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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE If u want to troll finny just say something incorrect about guns

    i dont use that often becsuse he might develop counter measure against it.
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein Remember when you got caught lying about not being Vinny ?

    no. when.
  3. black leprechaum

  4. Originally posted by CandyRein I’m watching Leprechaun in the hood tonight..🍀

    i believe black leprechauns are called "joggers".
  5. Originally posted by infinityshock the fuck are you gibbering on about now. not one single thing you said made sense. at all. not even a little bit

    copper and iron oxide dont look anything alike. iron oxide is never green. copper never rusts.

    iron oxide isnt an element and doesnt get alloyed. copper is one of the most industrial useful and used commodities on this planet.

    i never said anything about iron oxide being green.

    and randy, whats copper oxide.
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock after the 13th and before the 17th


    not where.
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock no

    try harder
  8. Originally posted by infinityshock there was a retard in my elementary school where the teachers would always tell the other kids not to give him peanuts or anything with peanuts

    he had to be taken out of class and ate his lunch in the teachers lunchroom because literally every day a different kid would try to get him to eat peanut butter and jelly or some other nutty shit. ironically…his removal was caused one day when the kid actually ate a few bites from another kids peanut butter and 'fluff' sammich.

    did you went to a special school or something.
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein


    dalit, although rhymes with logic,

    does not flow with it.
  10. Originally posted by CandyRein

    I was thinking about makin my eye my new profile pic

    i'm tempted to color-correct this pict
  11. Originally posted by ner vegas The same people who told you to go nuts and riot over George Floyd dying of a drug overdose while resisting arrest after committing a felony go to Niger and say “listen, niggers, this is how it’s gonna be.”

    andrew has to be the most prolific writter of our time
  12. those who smashed down the wall will regret doing so
  13. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Shortarse American drill instructor. Seems relevant for some reason.

    why do asian-looking folks keep having white peoples name
  14. Originally posted by Warcry can any people be more dense than those people on reddit? guys?

    you can even get banned by calling people homosexuals on reddit.
  15. Originally posted by Michael Myers That's funny, because I've also studied pedagogy and the literature says that females mature faster than males do. Not physically but mentally. So her argument is quite poor if she uses phrases like "a 16 year old has nowhere near the maturity of an 18 year old," it's nothing but an attempt to infantilize teenagers. She also fails to acknowledge that they are in the same developmental group so this "massive difference" she is alluding to is not even right. Of course, I'm talking about this from a context outside of a sexual P.O.V., but you get my point.

    i have studied neither pedagogy or peadogogy but i've interacted with countless human female to know as a certain and inalienable FACT that these human females do not develop mentally further after reaching the age of 12.

    a 32, 22, or even a 42 year old woman will respond to the visual stimuli of a kitten with the same mental and emotional response as a 12 year old not so little girl.
  16. Originally posted by ner vegas if a daycare killed my kid I wouldn't be talking to lawyers

    talking to adoption agency ?
  17. Originally posted by ner vegas do they target aggressive daycares or aggressively target daycares

    depends on whos paying more.

    if the plaintif have a sound case, then theyre aggresive daycare lawyers.

    if the defendent is paying more, then theyre aggresive daycare lawyers.
  18. Originally posted by Solstice Candy, we need to cook

    why, because she be blax ?
  19. ah be eh blax mang trapped in en ehzians bodeh

    n sheite.
  20. Originally posted by Ghost you are the only one not understanding anything, the rest of the world understands it just fine

    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina WHOA !

    vindicktive vinny vindickated again:

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