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  1. #21
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Originally posted by Enigma As your high on fake speed you bought 27th your money living to fuck kids and watch rimjob videos and dog porn.

    Not trashy at all

    I think the difference is these people who reject you are trashy and you are just trash.

    lets see getting a bachelors degree at 24 while ur life revolved aorund sleling ope and couch surfing or beating up your homosexual roomates and stbabign neighbourly dogs and having high end positions in journalism like being at macworld and being two year sin houe ina. company qualifies as trash? i think ur entir elife is trash.
  2. #22
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    and to add to it: knowing ,multiple languages, traveling the world, having multiple talents and hobbies like art etc, vs you do what besides faggit or gay shit?
  3. #23
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    You still haven’t answered my questions regarding what u think happened to get those girls in Georgian and Victorian London to rpsorirute thenselves back then a t those age sie how were they do concede to do it open and brazenly?
  4. #24
    jerryb African Astronaut
    That's all cool bro, now put that education to use. Get a job and make your mom proud. Start your own business, I haven't worked for anyone for over 35 years.
  5. #25
    My experience has been College education just means you're dumb as a rock with zero ability...that's the case for high 90% of people I've interacted with over the years.

    Great, you paid to read a few books that you could have read yourself for free and then never picked another one up after you graduated...because you think your education is "complete".

    You win the prize.

    A great example of expectations vs realty was back in England. in the early 90s I had a lodger staying with me, he was the husband of my (commonlaw) wife's best friend.

    He was a ex military pilot (flew Tornados on low level missions in Gulf War 1) and was now a commercial airline pilot...very impressive on first impressions.

    Anyway he got a job with Singapore airlines flying out of Manchester airport and as they lived in the South he asked if 3 days a week when he was in Manchester he could stay with us to save money rather than getting a hotel.

    After much persuasion prototype wife & I finally agreed to it (I don't like sharing my space with people). So we told him ok, 15 quid a week ($20) and that will include meals...a VERY GENEROUS deal.

    He didn't like it, he thought we were going to let him live there 3 days a week for proto-wife said to him "That includes meals" he hummed and ahhhed and said ok.

    Skip forward to when he'd "moved in".

    He turned out to be dumb as a rock and really annoying...I remember one night in particular I'm sitting in the living room and he comes in asking where his dinner was (meals included)...proto wife had made a roast dinner for him to warm up in the microwave. I motioned to the kitchen and said..It's in the fridge, just warm it up in the microwave.

    So I hear him fucking around in the kitchen for 10 mins, opening and closing the microwave door multiple times...I just sit there ignoring him..then he comes in "how do you turn this oven thing on"...

    WTF I says, You've flown Tornado jets on dangerous low level bombing missions and now pilot 737s with a 100+ lives on board and you can't turn on a fucking microwave oven?

    That fucking guy was one of the dumbest people I've ever annoying too. He kept bugging me to go for a drink with him or go play pool and I kept putting him off because he was just unlikable...frustrated when I turned him down for the 20th time he stomps his little feet and yells "I just want to be your friend".

    Never fly Singapore airlines out of Manchester if you value your life.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #26
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Not so easy I don’t write their language here well and understand their business intricacies or practices well nor want to. I hate being here and my only goal is to find ways to make money remotely or abroad so I can move. Even Anna słysz risked here and that’s after she got some masters degree in European literature because again she k ew that’s all they care about here.
  7. #27
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    She tried some translation business all sorts of shit was in the same field I am and failed had to or wanted to go back to USA.
  8. #28
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    i showed you guys recently just to get a white collar job they do 8 hour for free tests by a rivh ass game studio that was able to hire keanau revees called cd project red. just for a chance to get into their company they require someone to do na.8 hour test?
  9. #29
    jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson My experience has been College education just means you're dumb as a rock with zero ability…that's the case for high 90% of people I've interacted with over the years.

    Great, you paid to read a few books that you could have read yourself for free and then never picked another one up after you graduated…because you think your education is "complete".

    You win the prize.

    A great example of expectations vs realty was back in England. in the early 90s I had a lodger staying with me, he was the husband of my (commonlaw) wife's best friend.

    He was a ex military pilot (flew Tornados on low level missions in Gulf War 1) and was now a commercial airline pilot…very impressive on first impressions.

    Anyway he got a job with Singapore airlines flying out of Manchester airport and as they lived in the South he asked if 3 days a week when he was in Manchester he could stay with us to save money rather than getting a hotel.

    After much persuasion prototype wife & I finally agreed to it (I don't like sharing my space with people). So we told him ok, 15 quid a week ($20) and that will include meals…a VERY GENEROUS deal.

    He didn't like it, he thought we were going to let him live there 3 days a week for free…so proto-wife said to him "That includes meals"…so he hummed and ahhhed and said ok.

    Skip forward to when he'd "moved in".

    He turned out to be dumb as a rock and really annoying…I remember one night in particular I'm sitting in the living room and he comes in asking where his dinner was (meals included)…proto wife had made a roast dinner for him to warm up in the microwave. I motioned to the kitchen and said..It's in the fridge, just warm it up in the microwave.

    So I hear him fucking around in the kitchen for 10 mins, opening and closing the microwave door multiple times…I just sit there ignoring him..then he comes in "how do you turn this oven thing on"…

    WTF I says, You've flown Tornado jets on dangerous low level bombing missions and now pilot 737s with a 100+ lives on board and you can't turn on a fucking microwave oven?

    That fucking guy was one of the dumbest people I've ever met…so annoying too. He kept bugging me to go for a drink with him or go play pool and I kept putting him off because he was just unlikable…frustrated when I turned him down for the 20th time he stomps his little feet and yells "I just want to be your friend".

    Never fly Singapore airlines out of Manchester if you value your life.

    LOL, yeah I knew plenty like that in the navy. You'd teach a new officer about your systems and next week he knows more than you.

    I hated school, I just want to learn what I want to learn so my entire life I just picked up a book if I was interested in a subject. Fuck people have it easy today, information from the entire world only a click away.
  10. #30
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    And again because of the AI pretty much most writing and gay porn careers or jobs are done now besides top eschelon people or positions.
  11. #31
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    i fuck rare spotted femboys for sport
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #32
    Originally posted by Warcry And again because of the AI pretty much most writing and gay porn careers or jobs are done now besides top eschelon people or positions.

    You're 40yrs old and haven't had a steady job in your life, you're also a felon.

    You should have coming up on 20yrs job experience by now, you have zero experience. All the education in the world isn't going to get you a "top echelon" job at this point, NO ONE is going to hire someone who hasn't work a day in their life, is a felon and thinks he can walk into a top tier job at 40yrs old just because mommy paid for you to go to college and get a shitty degree that any idiot with a few K can get.

    Reality bites.
  13. #33
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    again i already told you i worked two years straight in an in house positio and this wasnt long ago so you saying i havent worked a day in my life is a joke and the rest of the post isnt worth replying to. plus my whole goal wasnt comapring myself to you but the faggit.
  14. #34
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    and no i am not a felon or anything like that in poland or amnywhere else.
  15. #35
    Originally posted by Warcry again i already told you i worked two years straight in an in house positio and this wasnt long ago so you saying i havent worked a day in my life is a joke and the rest of the post isnt worth replying to. plus my whole goal wasnt comapring myself to you but the faggit.

    Congrats...2yrs out of 40..that will make such a big mistake!

  16. #36
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    not really man i mean im sure in england or ane gnlishs peaking country i could get a service job easily with my english and eu passport.
  17. #37
    Originally posted by Warcry and no i am not a felon or anything like that in poland or amnywhere else.

    Really, so you were in that Californian prison for a misdemeanor?
  18. #38
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Congrats…2yrs out of 40..that will make such a big difference…my mistake!

    again, having two years of experienc ein an in house position remote is better than anything rbaldye got.
  19. #39
    Originally posted by Warcry not really man i mean im sure in england or ane gnlishs peaking country i could get a service job easily with my english and eu passport.

    I'm sure you could...but were we not talking about jobs of note?? You used the term "Top echelon"...waiting tables isn't really in that realm

    Yes you could sure has hell get an entry level age 40...
  20. #40
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    ur a moron just like the rest of the posters on here. a usa cirminal record doesnt trasnfer to other countries. you cna satrt over in another country. esp if ur a citizen there and was not of the us ever.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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