons are given to other countries as "foreign aid".

    the bombs that went to ukraine came from the money that was approved by the congress decades ago, paid to the USMIC many many years ago, manufactured within the last decade, and were marked down for disposal long before the SMO started.

    the only difference this conflict produced is the hightened need for new stocks, which the USMIC have no means to cope.
  8. Originally posted by infinityshock Stifle yourself, Edith

    To be even a figment of some over-paid engineers imagination, those systems would have to had designated cash money in someone's account…originating from the US taxpayer.

    Written off still means it cost someone something.

    Your idiot logic means to say because that giant skyscraper in NYC was just sold for $1 that it was old debt.

    You're an idiot

    this "US tax payer" thing only exist as superstistion amongst ignant "americans". the US is a deficit country, that is to say each quarter, each half, each fist-cal year, every day the money that it spends outstrips the money it earns in the form of taxes collected and other means .... by as much as a trillion dollar every 3-4 months.

    anyone with basic understanding of finance and economy would know that this is tentamount to going on a shopping spree with a self-issued, self-signed, and self-approved credit card from a self-owned bank. and the only reason people keep taking your self-signed, self-approved credit card is because people still need the USD to trade, but not for long.

    to exclaim dis sheit or dat sheit was spent using "your" "tax dollar" is like a Sambo bitching and moaning to his hoe how he has to work hard to put foods on the table when 3/5th of the foods that he puts on the table come from foodstamps, courtesy of White men's generousity.

    muh dick.
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein Bring your bitch azz out of lurkin you know you ain’t doin chit tonight …

    Coward fagg lol

    ah had to babysit tonite.
  10. Originally posted by CandyRein Standin in line at the store ..long azz line …she should definitely call for backup but her pride won’t let her …

    please describe the shade of her skin
  11. Originally posted by infinityshock the fuck does the army need a boat for. next thing ya know the navy is going to want tanks

    the same reason navy have airplanes.

    to transport seamen.
  12. Originally posted by CandyRein

    Present 😅

    I’m done for real this time !


    like PPP loans.
  13. Originally posted by ner vegas old world catamite

    whoa, your so smart you knew all the cool words.

    and gay, gay words.
  14. Originally posted by ner vegas who the fuck is running these airdrops

    you dont like diverse and unpredickable results ?
  15. african lullaby:

  16. Originally posted by infinityshock Jesus fuck…if those were patriots at $4million each…the fucking US debt just doubled

    lol, doesnt understamd how debts work.

    those missiles have long been writren off back in the 90s. or at least somewhere in the early 2000s. ukrainians are getting all the old stocks and even if they get the fresh ones those were probably procured pre-2020.
  17. Originally posted by infinityshock Tactical gear, your flaccid asshole…that rifle is a G3KA4, also known as 'unobtanium.' Not only is it a-boggle how those nigger-tier niggers (Haitians are the lowest form of niggers, exactly one rung above arsetralian aborigines) but how the fuck are they getting .308 ammo to feed it.

    That isn't chink-tier pew-pew toys…that's a top-of-the-line battle rifle.

    how do you pronounce G3KA4 ?

    GAY-KAY-4 ?

    it begs serious pondering; why can they get top tier battle rifle but not a single descent armor.
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock Your asshole is broken from overuse

    your just jelly my asshole can be broken.

    your asshole is beyond broken its now a nigger hole.
  19. Originally posted by ner vegas

    who gave these peepuh tactical gears.

    "american" 2A affectionados and paintball fans worldwide can only wish they could dress up like this and go out shooting.
  20. Originally posted by CandyRein I’d rather not do something at all than half ass do you 😌

    do you speak fo yourself or on behalf of all "ehfricans".
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