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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by POLECAT He just called and said he may be getting placed in a home next week, he sounded excited about it and wanted to let me know he was gonna need a tv with roku and a lap top as soon as he gets moved in, he pooped his pants last night. but he loves the attention he gets from all the assistance they give him so everything is a good time for him.

    so, he was the taker ?
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein are one boring miserable , pathetic POS..go get some air loser

    you enjoy his attention dont you.
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein You think it’s a coincidence I had those spare tires in the truck ..

    Literally we just put them in there to go to the junk yard

    5 min later in helping someone with them!

    You can’t telll me it’s not a God

    who would have thought trying to get rid of stolen property / evidence could end up helpin' wypipo n sheit.
  4. Originally posted by CandyRein



    Guess who got a keyyyboard!!




    Call me , Candy Keys 🎹 🥰

    New page

    gave up on guitar because it was just too hard to masser.

  5. Originally posted by infinityshock anecdotally is inferior to morally, ethically
    spiritually, physically
    positively, absolutely
    undeniably and reliably with certainty

    And not only merely verifiably, but really most sincerely indubitably

    all are superceded by niggerty.
  6. Originally posted by Ghost Bitcoin isn't an object, it's a computer program

    non sequeerter

    it's value and worth is determined by the work it costs to create 1 "Bitcoin" on the bitcoin network.

    marketing make belief - ie, fiat.

    you can spend 2 million canadian dollar to dig up a giant hole and another 2 million US dollar to fill it back up but that doesnt make that filled up hole worth 4 million in any currency.
  7. Originally posted by Warcry

    now it has become mario gaylaxy
  8. Originally posted by infinityshock Quite emphatically

    thats only as good as anecdotally
  9. Originally posted by Speedy Parker

    was it made in the US of A with proud "americans" workforce.
  10. Originally posted by Ghost 1 BTC will always be worth 1 BTC

    nope. worthiness is relative.

    its value is derived from how much other tangible stuff we affixt to it so that it can become a MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE.

    because thats what a MEDIUM OF EXHCANGE is, a medium to exchange stuffs of relatively equal worth.

    like how your asshole was worthless, it didnt even worth an asshole until your dad decided to pimp you out to his fellow drug fiends for drugs and ciggarette money, and your asshole is only worth one asshole when he traded it out to his friend in exchange for the ussage of his friends sons asshole.

    an object by itself have no worth.
  11. Originally posted by CandyRein ef ah be gone to schul pipo are gonna be anvious of me.

  12. Originally posted by infinityshock he already has

    not empirically
  13. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Put to death by a guy with gay-looking socks and fake eyebrows. Hell of a way to go.

    in rainbow colored lab coats.
  14. Originally posted by CandyRein Haha…y’all still can’t beat me

    Not even together


    dis negroe be whip-resistant variety breed by da white mang ez engineered slaves
  15. Originally posted by CandyRein Fine dodge the question like you do the cops then ..

    i dont want to say hes facial features (whatever that means) are superior to yours and your ilks but thats the truth.
  16. negroids have limited capacity to learn.
  17. Originally posted by CandyRein

    He looks like an excellent driver can we all agree on that !


    But anyway..

    What do you think about this man’s facial features?

    how many time do you think of me and my ilks per day.
  18. Originally posted by Bradley I wonder if Jiggaboo Johnson died.

    he got canadian=styled healthcare.
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