2023-10-27 at 1:45 AM UTC
Electrical Brain Stimulation
I'm glad you feel threatened by me.
2023-10-27 at 1:28 AM UTC
Electrical Brain Stimulation
I want to use it to enhance my creativity, something I already have an excess of but that makes me want to see how far it can go. I don't mind if it means sacrificing maths skills.
“It is important for people to understand why outcomes of tDCS can be unpredictable, because we know that in some cases, the benefits that are seen after tDCS in certain mental abilities may come at the expense of others.”
2023-10-27 at 1:04 AM UTC
Electrical Brain Stimulation
Someone's never watched a clockwork orange.
"Electrical stimulation might emerge as a more humane treatment of criminal psychopaths in this century and should be pursued actively despite the legal and ethical dilemmas."
2023-10-27 at 1:03 AM UTC
Electrical Brain Stimulation
"I propose that psychopaths be submitted to experimental CS for the behavioral control of their symptoms. Initially, targets would include BA10/46 and BA39. Their value can be assessed by either surgical implantation of electrodes for continuous or intermittent stimulation or once/twice-a-day sessions of tDCS/TMS applied for 2–4 weeks daily (eventually with a portable helmet) and psychosocial assessment, for example by challenging the subjects with behavioral prompts in a controlled setting."
That article is terrifying the more I read.
2023-10-27 at 12:58 AM UTC
Electrical Brain Stimulation
"PREMISE 2. Free will is a mere illusion: a large body of evidence points to the unescapable conclusion that the pursuit of goals that we consciously set and adopt is prepared unconsciously (Wegner, 2002). Goals themselves can arise and operate unconsciously (Custers and Aarts, 2010), with the brain easily deceived and manipulated by external factors (Fine, 2006), including subliminal stimuli (Custers and Aarts, 2010). This fact is still being downplayed or even ignored by many, as this casts a pall on how we should judge criminal behavior (“He did it, but is not responsible”). On the other hand, this opens the way to neurosurgical modulation of behavior (presently pursued for other psychiatric indications: Arle and Shils, 2011) in the criminal subject. The goal is redirecting the action course of the criminal behavior by “rewriting” the original priming signal to commit an antisocial act. This should not come as a surprise. Psychopathic behavior is a purely biological epiphenomenon and can be induced. For instance, Blair and Cipolotti (2000) reported a patient (J.S.) who, following trauma to the right frontal region, including the orbitofrontal cortex, presented with “acquired sociopathy”. His behavior was notably aberrant and marked by high levels of aggression and a callous disregard for others (see also Burns and Swerdlow, 2003). Moral reasoning is most usefully thought of as an attempt to explain the cause and effect of our moral intuitions that draws upon all available explicit information about a given situation. This attempt is carried out by the so-called left hemispheric interpreter, a specialized module that tries to make sense of unconsciously determined behaviors (Funk and Gazzaniga, 2009). Differences in opinion on moral topics may be based on the sensitivities of specific neural circuits that process various moral dimensions (Haidt, 2007)."
Ig looking back it was kind of funny acting like it was all normal. One time Lauren wanted to stab this Scottish girl so I gave her my knife like it was fine. But I'd also go for walks at 3am with the Scottish girl bcus she had a crush on me but acted like she didn't in school while those skanks nvm. Idk what high-school politics is...
Jade agreed w me that I was probably the only sane one.
Idk if my teenage years were normal or if it was cult-like. Is it normal for 16 year olds to have a handfasting ceremony with 20 people there?
I'm having flashbacks now of my pagan friends going to my church during mass, and one of them shouted BITCHES loudly before leaving, I was the last one to walk out and got the stares.
I wouldn't want to know anyone who listens to mass tbh. I'm sure some of them are okay but you don't know how deep they are into it. When I go to church it's just for the atmosphere, to clear my head and light candles.
Bemused upon finding out one of my great-grandparents was a gypsy and another was an aristocrat.
2023-10-26 at 3:17 AM UTC
Sophie: Where are you?
I'm also going to see if gypsy curses are real and a few of you are test subjects.
2023-10-26 at 3:16 AM UTC
Sophie: Where are you?
I just found out that my great-granddad was a gypsy and people believed my dad had a knack for fortune telling so I'm going to give tarot cards another go to see what happened to him.
I recently found out that my dad used to tell old ladies their fortunes in the bar. That struck me as odd because because he was a Christian and never seemed interested in new age things, he was an engineer and would never scam anyone, he was honest. Now I'm wondering if his granddad taught him.