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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. bet her insurance pays out well for obesity related complicashuns
  2. Originally posted by Ghost

    since you still cant see how the worth of btc is determined ENTIRELY by the supply of fiat monies, you really need to stop talking about this,
  3. Originally posted by Ghost Bitcoin is the ultimate example of a deflationary cryptocurrency. It's by design you FUCKING RETARD

    so you meant to say its mesnt to be a storage of an ever decreasing value ?

  4. Originally posted by RIPtotse I'm retarded

    if I put 5k in bitcoin will I have 1bil usd when I'm 65?

    what do you mean put 5k in bitcoin ?

    a bitcoin is worth a bitcoin.
  5. Originally posted by Donald Trump Please don't believe the misinformation going around that I said there would be a "bloodbath for the auto industry" if I don't get re-elected, but that the liberal media took the metaphor out of context to make me look bad.

    I really did mean an actual bloodbath, with a big hot-tub full of blood and everything.

    what about finishing the job "
  6. Originally posted by Ghost okay? so you're entire point is that nothing is worth anything, wow that's real ground breaking. I don't even care about the energy cost of bitcoin as mining it with solar panels or geothermal would essentially be free

    PoW crypto is simply a tokenized unit of work, which can be exchanged. Weather you pay 1 million BTC for a pizza or 1 BTC to an exchange for $100k is up to the market but 1 btc will always be worth 1 btc

    if you camt see from the chart here how much btc have deflated since 2010 then you have no bussimess talking about it.

    or the economy surrounding it.

    your just not equipped to see it.
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock ill jam it in roughly

    thats why you always misses the bigger picture
  8. Originally posted by Ghost I have no idea what your point is here but all I know is that 1 BTC will always be worth 1 BTC and if you understand the true meaning of work and value than you will never worry what "price" bitcoin is at.

    point being, scrawnny, that no matter how much money, energy and material you put into making something they will have no bearing on its worth.

    you can eat a piece of a thousand dollar cake but doesnt mean the shit that comes out of your ass is now going to worth a thousand dollar.

    and like ah sed, 'worth' is relative. you need something else to evakhate it comparatively.

    saying an oz of gold is worth an oz of gold has no meaning simce it doesnt really state the worth of gold in any meaningful way.
  9. Originally posted by infinityshock i saw a video at work about african ingenuity building indigenous aircraft.

    ive been looking for it for weeks…but cant find it

    cargo cult or drones
  10. mace be racist
  11. Originally posted by infinityshock not even related

    zoom out slightly
  12. Originally posted by CandyRein Only thing hurting is my eyes looking at the lady boi on that thumbnail you stalking me with


    jelly concentrate

  13. Originally posted by CandyRein Today was the second time in my life a beautiful white woman tried to force money on me…

    did you had a knife in you're hand.
  14. Originally posted by Donald Trump No joke, I was also thinking about it just a short while ago.

    you shoud have archive it.
  15. Originally posted by infinityshock the question i have is why its highly sought after…

    the same reason gore videos are highly sought after
  16. Originally posted by kweetman Looking for pointers, I get the general synth but need help tying it together. I promise to pass on anything I learn to people willing to learn in the future.


    woking for federal express ?
  17. o, dis nigga be hurt
  18. Originally posted by CandyRein Is this …pedo music ?

    hebe music
  19. you will never be this talented. or womanly,

    or human.
  20. heres something for you to asspire to play next on you're old guitar and new keyboard.

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