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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Kissing women LOL that's honestly kind of gay it she's impure because she used her mouth to do impure things to other people so it's dirty

    just one person's opinion but you raise a good question . And what's all the shiny goop for are they hiding herpy or something now that's a bit sus

    So you won’t kiss after a bj but will before or not?

    I like lipgloss because the rest of my face will be glowing with mimi Luzon gold glow serum so it looks odd if your lips are dry, I think it makes my eyes twinkle more as well, it seems that way.
  2. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4

    Aye cabroney I got an scratch that can't be itched and now THIS

    Do guys actually like kissing girls with lipstick/lipgloss on?
  3. Kafka sweaty
    I was composed and sociable at first, then started doing things like falling off railings and almost drove someone's car into a wall, so it had to end.
  4. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo I'm sorry that sounds like a brutal way to go. It sounds like your visit helped him alot though.

    I guess his physical problems aren't too bad considering. His parents both lived to be close to 90 and were tough folk who drank and smoked for 80 of those years so he has good genes for it. He just has facial tics, a stutter, bad memory loss and literal gout (which has gotten better). His liver seems to have held up somehow.

    I might drink once every 2 months, if that. Last time was on Christmas, got very drunk and drove around at a high speed listening to pop smoke with the friend I mentioned earlier who fucks with people. When I wake up the next day I feel shitty but want to keep drinking but thankfully I can arrest that now. 3 times in my life I have been physically addicted to alcohol and I don't wanna go back to that. I am prescribed gabbapentin which helps kill any cravings for liquor

    You drink drive? Can I ask how old you are? Switching to two cans of monster a day got me off alcohol but it ain’t good either.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo Does your dad still drink? Mine quit a few years ago and now forgets everything and has eye twitches and stutters. He's become very kind but being around him makes me uncomfortable because I worry about having the same physical problems he does.

    I forgot to mention that when my dad was an alcoholic he would scam money from people even when he wasn't drinking at the time. I think I posted about it before. I remember police showing up to our place because someone had said he broke into a house and I remember how weird that seemed at the time. When I got older I realized it was probably someone trying to frame him because he scammed them and they had no recourse.

    He died because of it. He was a very strong person, I think he’d been in the hospital two weeks but I only saw his last five days, they weren’t giving him any fluids, no food or water. The nurse said she’d rarely seen that in her career. He was screaming for five days in and out of consciousness because they couldn’t give him morphine, couldn’t give him anything as his liver couldn’t handle it and they weren’t allowed to kill him. The pain would come in waves. I tried hypnotising him for pain relief which helped a little but you have to be conscious to listen to it. I remember I was playing suspicious minds by Elvis and he was smiling at me and then he just broke into screaming.

    That’s shitty he scammed people. What do you mean physical problems? Do you drink?
  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ I don't mean to be insensitive but this begs the question…

    Did he get drunk and beat you guys with the name-belt?

    No, and he didn’t hit me, only my sister I think because she wasn’t his biological child.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    My dad was like that, very generous, decent and friendly when he was sober, but he secretly hated everyone and would talk to himself in the mirror while drunk and shaving, very violent. I have a three and a half hour voice note of him talking to himself. He really was decent sober though, in England there was a gang of youths started on some Japanese, so he got involved beat some of them up, some lil girl tried to spray his hand with acid and he said he’d beat her up too. The Japanese man gave my dad his belt as thanks and he got all our names engraved on it saying he loves us.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    This is the saddest thing I listen to but I don’t want people to be sad:
  9. Kafka sweaty
    My sister says she doesn’t want Eminem played at her funeral but that’s all I remember her listening to growing up so it’s happening.

    As for me idk if it’s good for a funeral but my favourite song is smack my bitch up by the prodigy.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ I mean just think about how at any time you could also have some unknown parasite like a tapeworm crawling around inside you too. Everyone is scared of the vaccine but they'll eat raw fish and undercooked porkchops without second thought.

    And as the wise Norm once said, the thing we have to be most scared of, the thing that is the leading cause of death for anyone in the world, is our own fucking heart which will just attack and kill us whenever it feels like it.

    Now I’m even more worried
  11. Kafka sweaty
    Thinking about how scary it is not knowing how the vaccine is affecting my body and if it can cause behaviour changes and mindlessness. Wondering why I’m happy. Wondering what my dad was doing when he was as many days old as I am.
  12. Kafka sweaty
  13. Kafka sweaty
    On bad days the butterfly house, the beach in the evening when it’s quiet, Thai massage, smoking hash in the bath tub, blasting music so I can’t think of other things, Murakami audiobooks or hypnotherapy to relax, beer, it’s always sunny in Philadelphia, fairy books, visual novel games, light a candle.
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler Brain tumors would explain a lot, probably early onset Alzheimer’s

    I think it could be that you should get checked and stop doing coke.
  15. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by aldra INSANE IN THE MENS ROOM

    they're real reluctant to hand them out

    Then you phone Lifeline at night saying you’re suicidal because of it and give them your GP’s details, then the next day phone the GP again.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    You could ask your gp for sleeping tabs.
  17. Kafka sweaty
    Can’t you get glasses in like a day though?
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Nile I'll look for it again. i'm at the library most of my time to so uh maybe i should see if it's here. I'll need to find some meth tho.

    Why are you in the library most of the time? If it’s not there it’s probably on Libgen.
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Gave me nightmares:
    It was that I was a soldier but not following orders. The black aeroplane crashed in some sunny meadow. There was a house, it had a door leading to a non-world. Everything was black inside but it was like the hall of my house, front door and stairs. A lamp upstairs switched on, someone wanted me to go upstairs. A black kitten by the front door. I took it into the real world but it died immediately because it wasn’t used to sunlight. Tried cloning it but the experiment went wrong and contaminated the real world atmosphere with the blackness.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Nile Fucking House of Leaves, I tried reading it all fucked on meth and it was fucking with head. Even my boss at the bookstore was all "what? where did you get that? no man you shouldn't read it all fucked up" Tried to read it again sitting by the waterfront in Toronto too and couldn't because I got mobbed by my demonic gangstalking truman show fanclub assholes being loud and annoying, which was distracting. Fuck that book. I should try and read it again, sober.

    You should read the rest it's good. The author's sister made an album inspired by it as well:
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