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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Bradley Wow Kafka, I really appreciated the look at what life would be like I was in the United Kingdom

    how does autism affect your life?

    I’m not sure if it does really because I can function, make eye contact and am sometimes an extrovert. I’m sure it does affect things though, probably why I ended up here and have few friends.
  2. Kafka sweaty
    I always thought my aunt and uncle were twisted, let’s call them J and D. J once gave me a pair of size 14 pyjamas for Christmas and I’m size 8. She also drunkenly trashed my room, long time ago.

    I had to stay at their house one night, I was throwing up codeine in the bathroom and J just would not leave me alone. I told her I was overwhelmed and needed to be alone. She said she wouldn’t leave until I told her why I was throwing up. How could I explain anything while I’m throwing up and I was an adult at the time so should have privacy. She was trying to trigger me. She also said she was in charge of me now because I have autism and that I couldn’t leave. Note I’ve been diagnosed with aspergers. I left and went to stay with a friend.

    Next year I went to find my ex-British army dad in England, he told me that J and D were very twisted, they were IRA fascists, and that his friend was killed by a bomb supplied by D. He also said D tried to kill his sister, my aunt, by putting a bomb under her car. He said the IRA were after him and he’d been packing a gun for 30 years.

    At a family gathering D suggests putting me in a psych ward.

    2020, at my dad’s wake, J and D show up and there’s a scene, my aunt accuses him of putting a bomb under her car, so they don’t go to the funeral. The fucking nerve showing up to a man’s wake when you tried to kill his sister and want to put his daughter in a psych ward. They hate me because they hate my dad.
  3. Kafka sweaty
    It used to be knifeplay in the graveyard but I didn’t factor in that I’d be drunk and almost poked his eye out, and it was a kitchen knife which turned me off. Now I think a gangbang in a Munich sex cinema when life goes back to normal.
  4. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Step 1: post pics of you in a bunny costume…yes we are back to the pic requests

    I have a bunny hat
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Food pantry crap is all carbs and fat and processed shit for the most part…come on now fella!

    No, good healthy food is fresh, cheap and easy to obtain in the good ol USA…also:

    Live near a pond?…FISH!
    Live near a national forest? HUNT!
    Live near a farm? HARVEST!
    Live near a doughnut factory?.. DOUGHNUT go in that place!

    My dad used to fish and hunt bunny rabbits when he was a boy. I’d love to learn how to as well.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    I wonder if world leaders could be killed and replaced by replica AI robots one day.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood this bitch can't cook a chicken but wants guys to beg for her nudes thats a yikes from me

    corn beef hash; corn beef, hashbrowns, egg, hot peppers on toast
    korean beef and rice; seasame oil, soy sauce, Gochujang, green pepper, rice
    home made mac and cheese
    eggs and toast with potatoes
    fusilli pasta with spicy tomato sauce, onion and italian sausage
    frozen stuffed chicken cutlets with a home made caesar salad
    casserole dish stuff; Frito pie, baked ziti

    thats just what i've been eating this week. If I don't feel like ordering something or can't think of anything else these are the main dishes I fall back on eating or if I am really in a bind just hotdogs/grilled cheese plus fries or something

    those are good idk about an entire week though. When I was single and lived alone I would get one of those and some cheese and veg and make quasadillas for a few nights

    I even had a press so those suckers turned out reeel nice

    I’ve never tried any of those thank you.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Wariat my answer to her would be:

    "as long as I feel like it bitch. as long as that 30 something yr old cock had enough of your little 15 yr old teenage pussy and ass."

    Is this a pedo ring?
  9. Kafka sweaty
    This is a hassle, I’m picky and have never cooked a chicken. If anyone has ideas for a weekly meal plan or your favourite foods you like to make that would help.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo Testosterone causes your aunties dick-taking behavior NAH FUCKING MEAN?

    Calmate hijo
  11. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Men just more enjoy the act of killing the foe and care little for the consequences.

    Testosterone causes risk-taking behaviour which gets men killed.
  12. Kafka sweaty
    Have fun circle-jerking on each other. C:
  13. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood If you aren't going to provide pictures can we at least get a description of your general appearance?

    Only if you beg.
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Ignore these filthy dogs Kafka and come back to bed…bring the veggie oil with you too.

    I’ll bring my taser dw
  15. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked oh its that gay dude

    I’m a girl and unwilling to give the male species credit for my mind.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Are used panties on the list?…asking for the guy above.

    With shit on them?
  17. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson This.

    The comfort that comes from having your physical being approved of also works wonders for your mental health, show bobs and feel better.

    Buy my wish list
  18. Kafka sweaty
    False nails and cigarettes
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sophie Good point on the phone, go to google maps and look at the forest, find cell towers, if there's three with overlapping ranges (5 to 10 miles radius). You can't take the phone with you to the dumping spot. Three overlapping service towers can triangulate the location of a phone that's pinging off of them. If there is an area, that only is covered by one tower, they can only tell whether or not the phone pinged at a certain time. Plotting towers over time gives you radii of possible locations and the direction. With one tower you can kill the person and dump them, retrieve the phone, and now just go for an extra walk, the scenic route if you will. Drop the phone somewhere just like you would with the clothes and make it a red herring.

    Also, how big is this forest you are talking about, sounds small af.

    Okay I was not expecting that answer, didn’t know that about the phone towers. It’s Tollymore forest park and they have GoT tours. Forgot about nature photographers as well.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sophie I probably wouldn't, being a murderer that doesn't get caught is a full time job. I have some options though, and i would go about it differently in the USA than i would here. If you can manage not to get caught in the act and you have a good place to dispose of the body like a forest, with favorable soil. You'd probably want to hang out on the forest trail, act like you like nature. Then when you see a victim you like, you walk up from behind and place industrial sized tie-wrap around their neck. make sure you got a few loops daisy chained together for distance and an end that has a handle for your hand or something so you can pull hard. Then as the person is panicking you drag them off the trail deep into the forest, someplace you scouted beforehand.

    They will be dead within 5 minutes but 5 minutes off the trail is too close. So make it as far as you can. If you're smart you will have a grave ready to go, a rather deep one too. Put corpse in hole, cut tie-wrap loose and bring it with you, that's evidence you gotta burn, fill hole. Make it look as if nothing has been disturbed.

    Even if you can't manage the last part if you make sure the spot is far off the beaten track, you will have a better chance. When you go for a hike you take water right, well use it to clean the muck off of you, if you bring a change of clothes even better, make sure to burn your murder clothes. Make sure to bury the ashes.

    Now go home. It'll be a while before the person will be missed especially if it's the weekend, and you strike early in the day. If you did a good job burying the body they won't find it, this is why i said the soil must be favorable, certain types of soil will fill in cavity's that are formed when something decomposes, so ground penetrating radar will be useless. The faster the body decomposes the better. Even if they find the body, if it's just bones, it will be impossible to tell how they died. Ligature strangulation doesn't cause a hangman's fracture on the hyoid bone, especially if you pull the ligature low onto the neck.

    Don't take a trophy, don't commit any other crimes until you have gotten rid of everything you need to dispose of. If you can make it happen that the body isn't found in some immediate search and rescue operation you will get away with it. That said you could take the victim's clothes, although now you are touching the body but if you wanna take that risk you can, you can take the clothes, and dump them somewhere in the forest as a red herring. To divert any search efforts.

    That sounds simple enough and maybe the best option. What would you do about their phone? I live near a forest but don’t think I could pull that off because of bird-watchers, more people in the forest because of covid and not being strong enough to strangle or drag someone. During the first lockdown there were a lot of teens camping, it was like Lord of The Flies.
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