2023-11-09 at 1:04 AM UTC
Help opening a safe
Guess there's not enough time. All I can think to do is take a hammer to the hinges.
2023-11-09 at 12:58 AM UTC
Help opening a safe
I don't have time to learn lockpicking and can't actually use a can-opener, was hoping to use some kind of force but am not sure with what or how.
I don't have nausea it was a cough that made me throw up. The cough was also unusual.
I just threw up something solid that looks like a fetus or tiny organ idk wtf to think. I haven't eaten in 8 hours.
I don't know what to do because I don't have to do anything. It'll all be over in a few days what am I meant to do w my last days at home.
Crazy how the Weimar constitution was the most democratic at the time, maybe still is today, and while the UK isn't entirely a democracy we're still safer.
The real question we should be asking is why do people have such extreme differing views of what the best thing for people is? Why do people in America have issues that people in Europe don't? Why do they feel differently about the Israel-Gaza war? If there are differences of opinion there is something stupid involved.
I had a crush on Trotsky before I found out he abandoned his wife in exile after she helped him escape prison.
The one I had looks like Trotsky now.
Watching Baby makes me want an Italian bestie again.
2023-11-08 at 1:10 AM UTC
Change of plans
I swear switching alters has something to do with me never once being paralytic even when I was spiked got up alters change body chemistry so why hasn't that happened now?
2023-11-08 at 1:08 AM UTC
Change of plans
F crazy I didn't know when I was getting drunk when legit the other night I had 15 units and could still type/make Greek breakfast bagels without the house burning down. I'm not used to being out of control while drinking uncharted territory wat do why this happen.
2023-11-08 at 1:06 AM UTC
Change of plans
P scary I haven't assessed how drunk I am, I'm not usually like this, don't mess up and smash plates. This means.... Time to call on Irish powers and switch alters. Doesn't make sense I can drink 15 units one night and still be present but I've only drank a little tonight and shouldn't be this way. It's all a state of mind.
2023-11-08 at 1:02 AM UTC
Change of plans
Wtf how did I post in this thread when I never clicked on it. I thought I was posting in another thread. Ik this isn't a drunk stumble of mine something is wrong with the site I didn't click on this thread until after I posted in it.