Describe an outfit. Just curious because some guys are good at this.
I have to start cramming again tomorrow but am so tempted to drunk rn
Wondering if I want to spend £40 on a poster. I'm tempted to go on a kawaii shopping spree but it's just because I'm empty.
I remember swiping my sister's bottle cap necklace w the american flag on it.
What I wanted to look like when I was older when I was a child. I wanted those glitter spiral hair clips in that 90s updo and a black crop top and belly button piercing.
The mental health nurse didn't call me back and I'm taking it as guardian angel intervention. I've had several signs not to get mental help so I'll listen to the universe. Next week I have that team work assessment for a job, my final exam and a dermal fillers appointment. After that I have to catch up on something which should take two weeks tops. Then I'll be free or employed.
Annoyed because I'm sacrificing today to have a break and it's so boring. I may as well study.
I only know what's easy in Northern Ireland. Drug possession, esp for minors. I've done coke in the streets while the peelers drove past. You don't get shot if you have a knife or for anything really. I threatened someone with a knife here and the police were called, nothing happened and I don't have a record. In America some kid did the same thing and was shot dead. When my dad burned down his house the police came and he shouted at them to fuck off, nothing happened and they left. It's easy to get away with rape here sadly. A lot of victims don't come forward because the police have to look through your phone and sometimes they don't take you seriously. My friend was raped by her mum's boyfriend for a decade, since she was 8. She told the police and they didn't believe her.
I never understood people from new york or London that nest in online communities. I would be outside meeting people instead. I'd be at a goth club and am jealous of people who live there.
2023-05-13 at 4:47 PM UTC
Sophie: Where are you?
Even if he hasn't talked about it it would make sense because some of you would make jabs about it.
2023-05-13 at 4:45 PM UTC
Sophie: Where are you?
Has he ever talked about being in contact with mental health professionals or being assessed?
2023-05-13 at 4:44 PM UTC
Sophie: Where are you?
It just came to me, is it possible he was sectioned? People with BPD often are.
Your brain feeling on fire isn't necessarily a good thing, could be a placebo affect. Also organisms at peace are often lower beings.
I think it'd be interesting to see how humanity would progress if the male and female minds merged.
I also don't recommend mindfulness and see it as akin to mindlessness. Your thoughts are who you are and what separates you from a rock, so don't try to get rid of them.