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Posts That Were Thanked by Kafka

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    if I was friends with kafka I Would fake my own death too
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  2. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Ive been hanging out with this Belarussian guy and the ukrainian guy I met at the bar me and star trek hung out at who got me on meth and doing a lot o drugs lately like snorting and putting it in energy drinks or beer. the ukrainian guy lives basically on the street and does construction work and doesnt sleep hardly if any at all and the belarussian guy does uber eats since lately and we hung out in his room he shares with a bunch of other foreign dudes snorting some meth and drinking. I literlaly lost two days in a row as we hung out all loud too im surprised no one knocked or nothing in the belarussian guys room snorting and i snorted so much out of the blue i started to throw up and it started bouncing like i was on energy dirnks not where my heart is but left side of my body like where liver is. but then i also felt good and all i could talk about was sex or different chicks or women i had in the usa and in my life and how badly when i got on that meth i wanted to get some. the ukrainian guy likes really young chicks also but even younger than im comfrotable with now and he sort of has a slight reputation with it because this other indian guy who i also met at that bar me and star trek hung out at doesnt like it even though hes our friend he told me when the ukrainian guy dima was not around that one time he showed up at the bar and I kid you not the girl he was with was maximum 13. I was like no way. but oh yea the belarussian dude is quite crazy. hes like always high and apparently killed a guy in belarus before coming to poland but claims it was self defense so he won the court case or got found not guilty or some shit and never did serious time but grew up on the street since he was 15. Ive also been going to clubs and spending just a shitload of money. i need to calm down of all this shit. I ended up giving this bouncer 50 zloty to go inside this club bar type place that is literally free just to get in one night because i wanted to check if this city here in poland really is this corrupt and if this guy was joking with me or if hell take it and he took it and let me in it was crazy as originally he said give me 100 and ill let you in due to the fact i tried to go inside at like 1-2 am as it was one of the only left or last active places on this street (where me and star trek hung out).
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  3. blaster master victim of incest
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    As an aside i have been working on retaliatory measures, for when i find out what exactly has been going on, if you want to compare notes, send me a PM. I'm sure you got burners, as do i, i've been setting up some preliminary Signal stuff to check out it's capabilities but i also have a script that acts as a sort of PM system, decentralized in the sense it uses many paste sites to store encrypted data, all we need to do is have a pre-shared key, and the rest gets randomized, distributed, encrypted and all that good stuff. Keys can be changed every N interval of time, what happens when that happens largely gets automated and conducted in a dynamic and correlational manner, which makes for pretty good usability.

    If you're interested in sharing intel hit me up.
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  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster British food looks like an abomination

    A Proper English Breakfast is comfort food to these people. its the first thing they ask about coming off of a plane early in the morning. "Where is there a proper pub with engish diner" or some shit.

    I had to look these things up and have a list for all people of all nationalities.

    Driving for Uber or Lyft isn't just "Hey get in I make money" you want a good tip or cash tips (not all tip though) you have a mental or notes on your phone for authentic ethnic cuisine. try and make it in different cities so you might get extra miliage out of it and an extended trip cost more than if they had original designated that place. sometimes they drop off their shit at a hotel like bagage and then make it a double designation.

    also you have to figure your overhead before profit so you know whats best to drive or cut out for the day. surge periods and downtimes. its not just Hurrrr Durrr I DRIVE GYPSIE CAB
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  7. this forum makes me realize how delusions looks like
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  8. Mfw the pastor starts talking about the recipe for a marriage that is "pleasantly fragrant" to God, and that we should make an effort to "spray others with our love"
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  9. Originally posted by Kafka I’ve deleted it until I’m over Mik. The first week without him has flown by but there’s always a risk I’ll be lonely in a few months.

    Well ill be around for a while so whenever you feel like installing it again. Hope your doing alright.
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  10. Truth Details Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Rape Monster I've seen several doctors who seemed to know less about medication than I did.
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  11. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Bradley much easier to be on welfare

    Which one of the reasons you will die alone
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  13. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Haxxor Another well thought out response

    Case and point made for me

    Thanks dear 😆

    wtf is wrong with you
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  14. Ghost Black Hole
    hey man you need to lay off the internet i think you are takigng this too serious

    Niggas in Space > Half Baked >
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  15. Originally posted by cigreting If a woman is able to raise a child herself with NO government or other family assistance then I have no problem with that.
    The problem is 99.9% of these bitches get pregnant then rely on big daddy gubbermint to provide for their poor choices, which equates to tax payers footing the bill for ashtrayneisha and her poor choices. Responsibility is a word women have no idea about. In the old days you were shunned by society & family and rightfully so if you werent married and got pregnant.

    LMAO about you thinking men try to trap women. Try the other way around retard

    If you see having a child outside of marriage as problematic , I don't see why Women would deserve the blame. When literally it takes two to tango and a man decided to put sperm in her. You don't see Women running around putting eggs into men, if anything the man is MORE culpable not that I know what that word means.

    You don't think there's men who trap Women? I reject your hypothesis.
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  16. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    yeah okay guy who goes onto the internet to argue with men
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  17. Originally posted by Kafka My earliest memory or dream is in a cot in a room with gold wallpaper, crying because my sister took my dummy and was teasing me with it. My mum came in and they left but I didn’t get the dummy back.

    When I was two remember crawling into the corner of a chest of drawers in my parents room, hitting my head and blacking out. Still have a scar from it.

    At three looking in the mirror in my parents room and saying out loud I wish I was four. At four the same thing only wishing I was three.

    Mine is going down the street pushed in my Pram by my mom after leaving my grandmas house...I must have been about 3.
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  18. Originally posted by Kafka People are stealing oil from their neighbours. Wonder how common that will become.

    It was pretty common here recently for people to siphon gas from your car's gas tank when gas was near $5 a gallon...always buy a locking gas cap.
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  19. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    fona got a new mattress recently , he loves it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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