2024-07-18 at 1:42 AM UTC
Kafka has rejected me
Someone who should have lived in the Victorian era and is noble won't get along with vulgar Americans of today and nothing can change that, because you can't change someone with strength of character.
2024-07-18 at 1:23 AM UTC
Kafka has rejected me
The most decent people here after me are Candy, Scron and Wariat. Though I'm not compatible with them. Scron is on thin ice for not being a feminist. Wariat is on thin ice for spamming me.
I'm confused about my sexuality now. I thought I was just confident but if I don't feel nervous at all around men does that mean I don't find them attractive?
Ig I'm wondering if feeling so nervous bcus of her that I had to move seats means I liked her or if I'm terrified of women.
Wondering why some girls make me nervous. I was thinking today about when I was in the same class as Adam. I didn't know him I'd just been admiring him from afar. I sat next to this girl for the first few weeks and she made me feel shy and idk why. So I moved to sit next to Adam and there were only guys at that table but I felt instantly calmer. I think you're meant to get nervous around people you like but it was Adam I liked I think.
Nvm whoevers looking for me would notice none of the other houses have ring doorbells. Sighs.
Ig I'll have to get one. Not feeling safe causes rapid decline in mental wellbeing.
Thinking about getting a ring doorbell. I don't want to in case it gets hacked but I don't feel as safe lately.
Someone is using one of my rare usernames on hacker forums and it's not me.
I want to 3D print Polly Pocket dolls. They're so hard to find nowadays.
2024-07-17 at 10:42 PM UTC
Can't eat spaghetti
I want a drivers license because my family are pressuring me but walking into ongoing traffic is something I occasionally do as well.
Thinking about the relationships I've had and how they're eternal in a way. They play out over and over again but with different characters. They're universal forces.