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Posts by Data

  1. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra turns out it was just an urban legend

    this on the other hand

    imagine coming back in from a street-shit only for a frozen brick of plane-shit to cave your roof in

    Real talk airplane bathrooms scare the shit out of me. Why is the toilet so fucking powerful? what the fuck? It has more horsepower than any appliance in my house and maybe my car.
  2. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Any death where the person who died also tested positive for COVID. Fell off a ladder and broke your neck after a PCR test showed COVID? You are now part of the statistic. I get the AIDS analogy but it kind of falls apart because you're completely ignoring the basis of their argument - that deaths that aren't even remotely related to COVID or its symptoms are being attributed to COVID due to the deceased having COVID. Big CDC doesn't want you to know that getting hit by a meteor when you have COVID doesn't mean COVID killed you. Big NASA is our friend. They tell it like it is. The meteors are what's killing people, whether they have COVID or not.

    The thing is that literally everything is counted in the same way. Retards act like its just COVID they counted like this for. No. If you die in a car crash but have a heart attack on the way out, your death gets listed as both. It's a correlation statistic not a causation statistic. That is what the studies are for, which show COVID dangerous and VACCINE safe
  3. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Well apparently some things aren’t so obvious to certain people.

    Also, Lanny said to eat his ball hair.

    I have your address and I'm going to legit mail you a letter lol.
  4. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Lol do wut?

    What sort of retired ass fucking entitled bubble do you live in?

    People have pretty much been freeballin it since like May of last year. If they don’t have the luxury of working remotely they have been back in the office for around 10 months now.

    "If they don't have the luxury of drinking Fanta, they don't drink Fanta"

    Great reporting Frala why don't you get back to telling Lanny to check his Steam messages
  5. Data African Astronaut
    He said fuck off
  6. Data African Astronaut
  7. Data African Astronaut
    Imagine dying from a literal rock falling out of the sky.
  8. Data African Astronaut
    There are like 7 people who have been hit by asteroids since the 1700's lol
  9. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Your odds of getting hit by an asteroid is 1 in 250,000. Your odds of dying from Covid are 1 in 380,000.

  10. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What is the meaning of life?

    he said

    Sanguine, my brother
  11. Data African Astronaut
    you have 1hr
  12. Data African Astronaut
    Ask Anon anything
  13. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yeah im about to call it a night, its been a LONG 2 weeks

    I lost my pinky ring and I feel really bad about not having it, my pinky on my left hand is at a right angle and when I wear the ring it feels better and straightens out and it doesn't hurt, I was recommended to do that by a doctor

    die bitch we hate you
  14. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ No, it isn't, is it?

    Actually its very logical
  15. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra aside from the asteroids thing he's right - due to the way PCR tests are run and the CDC mandate that any deaths that occur while a person has COVID are to be recorded as COVID deaths, the statistics are completely unreliable.

    I'd rather risk the coof than cutting-edge vaccine

    Why do you care about the CDC, Australian

    You know there are other countries with COVID deaths?

    Even if only 10% of them are "real COVID deaths" then the chance of survival is still better with the vaccine.

    You can crunch the numbers because I already did. It's not even close. Chance of hospitalization and chance of death are way higher with the virus. Everyone agrees. Me, the experts, my grandma, EVERYONE. Everyone. Fucking everyone, aldra

    Do you get it yet?

  16. Data African Astronaut
    I'm looking for rap like this

  17. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Never said that pixels have a universal fixed size, just like I never said resolution of a monitor changes with respect to your distance from it. Try pulling your head out of your ass and reading for a change.

    The point remains: if you want to model the human eye as a digital camera (which for reasons already mentioned is retarded) then the maximum pixel density of a display that’s perceptible to a camera depends on the amount of the cameras’ field that’s occupied by the display. Aka the distance to the display.

    So you are saying the distance to the display is named Aka? I've never heard that name before. Is it Japanese?
  18. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Data Did you just skip school entirely? Read that again and try to comprehend the message this time.

  19. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready honestly, CNN has muliple times conveyed incitement and hate on Caucasians and Whites. not all whites come from caucasian mountain regions. druids or celts are just fair skin yet not related to Germanic high or low, and may be related to slavics. Ethnic Whites.

    regardless, CNN should be held accountable and lose their press passes, and also should be pointed out that theyre listed as an Entertainment Group and not an actual nor traditional News Agency.

    I wish the FCC would close them down for good.

    Sounds like free speech to me
  20. Data African Astronaut
    Ok daughter fucker
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