2024-06-03 at 9:34 AM UTC
Normalised anti white hatred
Men have blindspots that they'll never overcome. Like Aldra here insulting jedis to try and make himself feel superior. Most men will never overcome that flaw, they're biased because they want to believe they're better than everyone else.
2024-06-03 at 9:30 AM UTC
Normalised anti white hatred
That background music is binaural, intended to put you in a receptive trance. Some people have ethnomaschism but I don't think it affects most white people so nothing to worry about.
2024-06-03 at 8:49 AM UTC
My second cat
I think Uasal is the one.
noble, high-born, aristocratic; gentle, gentlemanly, gallant, genteel, lofty
noble, precious, fine
(of place) sacred to the dead; hallowed; enchanted, inhabited by fairies
2024-06-03 at 8:33 AM UTC
My second cat
I like droog as well, it means friend in nadsat slang
2024-06-03 at 8:32 AM UTC
My second cat
Gloomclaw is a goblin name I just found, it's at the top of my list rn
2024-06-03 at 8:28 AM UTC
My second cat
Goblin comes to mind but the neighbours will judge me when I call him. I'll look up male fairy names later.
June 3, 2024
Mercury enters Gemini and the sector of your chart that governs success, Virgo, sharpening your mind and ability to strategize long-term goals. Do your best to acquire new knowledge and skills throughout the coming weeks, harnessing the power of this planetary placement to maximize your potential. Your business savvy peaks when the sun and Venus align with the Nodes of Fate, making it easier to advocate for what you deserve. Now is also a good time to review your commitments, making revisions as necessary. Mercury blows a kiss to Pluto this evening, marking the ideal time to initiate discussions with any mentors who can help you move forward professionally.
I was going to let it go and just not meet him again but he's targetting me here and being misogynistic, threatening to take Bradley to where I live.
And his current track of lies imply he just took a video of me without asking permission first. You may not be able to imagine what I can do Donald, I'm not going to tell you because it's a surprise. When did GG say your birthday was?
I told you not to take a video of me and you heard me but you still did and I only found out when I turned round. I tried to give you the axe and you had your phone in my face following me with it. Later you said you'd delete the videos (plural), then you said you deleted the video (singular) and that it was only of the back of my head. Now you've changed the story again that you did get my face.