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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by Ghost THEY ARE ALL DOCUMENTED

    which document
  2. Originally posted by Instigator Animus is for gays,fagggot

    what kind of gay.

    classical gay or post war gay.
  3. Originally posted by Bradley I like that there's all this conflict in the middle east.

    not for long.

    trumpf is going to win and hes going to rally all the maga tards to march to israel,

    and then north. into certain death.
  4. and now, in just slightly over thirty years later, not only have they filled every chinks and gnooks of our present future's past and past's present future with Niggers, but have also completely embalmed our future's present past with nothing but Niggers and Nigger-based substrates.

  5. Originally posted by infinityshock ive been reading about the antics of hezballers over the last couple of days and while im not a strategic strategist,

    ok, thanks for your apology.
  6. Originally posted by Bradley i copy and pasted it to inspire all of you.


    now i'm inspired to write AI and Nigger Centuria.

  7. Originally posted by infinityshock War is peace
    Ignorance is strength
    Freedom is slavery
    Black lives matter

    Black is White
  8. thank to finny this thread content has became more diverse, equal and inclusive.
  9. Originally posted by Ghost there is no quality angle

    there is if you come from marketing angle.
  10. asians are superior
  11. Originally posted by CandyRein Literally no one says that ..

    they did but negroes nevah learn.
  12. Originally posted by Ghost I cannot compete with the Asian triad gangsters that come into my country legally and open perfectly legal business and order from their cousin that probably owns one of these companies and they import 100,000kg and manufacture everything

    They have more money to invest in entire factories and according to the busts here they produce something in the range of thousands of kilograms of meth/MDMA/fentanyl per batch and make millions of $$ in illegal crime money and control a sizeable chunk of various economies here

    have you tried from the quality angle.
  13. Originally posted by Ghost we don't have anywhere close to 100m people

    have you counted the undocumented ?
  14. the people who have chosen russian as their native language is fighting, bleeding and dying in Donesk and Luhansk to defend their freedom to speak their NATIVE LANGUAGE because they do not feel free unless and until they're free to speak and communicate with each other in their native, Russian language .....

    but negroes in "america" do not feel oppressed or un-free for not speaking and communicating with each other in their native, african language, because they don't know what their native languagges are.

    now have they known their roots, their culture, their fathers, and their native langguage, they would feel oppressed and un-free until every road sign on every corner of "america", every social security application form, every court rulling, every (prison) sentences, every formal communique, every receipt, every summonses, every online application forms and every etc etc comes with "african" as an alternative language.

    these negroes, they feel free without exercising their native language while the Russians wont feel free until and unless they are free to exercise theirs, is proof undeniable thet


  15. Originally posted by CandyRein Mines too big to fit….besides your mans diq is already in there

    Don’t be greedy one at a time slime

    you're mom have taught you well.
  16. you arent a REAL man or a drug maker if you cant handle even a single ton.

  17. eminem - Whites are better at being black
  18. The Minstrel Thread
  19. Originally posted by Ghost I have met a few people from Japan

    but yeah that is one country where they are just happy living there. They have a much bigger population and economy than mine and it's the same standard of living so it makes no sense for them to come here.

    That's why we should give them our Canadian stockpile of uranium to build super space nuke mechs and then we take over Russia and the USA and become the new global superpowers with advanced technology and GIANT ROBOT GUNDAMNS

    100 million people on the size of geographic japan is very different from 100 million peepuh on geographic canada.
  20. Originally posted by ner vegas did you have a bad experience with the shame spear

    i had to look away when she secure my spear to her mouth with her thumb and index finger.
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