Wondering if I should do something productive or if there's no point since I'm drunk. It hit me that today will stand out in my mind for some time because I spent time with old online friends and I kind of want to note down everything from today because in a decade everything will be different.
2024-09-27 at 8:56 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
Misogyny is a mental illness.
2024-09-27 at 8:55 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
It's just beyond me how men can be sexist pieces of shit and still wonder why women don't want them. I can't imagine being that ignorant your whole life.
2024-09-27 at 8:52 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
It's sad men like this are so entitled and ignorant and lash out at women for their faults then wonder why they're still alone.
2024-09-27 at 8:49 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
Jig has been harassing me for over a year because I rejected him. He's delsional for thinking I would want anything to do with an old man on another continent who doesn't respect women and makes rape comments. He's a would be rapist if he isn't already one. Imagine being this mad for over a year that a woman doesn't want to be with a sexist and senile rapist, and acts like a child when he's rejected.
2024-09-27 at 6:56 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
Having kids makes you miss out on experiences though. I want to experience life not dedicate it to someone else who will have to deal with the same shit. Ik my dad would want me to be happy and if I will have a less stressful life without kids then he'd want that. There are other ways to become immortal and influence people besides having children. People have kids to make them have happy lives. I will just have a happy life for my dad.
2024-09-27 at 6:46 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
Idc if someone has low self-esteem, if they take it out on me they're dead to me. This is directed at Jigaboo in particular.
2024-09-27 at 6:40 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
People who forgive others are their own enemies.
2024-09-27 at 6:37 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
I just wish I had the confidence to sit alone in the canteen instead of with phoney friends. Someone probably would have asked to sit with me anyway.
2024-09-27 at 6:33 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
My current life goal is to embrace my shadow self. I think it's sad to live without being fully yourself. Can I ever really be happy if I'm suppressing parts of myself?
2024-09-27 at 6:31 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
Just noticed I'm tipsy but haven't been in this particular state before, like not just tipsy yet. I've just been doing my skincare today and watching Monsters on Netflix. Tempted to buy a Steam game but ik I won't play it any time soon.
2024-09-27 at 6:29 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
People think it's natural to love your parents but most of the time it's stockholme syndrome.
2024-09-27 at 6:27 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
You don't need to have children. Your instincts may be telling you to but your instincts aren't always good and the world has changed. Nature doesn't care if having children has a detrimental effect on your life, only that you have children. Say no to nature. Your parents would want you to be happy and that's more important than having children. Have a happy life instead.
2024-09-27 at 6:13 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
I should be writing fantasy novels not a manifesto to disarm people susceptible to fascism, but it's necessary.
2024-09-27 at 6:11 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
Ideally I'd like to pursue creative interests in life, but it is necessary for me to fight patriarchy instead. I can't even join a forum I have interest in as a female and be accepted. So following creative interests isn't possible for me, I have to fight injustice instead.
2024-09-27 at 6:08 PM UTC
What is the meaning of life?
I've lived long enough and the main thing I regret is not taking revenge on certain people. Since I'm incapable of forgetting past wrongs it is necessary for me to take revenge.
I wish I had the confidence I have now in highschool. Back then I associated with people I hated just because I didn't want to sit alone at lunch time. Then when they didn't get into 6th form I just chainsmoked in a toilet cubicle all of lunchtime. I didn't gain the social confidence to sit alone until I was 19.
Life is what you make of it. I'm confused because I don't know what is worth dedicating my life to. Hobbies seem meaningless. I mirror whoever I'm closest to so I don't know what way to live. If you can be anyone who should you choose?
All I know is that I don't want to waste my talents, and I'm starting to think that since I will always do what's necessary, since I have the bravery to step up when no one else will, that I'm meant to cause social change. I'm starting to believe my life purpose is fighting patriarchy, because if it's necessary for me to do so then I will.
I think everyone should try to learn, grow and evolve. My worst fear is ignorance and ending up like the people on this site who've lived in ignorance their whole lives.
Spaced out, slowly cleaning and doing my skincare. I booked an event for tomorrow night and it isn't something I'm into but I want to be around people and there'll be alcohol.
2024-09-27 at 2:13 PM UTC
hey kafka
Lanny had plenty of chances to do the right thing, I even told him exactly what to do, but he chose to turn a blind eye to abuse so he deserves the legal consequences. But I wonder if he did turn a blind eye or if he liked to watch a minor being preyed upon on his site.