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Posts by Data

  1. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe No, not okay

  2. Data African Astronaut
  3. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Well best to look at it this way, there's a 50/50 chance they could have been bombers. Don't get all mushy liberal on me now.

    **IRONY** There's two Blonde, blue eyed lads with back packs taking selfies in the exact same spot unaware to the racial prejudice having taken place minutes earlier.

    Britttaaaaniaaaa— fuck-yeah!


    Nah dude it's not a 50/50 chance or even close

    They are regular ass human beings. Like you said, probably minding their own business.

    If you're gonna be a dick why don't you do it to someone you know deserves it instead of someone you think MIGHT deserve it?

    50/50 is not good enough odds for me to call any sort of authority. If I tell anyone about anything, I make sure I'm 100% certain.

    What were they doing to bother you?
  4. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The US should give da nigs a big chunk of land like they did the native Americans and leave them to their own devices…check back in 50yrs and see how their society has developed…I mean devolved.

    Obvious racism.
  5. Data African Astronaut
    are you grounded in reality yet little man
  6. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo Didn't PWP die? Did Ape really do that? What a dick. Also RIP markxtc311 he is an overlooked fallen brother

    PWP is dead. He died from lottery heroin probably.

    Apricot is a dick but 100% didn't do that and idk what B-RAD is on about

    RIP Mark
  7. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Two muslims were stood at the far end of the train station, probably minding their own business. Thought I'd entertain myself so told the transport officer some dodgey as fuck lookin' cunts were acting suspicious, back pack on as well, Allahu Akhbar.

    Few minutes later I see them both getting dragged away kicking off. I was like, "leave them alone, they din-du-nuthin".

    That's my laugh for the day, stupid bastards.

    that's really fucked up if true tho.
  8. Data African Astronaut
    Not really but I like typing his name cuz it rhymes
  9. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev cops are the largest armed gang in america, oppressing you for your own good.

    soon it will be illegal for you to call 911 when being robbed by a bunch of niggers but the thugs in blue will jump you in broad daylight for not wearing a face diaper.

    disband the gestapo fucks, a peoples militia is overdue and would be much better for policing the community.

    Also you're an idiot and everything you say is extremely polarized.

    hope you know that
  10. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev cops are the largest armed gang in america, oppressing you for your own good.

    soon it will be illegal for you to call 911 when being robbed by a bunch of niggers but the thugs in blue will jump you in broad daylight for not wearing a face diaper.

    disband the gestapo fucks, a peoples militia is overdue and would be much better for policing the community.

    American cops are honestly more like an army than anything. I am pretty sure George Washington would recognize them as a sort of occupying force. A lot of people don't realize that cops only became a thing like 150 years ago. The way cops operate now is fucking disgusting. And I'm not just talking about shootings n shiet. Like just getting pulled over is really fucked up when you think about it, and it's what leads to MOST of these incidents. Untrained and armed people confronting people by detaining them under threat of imprisonment. Pretty fucking fucked up. We have technology now and should follow China's example of just using cameras for minor traffic violations. Unless someone is posing an outright danger to society, I don't see why they should be detained and questioned by police on the side of the road.
  11. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley ill cash app u 5$ to go buy the strongest one in your market, no bullshit.

    just gotta call me whene yooou 3/4 the way through

    You're drunk lol
  12. Data African Astronaut


  13. Data African Astronaut
    Like do you really not have one lmao
  14. Data African Astronaut
    8 second video that I am not watching.

    Not a valid source.

    Try again.

    Where is your source claiming that vaccines are killing people?
  15. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ In other words you're a little bitch. We already knew that.

    Are you going through a thing
  16. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Intentional disruption of a topical thread.

  17. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by stl1 I have a friend who is a retired police officer and he has admitted to me that he has been disciplined more than once during his career. I guess it comes with the territory. Police are only human too.

    On the other hand, I took a course in college with a bunch of cops in the class. I've never seen such blatant cheating as I saw in that class.

    As a general rule, I would say that cops are probably not the most intelligent people out there yet praise them for taking on what is a very difficult yet needed job.

    I support a national data base on cops to keep the bad ones from resurfacing in a different department after getting fired under certain conditions.

    Cops are stupid and uneducated. There is no federal regulation for training so each state/county/town basically gets to make up its own rules to a degree. In some countries it is a four year degree (with psychological tests) to become a cop. In America, you can become a cop in as little as 6 months. Fucking crazy. These are just untrained power hungry niggers. For this reason, most cops are just trash people. It's why the rate of domestic abuse among cops in America is higher than the rate among regular citizens. There's some bullshit statistic that people throw around based on one dept like 4x more likely, but that's small sampling for good headlines that detracts from the larger issue which has been studied in depth.

    We need SERIOUS police reform and only a few states have bothered with it after the BLM stuff last year. Colorado employed an exemplary law around accountability. I expect more states to follow in the coming years.
  18. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ No die

    That is really rude of you to say. :(
  19. Data African Astronaut
  20. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost sprout tower really? from pokemon wow

    sounds cool

    didn't it have a fire or something

    I think that was a different tower in Euratek city or whatever. The one where you find the three legendary dogs and I think go to catch Ho-oh in Gold.

    Sprout Tower has all the ghastly and psychics/monks.

    I was going to put some Pokรฉmon flags up but I haven't got around to it yet. You get a cool message about the center pillar being made out of a 100ft bellsprout when you warp. I forget which NPC tells you that but I always thought it was a cool fact. If only I could make the pillar shake from battles.
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