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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by CandyRein

    Waiting for everything to load ..🎹

    fake black person plays fake piano

    dats eh keyboard, ma'am.
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein



    whip-resistant negroe.
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock That's some sort of spic.

    Because white is best and they want to culturally appropriate the best

    adrienne doesnt sound very hispanic.
  4. Originally posted by CandyRein I can’t wait to wear that white dress tonight..

    another black on white crime goes unreported
  5. manmilk
  6. Originally posted by Solstice Who doesnt

    her "boyfriend" apparently.
  7. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Mohamed M. Mohamed.

    sounds like a made up name.
  8. remember theyre responsible for mishaps at boeing.
  9. faggitzio
  10. ye prefers White woman
  11. Originally posted by infinityshock TNB

    typical nurse behavior ?
  12. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ That's nothing. I'd tie your ears in a knot and then swing you around my head a few times and throw you right over a fence.

    been watching too much loonely tunes lately.
  13. Originally posted by Solstice Candy isn't dumb she knows white meat is where it's at

    but why would a White meat have desire for her,

  14. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The guy who starved to death?

    whats his name.
  15. Originally posted by Warcry im not into 8 year olds and 16 is fine for me bro. its hard to tell apart 16 form 13 sometime anyway some 16 yr old slook young.

    why not.

    8 year olds are clean, cute and unblemished.

    just look at them. how can you not want them.
  16. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ True, but some subjective values are persistent and equal-opportunity-based, like you can't eat gold or silver or BitCoin during a famine.

    who says you cant eat gold during famine.
  17. Originally posted by Ghost it's about an SEC ruling you fucking idiot

    Ripple disputed the claims, insisting XRP cannot be considered a security and is more akin to a commodity.

    ja. SEC rulling whether it can self-identify as a comodity despite being born as a security.
  18. Originally posted by CandyRein

    Wheeee!! ❤️

    some poor manequin in some departmental store is now missing a hand.

  19. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I used ultra-high speed port scanners that could scan your whole box in a matter of minutes, all 65,535 ports. Then I had a slew of fresh 0-day exploitz I could run on any port I found open. Once I was in, I could install a totally invisible RAT (remote administration trojan), with call home activated, bound to a critical system component, completely FUD (fully undetectable), also clone your active desktop in real time on mine, so I could see every move you made.

    i'd be scared if i were still 13.
  20. Originally posted by CandyRein Why aren’t you talking to Asian women ..talking to me every chance you get S M H

    Asian women ?!

    im hoping to complete my theses and dessertation on negroe studies this year.
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