When you wanna get more blocked but your hearing goes -_-
2023-06-20 at 9:49 PM UTC
You wouldn't believe....
But what I want to stress is, people here would gain so much if they looked past their sexism and asked me for advice. Maybe I should have made an account pretending to be male but I ain't gonna sell myself out, I exist.
2023-06-20 at 9:48 PM UTC
You wouldn't believe....
Could post my avatars here bcus they were personas for a short time, maybe another day.
2023-06-20 at 9:42 PM UTC
I know what you tried to do
Scon da only one that makes sense
2023-06-20 at 9:30 PM UTC
You wouldn't believe....
There's things people irl wouldn't believe about me and things people here wouldn't, I will lump them together:
If you've ever seen that smack my bitch up video by the prodigy some part of me is like her, I had a chav phase.
People irl either think I'm lovely or that there's something off, and I don't mean autistic off, they think I'm a bad person.
THat applies to strangers. My family think I'm a serial killer, but also a genius.
I was once a public enemy, getting hundreds of death threats from people irl. Doesn't say much about me, it was mostly jealous girls who got it going and I was an easy target. But I never backed down, never apologise to a mob.
I dated a Romanian model.
I know how to make bombs.
Chuck Palahniuk cult.
I'm overqualified.
My spirit is very much like my dad's and he never knew how much we were alike, but a part of me is also psycho.
I'm acc very brave, volunteered first to abseil off a cliff, approached 7 chavs my myself threatening to fight them bcus they said they were gonna hit my friend, am not scared to fight people bigger than me.
....Which leads to, I am an extremely loyal friend.
I'm crazy, but aware of it, and some part of me will always be culchie.
I am a spiritual guru and dissappointed no one here asks me for advice.
That's all I can think of for now.
I don't wanna feel like this rn:
I have no reason to be angry though my anger is looking for a reason. Today I visited my dad's grave for the first time and felt unmoved. There was a detritus feeder on the gravestone and I stepped on it, still unmoved, thinking about how they were after my dad but unmoved. Wonder how estranged aunt feels about my coldness. Next residence of soon to be rotting corpse Caroline. Previous owner three dogs now one. Stare competition soon be dead dog. Caroline seems uneasy at my silence. Next residence Jeff the rapist, talks like coked salesman non-stop, nothing else on mind. Inside secret thinking machine wonder Alexa listening. Other woman complains of hotel guest wanting to take home six prunes. On escape drive by up close car crash. Soon to be organ donor trapped in car. Estranged aunt expresses concern. Finally home.
And the first time I was legit crushing the detritus feeders with my DMs.
Just realised I shoulda visited my dad's grave today but I still can't, only been up there twice. Last time I heard the bell on my bike ring when it shouldn't have.
Somehow despite being drunk af, it past my bedtime and having mental health issues, I'll function somehow and be orgaised by tomorrow. Idk how I can be so organised and chaotic at the same time, making checklists daily, indulging in stationery and am still chaotic, nothing on my checklist ever goes to plan but I still make them every day.
Kinda wanna jump on the old community but ik I'd be there all night
Ik I'm not gonna be able to sleep until I get a lot done, I'll be too worried.
While the panic increases.
I have so much to do and have to get up early but I'm just drinking and listening to tunes like it's any normal night.
2023-06-20 at 8:54 PM UTC
I know what you tried to do
You know those Christian monks copied their hairstyles from the druids? And for a time monks and druids were the same people