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Posts That Were Thanked by Kafka

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka It’s like he can’t think of any other way to add to the community than cause drama, thinks a high number of comments means it’s a good thread, and then it fails.

    yeah and he sent me a bunch of pms about how he is a rapist or some shit

    i'll post them

    fuckong weirdo schizo losers i swear some of you need to tie a ripe around your neck and drop fucking dead bunch of god damn mental cases and probably government workers about to get fired from their shitty dead end careers of chasing retards on the internet which we are all going to quit soon anyways

    fuck the computer and fuck every post in this thread that seriuolsy discussed who's internet penis vagina is more visually appealing to them vs another, you are all fags and I hope you all die.

    This thread and many other currents are just another sign of the times, the free speech share a thought internet is dead. Your thoughts belong in your head and nowhere else, express yourself through occult rituallrrt and drug abuse like the 90s or else you will be arrested and killed.

    Originally posted by Ghost *plays kazoo*

    Ye carry knee graw ein klein boattle

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. As I've said since the '80s, you are not your handle.
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  3. Balloon Man African Astronaut
    Best: CandyRein

    Worst: Troon

    This is a dumb attention and drama bait type of thread though. These types of threads always are.
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  4. Ghost Black Hole
    I vote for pole that cat and his ratface patrol series

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  5. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Best: hiki kafka and star trek aka donald trump.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Just woke up from a dream where I was completely carved open and giving myself an autopsy and somehow my lungs were in perfect condition which I think made me realize it was a dream and then I woke up and you know, came here to post it like an adult would do
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. CandyRein Black Hole
    I don’t care what you do .. or what you think .. stay out my inbox and keep my name off your dirty fingertips..

    Should’nt be hard to do .. starting meow
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  8. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Yeah you'll come around. I think you should elucidate on why you like negro candy and dislike Kafka with the autism

    Originally posted by Bradley I thought you didn't like kafka and liked candyrein. That's all I presumed.

    I don’t care if you think I’m the worst poster on planet earth you still can’t stop saying my name and I’m still not responding to your inbox...

    I’ll never be that down and out..
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. 2fly4U2 Houston [my further incomprehensive anogramma]
    stoked to b returning to campus this week!

    View from
    Library lane on Hubbard St.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Balloon Man African Astronaut
    It's cool, I will just join via Microsoft TEAMS
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  11. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Kafka Has anyone else noticed Bradley is a narcissist?

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  12. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Kafka Why the fuck am I awake. I haven’t been able to calm down for two days.

    have you tried literally like stretching/flexing out, methodically. first you start with your toes then your feet/ankles and literally you just go all the way up

    probably wanna do some chill breathing and/or sip a brew while you work on it
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka I still don’t know what your point is. In the UK you attach a photo with your C.V or have a link on it to your LinkedIn page, employers will see your photo there and will also stalk your Facebook if you have one.

    Wow, Europe is a literal shit hole. Who the fuck cares about your social media and you need to pay for Linkin now to use all the features. What a psychotic black mirror society
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    forgot how good Dark City is, just wish there was more focus on the mystery and less of the goofy action scenes
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  15. Ghost Black Hole
    I'm following the instructions as detailed and meticulously as possible sparing none of my attention away from ensuring I get it right

    Only to repeat the same steps and sometimes go backwards

    What is the meaning of it? Is this all a test?
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Kafka You have the lowest self-awareness on this site.

    I think you forgot that I use this site too.
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  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Gingers are always guilty of something…Death penalty required

    Guilty of being too cute and intelligent
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  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I wish king bin Saud or whoever the OG Saudi was castrated all the Saudis outside the clans he raped his way into. Then there would be fewer Saudis and the world would be better off
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  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    I have a bunch of people I haven't done yet, I'll update later

    The Shapeshifter (4,1). Unstoppable, indestructable, lives only to FUCK and doesn't care what he penetrates. You won't be able to tell he isn't human unless you get close enough, at which point it's too late. Even his penis was crafted to do maximum damage to its target.

    The Hotep (6,5). Heir to a lineage of nigger-God-kings. Will one day unite the tribes of Africa to drive the J'ews out of Jerusalem, where he'll take his rightful throne at what was once the Temple Mount.

    True Crime Fetishist (6,4). She has a secret shoebox containing correspondence with Ed Kemper and Richard Ramirez. One day she'll collect enough nipples for a belt of her own.

    The Madman (4,4). I honestly don't know what she's talking about most of the time.

    Baron of the Rats (6,3). Because rats don't have drunk Mexican neighbours, and they don't constantly bitch at you about groceries or auto work or why there's Flex Seal everywhere. When your house floods, there are always friends under the overpass.

    The Cherubim(2,1). Was once a person, but was forcibly 'ascended' and now only exists to serve Lanny and annoy everyone else.

    The Program Manager (5,3). Wanted a regular job as a middle-manager, somehow got put in charge of Remote Viewing. One day one of his students let slip that they saw his wife cheating on him and he promptly divorced her. The kids became enamored with the power they had over him and went on to ruin every one of his subsequent marriages. It would later come out that the Remote Viewing project was a total failure and that they had a success rate far lower than they should have through chance alone.

    The Joyful Goetist (4,3), The Victorian (3,4). Hedonism and vanity put her in contact with entities who promised 'experience beyond limits' like in Hellraiser, but once she sent them topless photos they never responded to her summons again.

    The Azathoth (The Demiurge)(1,1), Gangster Computer God (7,1). Created a world just to spite it, laughs as it tears itself apart again and again. Every now and then he makes an appearance just to turn the screws.

    michael myers
    Organic Robotoid (6,2). Spent years stressing over finding a mate, when he finally did he discovered he didn't actually have the required equipment. He's now much happier underground, trying to repair the machinery that turned Wariat into a rapemonster (not to be confused with rape monster).

    Das Katze(5,2). Was forced into a human body against his will; still dreams of leaping through forests and obliterating local wildlife and has a hard time walking on two legs when he wakes up. He no longer knows whether 'dreaming' or being 'awake' is real. Engineered toxoplasmosis (by eating certain kinds of garbage) as punishment for those who did this to him.

    The Odomite(5,1). After the cities collapsed, Polecat and his gimp spent their days harvesting cannabis for trade and defending their property with automatic gunfire and threats of extreme sexual trauma. Made a name for themselves abducting former federal employees and subjecting them to unspeakable acts, met their end raiding a FEMA camp to burn their corn syrup stocks.

    The Discordian(4,7). Discovered he was not filled with blood but rather dark matter when Sploogook blasted his head open with a mug after an argument over stolen xanax. From that day he spewed chaos forth through holes he drilled into his mouth, its intoxicating vapors leading to the BLM and Jan 6th riots as well as uncountable street crimes and perversions.

    Francis E. Dec (7,7). The only man to understand the Gangster Computer God due to being attacked directly by it, rather than simply being affected by its terrible machinations. He still carries the God's taint, so it's impossible to separate horrible truth from obscene delusion. The harder he fights, the farther his sanity recedes.

    The Northwesterner (2,3). Similar to Polecat, he'd already become self-sufficient by the time the cities fell. He wasn't, however, able to maintain his personal oasis without the old supply lines, so he reluctantly joined Polecat and Rick on their fateful FEMA raid, only to abandon them and wander the wastes after witnessing them pin down a security guard and fuck him to death.

    The Abandero (7,2). The DEROS (DEtrimental RObotS) are people who lived deep underground, surviving solely on radiation leaking from ancient, unmaintained technology. As a result they're almost immortal but know nothing but sadism and malevolence, and spend their days raping, torturing and resurrecting anyone they can drag down into their caves.

    Radio Slave (6,1). Created solely to harass and foment conflict. Cannot stop until he's told to by the Gangster Computer God, but if he ever does get that order he'll probably ignore it because high-volume shitposting gives him an erection to wag at ladies at the early-bird buffet.
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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    lol what

    the real rivalry is between the different intelligence services (ie. the GRU vs FSB vs SVR) and their conflict is for prestige; they all want to be the biggest and best-paid, not to completely upend the system.

    contrary to what western media has to say, neither Putin nor the current establishment really leans on Dugin's ideology so he's not exactly a top choice for exerting political influence.

    on top of that, there's pretty broad support for the SMO inside Russia and after the last few months, people don't really have a problem with escalating if it means getting the job done quicker. they don't need to be 'pushed' into accepting a broader or more intense war
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