2024-06-02 at 5:40 PM UTC
Have you been brainwashed?
People with autism are also more at risk of being radicalised.
2024-06-02 at 5:35 PM UTC
Have you been brainwashed?
I remember Aldra saying he was going to drill a hole in his skull for more air or something. That's retard behaviour.
2024-06-02 at 5:34 PM UTC
Have you been brainwashed?
Its people like Aldra tbh. Something people in cults have in common is that they believe they're free-thinkers and smarter than everyone else. Aldra seems focused on conspiracy theories and not believing textbooks. He also tried to zap his brain painting googles etc.
Bradley is another example. He thinks he's being edgy but his behavior can be explained by sociology. He's also obsessed with conspiracies, his obsession with that 1984 book but that's a piece of the puzzle that fucked him over.
Gasp. This could be a sign Maddie isn't a female. I've noticed all the guys here refrain from insulting Frala.
Why does everyone forget frala
I'm pretty much a misanthrope but I just realised I have a biased view of everyone where I live because of my experiences in highschool. I became a misanthrope at 19 and haven't given anyone a chance since. I believe there's no one like me here.
Wondering if it'd be possible for me to start an irl forum. There is one where I live but I got cult vibes from the poster, it seem biased in ways but I can't recall how.
I feel like death. I've been doing life-admin the past three hours and am getting exhausted. If I lie down I'll feel lazy, if I snort something I'll feel palpitations. My eyes feel dry. I have to go on because I'm not going to feel okay unless I've had a productive day.
Current projects are:
Studying for chemistry
Making my own forum
Starting a niche business, I can't say what
Starting an OF
Learning hacking
Planning a vacation
Self-care and maintenance
Finding a boyfriend
I don't know where to start today.
Jun 2, 2024
Virgo Horoscope
Just when you thought things couldn't get any hotter, the cosmic heat gets cranked up with a certain connection. The Moon and Mars add serious fuel to intimacy in your world. The Moon brings sensitivity, and Mars wants to turn something sweet into something X-rated. If you're feeling the attraction, go for it—but remember, flames can fizzle as quickly as they ignite.
Nvm, are Mongolvoid threads hidden? I never saw the pm.
Someone else post in the thread.
I'm posting in a different maddie thread but nis is saying I'm posting an hour ago so the thread isn't showing on the first page. It's weird.
2024-06-02 at 4:11 AM UTC
my heart
Weird the time is all messed up here.