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Posts by jerryb

  1. jerryb African Astronaut
    I smoke so not giving anyone shit. It's all the other stuff in cigs that's worse than the nicotine.
  2. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra he got deported, I don't think he's allowed back

    I don't think he got deported for the pedo charge but it plus all the other fuck ups. I mean it's kinda hard to fuck up enough to get booted from the US, we allow Mexican cartel and rapist a second chance.
  3. jerryb African Astronaut
    His mom must be loaded. Bout time Bradley move to the west coast. You OK with older women Bradley? Maybe your bud Slide22 can hook you up with a room.
  4. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley I don't know anyone who likes the jedis either. I definitely have opened some colored people's eyes to the evil of them and made some Muslim friends due to my outspoken hatred of them and vehement pro multicultural stance.

    Apparently it's very weird to find a blue eyed white man with a shaved head who hates the jedis, but is also an anti racist, LGBTQ member, multiculturalist who listens to mostly just rap music.

    I was surprised by the amount of blacks jedi aware, especially their huge part in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
  5. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I hear less and less about the war in Ukraine, I guess the media got tired of it too, much like you don't really hear so much about covid anymore either (at least here in the USA)

    Surely you've lived here long enough to know the average American has the attention span of a gnat. More important things like which celeb has the biggest ass or newest nigga BF.
  6. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What makes you think I didn't do that?

    The oil change was necessary…the oil fil/ter change certainly was..enhancements have pretty defined limits.

    vinny one of those guys that asks all surprised when his oil screen clogs up, loses pressure and locks his engine down.
  7. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Try it with an old phone first if unsure.

    My old phones screen busted, may be a little painful. I'll have to think on it awhile.
  8. jerryb African Astronaut
    I feel kinda special. I could've got just
  9. jerryb African Astronaut
    Those ain't demons in Memfrica, they're niggers. Always fill up before driving thru because demons don't have shit on them.
  10. jerryb African Astronaut
    Do you have a shed for her and immediate 100 family members? You could use the others for a mini egg farm operation or something.
  11. jerryb African Astronaut
    Haven't had any contact with Candy yet so no need to be all jelly.
  12. jerryb African Astronaut
    Cabin enhancements cost about $10, they charge $50 plus min 1 hour labor for 5 minutes work.

    They fucking the techs also, hire guys out of school for $15 hour and charge $125 shop labor, oh yeah they need the kid to furnish tools also. HAHA
  13. jerryb African Astronaut
    Usually the money makers are brakes, struts and shit like cabin air enhancements. Nobody wants to do engine work.
  14. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Seems a little pricey just to experiment. I am a cheap bastard.
  15. jerryb African Astronaut
    Be pretty nice making a few grand a week teasing lonely perverts.
  16. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Dentists are the car mechanics of the health world.

    Your average mechanic is almost as good as Wariat is at finding a job.
  17. jerryb African Astronaut
    I was a self employed mech for the last 20 years. Never get work done at a dealer unless under warranty. I'll admit it's hard to find a honest mech and not retarded at the same time.
  18. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster When I got my wisdom teeth out they gave me 60 10 mg hydrocodone. Nowadays they just tell you to take hugs doses of ibuprofen

    About the most you will get these days is 5 and that's if you are a regular patient.

    Talk about pain and suffering, I had all 4 wisdom removed in the navy. The military isn't known for top notch doctors.
  19. jerryb African Astronaut
    I've seen both parties over the years and this shit show just gets worse. Maybe you will see a little decrease if a Republican gets in office.

    My real point is I'd rather our resident nigga Bradley get some of my money than Leshawadra and her 10 nigglets or illegal beaners. Jiggaboos illegal maid is exempt of course.
  20. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra that sounds extremely gay

    Just saw this. I'm not much older than him but I'd bet good money I'm in better shape. I didn't sit on my ass for years riding around bringing fags their burgers.
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