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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley The music was awful, some sailor armed lesbian and a bunch of Taco eating niggers jumping around.


    Could you not say you were going to the shop and get her something?
  2. Kafka sweaty
    I’m tempted to drink at 6am
  3. Kafka sweaty
    I’ve been staring off all day feel like I’ll fall asleep with my eyes open and am just lifeless.
  4. Kafka sweaty
    I didn’t sleep last night, am hungover, already threw up, in a shopping centre cafeteria now feeling like a zombie.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    I’d give you a hug if I were there.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    Basic needs
    1. The need to take care of the mind/body - appearance, exercise, healthy food.
    2. Meaning, purpose and goals.
    3. To be a part of something greater than yourself, such as a cause.
    4. Challenge and mental stimulation.
    5. The need for attention.
    6. The need for intimacy.
    7. The need for status.
    8. Safety and security.
    9. The need for a sense of control over your life.

    If you’re missing some of these you’ll start to feel bad.
  7. Kafka sweaty
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Kind of reminds at the end of the film, "A Scanner Darkly", were Philip K Dick the author dedicates the film to all his friends who died as a result of misadventure. It goes something like:

    I always found that part somewhat connected to our community everytime I saw the film.


    Is that movie any good? I’ve seen the trailer
  9. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Bradley Fournaridis/Proots but it turned out to be a trick play.

    User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "trick"!

  10. Kafka sweaty
    They can only print money for how much gold they have or have borrowed, otherwise it results in inflation.
  11. Kafka sweaty
    Share pics pls
  12. Kafka sweaty
    I can’t tell if you’re serious, feel like I say that a lot on this site.
  13. Kafka sweaty
    I think people grow up faster here than in the south of Ireland tbh
  14. Kafka sweaty
    I forgot being 9 and sleeping over at a friend’s house we’d drink her mum’s Soave. I thought I’d take this to the grave but when we were all 12 we went to a city, to Primark and bought thongs and stuff, imagine being the guy at the cashier. Then later in the middle of the night we went into a field in our underwear, I had a vest and pj shorts, fishnets on and pink hair extensions. Then these gypsy guys came out of nowhere and some of my friends started kissing them. Idk why I hung out with them…
  15. Kafka sweaty
    I’m not sure how long to keep my hair black for. Last year I had the roots dyed ginger and the rest of it was brown, kind of miss that, but I could get sick of it again.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Watching Donnie Darko. Tomorrow will be chaotic when I’m outside volunteering at 3C the rain and there’s a weather warning storm, also have a hair appointment idk why it always rains when I get my hair done, GP call and have to go to the library, if I have time I’ll study there. I feel like I should pack a change of clothes because of the rain so have to do that tonight. I will also be sleep-deprived tomorrow, it’s 2am now and I won’t get home til midnight.
  17. Kafka sweaty
    I think hell exists and it’s here on earth so legalising euthanasia would provide psychological reassurance.
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by aldra it follows logically that you're preserving the strength of your tribe while depleting the strength of your rivals.

    that's the core of the argument against things like abortion, suicide and drug use - they deem the benefit to the social group (family, clan, race, nation etc.) to be worth the negative impact on the individual

    I think a forced pregnancy can be a form of abuse and cause trauma or even death if the mother becomes suicidal or just by giving birth, so it should be up to women to decide. I don’t see how incest babies can benefit a social group or the point in people consigned to care homes or hospitals for the rest of their lives to not be allowed to die.
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Things change so fast tbh I remember in hs, during lunchtime I’d chainsmoke and play doodle jump in a toilet cubicle because they made a big mistake closing the library, and these girls would kick the door calling me a lesbian, but now I can kiss girls in pubs here and it’s fine. I got my first girlfriend at 21 and kept it secret, it’s still hard for me to tell people, on surveys I say “prefer not to say”. Last year in a pub, this girl was sitting on my lap and we showed each other our bras and starting kissing in front of these gawking men, I wouldn’t have been able to do that as a teen.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo It's insane how fundamentalist Christians are against abortion and assisted suicide. They really like people to suffer personal, private hells on earth.

    A few years ago before all the local papers were Bought by an oil company, there was a 4 page article after a friend of the editors died by assisted suicide. Iirc a few weeks later there was another 1 or 2 pages about some other rich person who offed themselves. I remember reading the articles and thinking that seemed like such a nice send off, on your own terms and everything. I think Hunter S Thompson is a faggot for doing it tho, nigga wasn't even depressed

    It was illegal in (NI) until recently even in cases of incest or rape, and pepper spray and stun guns are illegal here. I think people are still against it which scares me, the law only changed because we had no government for two years and Westminster stepped in. I could get abortion pills online when it was illegal. It doesn’t make sense because the people who are anti-abortion are also happy to kill people when they join the army.
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