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Posts by Data

  1. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai tbh i'm just trying to track that nigga down so i can get birthright citizenship (hmu jeff)

    being stuck in canada sux

    Wanna switch?
  2. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I've talked about this with a friend before, someone who grew up in something between a church and a cult

    considered throwing myself at a religion, full-force to see if I'd find any meaning in it

    but he told me I shouldn't bother, the people that try never really convince themselves and get nothing out of it

    Good post

    But I wish i believed, it would be so comforting
  3. Data African Astronaut
  4. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai I'm Jeff Hunter's rape baby. I was given to a LDS church in Toronto as a small child, and was saved by the grace of Mormon Jesus. I was adopted by a loving family and have lived with the shame of this knowledge ever since. I never got to know my biomom because she killed herself before I sought her out, but after what the private investigators uncovered about my genealogy I decided I had to learn more about father (aka Taipan Enigma aka Jeff Hunter) so I could avenge her death. He shut down totse once I started getting close to the truth. I guess he learned I had been leveraging my numerous connections in the intelligence community to track him down. He's been in the wind ever since. I will have my revenge though.

  5. Data African Astronaut
    God. Gods. Any God(s). Now is your chance. Make your argument. Show me what your religion has to offer.

    I'm at the point I'm ready to pray to anything, honestly.
  6. Data African Astronaut
    idk but im not reading that shit
  7. Data African Astronaut
    I thought we were going to start talking about wine for embalming vs natron
  8. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein In ancient Egypt the study of youthfulness meant rebirth and not dying ..

    Ancient Egyptians considered dwarfs to be eternally youthful because of their short stature..

    They were thought of as a major part in Egyptian religious roles

    They could dance the sacred dance that appeased the Gods

    okay so you don't actually know shit lol
  9. Data African Astronaut
    Okay but I want to hear more about scopolamine. You had to have sought this out right. It's not exactly OTC.

    Frankly I think that 90% of car accidents are avoidable with defensive driving. I kinda drive like a paranoid grandma at all times. I never drive stoned or buzzed or under the influence whatsoever. At most I drive 5h after I have smoked or drank. I'm very strict about it actually. I refuse to drive under the influence at all
  10. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Egyptology is my newest passion…

    Egyptology is really cool. Idk if you're into gaming but check out Assassins Creed Origins even on youtube. They have this 'historical museum" mode where you just walk through the map and learn about ancient Egyptian culture in depth. Really, really cool. I have literally had less educational experiences at actual museums. The other Assassin's Creed games don't do the historical mode right but the Origins one which takes place in Ancient Egypt does it really really well. Getting to physically walk through the mummification process n shiet is crazy.

    anyway candyreinisanigarjeilrajkld
  11. Data African Astronaut
    Really fucking irritating
  12. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by stl1 NBC News
    No charges for Capitol Police officer who shot Jan. 6 rioter, Justice Department says
    Tom Winter and Dareh Gregorian

    The Justice Department has determined it won’t file charges against the U.S. Capitol Police officer who fatally shot 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt during the storming of the Capitol on January 6th.

    In a press release announcing the decision, the Justice Department said the investigation did not find evidence that the officer had violated any federal laws, and there was nothing to contradict that he believed it was necessary to shoot at Babbitt "in self-defense or in defense of the Members of Congress and others evacuating the House Chamber."

    “Officials examined video footage posted on social media, statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses to the events, physical evidence from the scene of the shooting, and the results of an autopsy” and “based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution,” the release said.

    The probe found "Babbitt was among a mob of people that entered the Capitol building and gained access to a hallway outside 'Speaker’s Lobby,' which leads to the Chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives. At the time, the USCP was evacuating Members from the Chamber, which the mob was trying to enter from multiple doorways."

    It also gave a harrowing account of what the officer, who was not identified, was facing at the time of the attack.

    "Members of the mob attempted to break through the doors by striking them and breaking the glass with their hands, flagpoles, helmets, and other objects. Eventually, the three USCP officers positioned outside the doors were forced to evacuate. As members of the mob continued to strike the glass doors, Ms. Babbitt attempted to climb through one of the doors where glass was broken out," the statement said.

    The officer "fired one round from his service pistol, striking Ms. Babbitt in the left shoulder, causing her to fall back from the doorway and onto the floor," the statement said. "A USCP emergency response team, which had begun making its way into the hallway to try and subdue the mob, administered aid to Ms. Babbitt, who was transported to Washington Hospital Center, where she succumbed to her injuries".

    The Justice Department said the focus of the investigation was to determine whether the officer violated any federal laws, including federal criminal civil rights violations.

    It noted that in federal court, “evidence that an officer acted out of fear, mistake, panic, misperception, negligence, or even poor judgment cannot establish the high level of intent required” under the law. The announcement also said that Babbitt's family had been notified that the case is closed.

    Babbitt was an Air Force veteran who was a decorated security forces controller and served multiple Middle East tours from 2004 to 2016, according to Air Force records.

    Babbitt was a loyal Fox News watcher, according to thousands of tweets to Fox News hosts, and also engaged on social media with the conspiracy site InfoWars. In 2020, Babbitt began to tweet with accounts and hashtags associated with QAnon. The day before the rally, she tweeted, "Nothing will stop us….they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light!”

    Babbitt was one of five people, including a Capitol Police officer, to die as a result of the riot.

    More than 300 people have been charged with taking part in the riot, which happened as a joint session of Congress was tallying the Electoral College vote count.

    except that I read that good post st1 as always
  13. Data African Astronaut
    I literally don't read
  14. Data African Astronaut
    check my post times
  15. Data African Astronaut
    I legitimately don't read I just click and post
  16. Data African Astronaut
  17. Data African Astronaut
  18. Data African Astronaut
  19. Data African Astronaut
    condition: If you drive a car daily
  20. Data African Astronaut
    more whinge
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