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Posts by jerryb

  1. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina 357 mags dont make big entry point holes.

    unless you shot him from his back like a coward.

    Jesus dude everything isn't meant to be precise on a shit eating forum. I can bet I've put more holes in various living things than you.
  2. jerryb African Astronaut
    Yeah like crisp/chips are all healthy and shit.
  3. jerryb African Astronaut
    I don't like any mayo type product really. But you have to turn around white trash and be proud like niggers started owning nigger. People think they are insulting me calling me a hillbilly lol. I love being a hillbilly, they hate police and anything from the government.
  4. jerryb African Astronaut
    My breakfast is usually nothing or something new from Aldi. My wife probably loves Aldi more than Jiggaboo, thank god they finally opened one in my hometown so she doesn't have to drive as far. lol
  5. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson There used to be a dialup ISP here in US called "netzero" their adverts stated "you'll never have to pay a penny for internet connection, never ever ever".

    A couple of years later they were charging $9.95.

    Years back I used it at my new house until I got internet service. At the time it was 10 free hours and then about 10 bucks. Be plenty enough if granny just wanted to send/receive email a few times a month.
  6. jerryb African Astronaut
    Campfires these days are pretty much an eastern US thing now. Most western states are so dry they will fine your ass big time for building fires.
  7. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina except now people whom had their shits stolen by the anal-sex'ens are coming thru the "border" and taking whats owed to them back.

    That can change quickly. A couple miles from my house is a sign about the official Trail of Tears. Ain't no injuns in these parts, imagine how fast a new one would be with modern transportation. All those beaners crying on their way to the border in their F150. lol
  8. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina the turbo will seize first and chocking the engine.

  9. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Putting on your resume you've had 500 interviews in the last 20yrs but only worked 2 of those years in a low tier job isn't going to be a positive…

    Every year 1000s of people are walking out with the same degree. No company is going to hire a 40yo with zero track record over a 20 something eager to work.

    Even low paid service jobs he would have trouble, lots of bodies to fill those positions with people who have a good work record.
  10. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson My experience has been College education just means you're dumb as a rock with zero ability…that's the case for high 90% of people I've interacted with over the years.

    Great, you paid to read a few books that you could have read yourself for free and then never picked another one up after you graduated…because you think your education is "complete".

    You win the prize.

    A great example of expectations vs realty was back in England. in the early 90s I had a lodger staying with me, he was the husband of my (commonlaw) wife's best friend.

    He was a ex military pilot (flew Tornados on low level missions in Gulf War 1) and was now a commercial airline pilot…very impressive on first impressions.

    Anyway he got a job with Singapore airlines flying out of Manchester airport and as they lived in the South he asked if 3 days a week when he was in Manchester he could stay with us to save money rather than getting a hotel.

    After much persuasion prototype wife & I finally agreed to it (I don't like sharing my space with people). So we told him ok, 15 quid a week ($20) and that will include meals…a VERY GENEROUS deal.

    He didn't like it, he thought we were going to let him live there 3 days a week for free…so proto-wife said to him "That includes meals"…so he hummed and ahhhed and said ok.

    Skip forward to when he'd "moved in".

    He turned out to be dumb as a rock and really annoying…I remember one night in particular I'm sitting in the living room and he comes in asking where his dinner was (meals included)…proto wife had made a roast dinner for him to warm up in the microwave. I motioned to the kitchen and said..It's in the fridge, just warm it up in the microwave.

    So I hear him fucking around in the kitchen for 10 mins, opening and closing the microwave door multiple times…I just sit there ignoring him..then he comes in "how do you turn this oven thing on"…

    WTF I says, You've flown Tornado jets on dangerous low level bombing missions and now pilot 737s with a 100+ lives on board and you can't turn on a fucking microwave oven?

    That fucking guy was one of the dumbest people I've ever met…so annoying too. He kept bugging me to go for a drink with him or go play pool and I kept putting him off because he was just unlikable…frustrated when I turned him down for the 20th time he stomps his little feet and yells "I just want to be your friend".

    Never fly Singapore airlines out of Manchester if you value your life.

    LOL, yeah I knew plenty like that in the navy. You'd teach a new officer about your systems and next week he knows more than you.

    I hated school, I just want to learn what I want to learn so my entire life I just picked up a book if I was interested in a subject. Fuck people have it easy today, information from the entire world only a click away.
  11. jerryb African Astronaut
    That's all cool bro, now put that education to use. Get a job and make your mom proud. Start your own business, I haven't worked for anyone for over 35 years.
  12. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Seems like you're really down on Bradley these days, why is that?

    Bradley fucks with everybody, he must have really fucked with him while I was gone. One of the reasons I like him is that he doesn't cull anybody. lol
  13. jerryb African Astronaut
    If you added all my military and trade schools I probably have 6 years worth of college schooling. I could stop in pretty much any town and be working within days making decent money. Most degrees ain't worth the cheap paper they're printed on, only reason to have one if you are required like being a doctor.

    Every farmer I know has a HS or less education and all multi millionaires. Dumb farmers don't last long.
  14. jerryb African Astronaut
    As I told you Cal isn't the entire US. 40yo messing with a 12yo around here could very well go missing. I have farmer friends with backhoes who would have zero problems helping me get rid of a child molester body. Local cops ain't going to look to hard for them because everyone hates pedos.
  15. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Instigator What the fuck is he rambling about now

    Be a piece of shit and other pieces of shit will fuck you.
  16. jerryb African Astronaut
    Your dad is a punk. I'd smash your computer and beat your ass.
  17. jerryb African Astronaut
    LOL, for the record I like Bradley. Bradley and Scron make this fucking forum, if they left it would be boring as fuck.
  18. jerryb African Astronaut
    DT doesn't really understand America. America is about getting paid and fuck everyone else after your dead. We fought the Brits because fuck them niggas getting our money. Fuck them injuns wasting land where we can grow shit and get paid. The gold rush is a perfect example, fuck the farm I'm going to Californy and getting rich bitch.

    We learned it from our cousins in the UK, ever notice the US and UK always bombing and invading shit together. Yeah we going to take their shit and get paid bitches.
  19. jerryb African Astronaut
    Fires are nice unless it is your only means of heat. I heated with wood for a few years and it sucks. Not really cheaper, mess bringing in wood and a mess bringing out ashes.

    If you want to go that route I suggest an outdoor burner that heats water that goes thru a heat exchanger in the duct work.
  20. jerryb African Astronaut
    He could start selling an attention whistle, it gets peoples attention to call 911 after you blow a big hole in the rapist chest with your 357 mag hollowpoint.
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