Unfocused atm, may have taken too many stimulants, am cold and don't want to sit indoors today.
2024-02-12 at 1:16 PM UTC
I had an adult phase when I was 19-21, was cultured, then came the trainwreck phase so I had all these secrets and it made me feel mysterious.
2024-02-12 at 12:56 PM UTC
When I was 22, that's when I hit peak isolation, the whole year and not a soul to talk to. In truth I haven't had friends irl since I was 18, there'd still be people coming and going and meeting people off the internet so it's not like I haven't socialised. It's my fault because I never made an effort to make friends and I still don't really want them irl. But all this means I'm not normal, I started thinking that people weren't real. What happened when I was 22 is a cloud hanging over my life because how can I ever be happy when I know hell exists? I remember going to a psychiatrist just to make sure I was okay, I thought I couldn't be after that isolation. She said I was sound, that I couldn't go crazy because I'm a critical thinker. I think I'm interesting enough to entertain myself and that's what I've been doing the past year, literally only been talking to myself. I don't have a single friend online or irl. I think this is going to affect my mental health, that it can't go on for another few months. I've made arrangements for social activities but I feel like I'm still going to hate everyone. Spectral mentioned I should read books but I don't have time to read literature at this point.
Today I feel stuck on what I should study and want I want to study. I'll flip a coin.
Yesterday I didn't eat anything, I think it was information overload. Today I still have no appetite but managed some pizza. If I do have information overload there's a good chance I'll throw up today. I don't know what's revived my interest in tracking down Sophie but now I have a choice to make:
1. Get on the flight to London like planned.
2. Go to my dermal fillers appointment I have booked for the same day.
3. Go to the Netherlands next week now that I have more information on where he could be.
2024-02-11 at 11:14 AM UTC
Kafka is a hardcore faggot
I've never had a boyfriend because I didn't trust men and should have found someone by now but if I ever trust a man it will be too late, and some part of me thinks it's for the best because they're all scum but it isn't nice knowing there is no chance of happiness and it's because of other people.
2024-02-11 at 10:46 AM UTC
Kafka is a hardcore faggot
I just know that I can't be in a relationship with a man now unless I know for sure that if they hurt me there'll be consequences, so he has to die.
2024-02-11 at 9:04 AM UTC
Kafka is a hardcore faggot
Looking back it's the ones I wasn't attracted to that I'd go for now.
2024-02-11 at 8:47 AM UTC
Kafka is a hardcore faggot
That tactic doesn't work anyway. I had a mini-crush on the one that defended me from them. It was physical attacks as well like just grabbing you/throwing school bags at you, repeatedly stealing your bag. Everyone knew I was OCD about my desk so they'd put their hands on it knowing it'd annoy me, so I'd stab their hands with a pencil. That didn't stop them tho which is odd. I'm going off on a tangent...
2024-02-11 at 8:37 AM UTC
I never achieve an orgasm.
It's very hard for women to orgasm unless there's clitoral stimulus but you also need mental stimulus like pretending they're someone else.
2024-02-11 at 2:22 AM UTC
A week of spending
This week I paid for sword-fighting lessons, a cinema ticket I didn't end up going to, hormone pills, a flight to London, two spring dresses that I won't be alive to wear, a TV subscription. That's it aside from groceries I think. I impulse buy a lot.
2024-02-11 at 2:17 AM UTC
A week of spending
It sounds like a waste apart from the kids stuff. You could probably make a nicer thermometer by painting one. I should probably sell my antiques, I never look at them.
I think there'd be a market for home hibernation pods even if they don't work. Who doesn't want to hibernate from time to time?
I want a hibernation pod. Bed isn't ideal for hibernating because that's not what it's meant for. If I had a pod I'd feel less guilt.
2024-02-11 at 1:36 AM UTC
A week of spending
Everything looks hideous except the last green thing if it was clean.