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Posts by Cowboy2013

  1. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You don't need a pressure cooker to sterilize shit…iodine does that…which is what I used in my beer making days.

    It probably depends on how sterile you're talking about.
  2. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood sterilizing shit

    making drugs, bombs, chemical reactions

    you can also make food in them , idk what but im sure something yummy.

    I've used them to sterilize stuff how do people use them for drugs? For most things I could think of it would need to be coated in something and still not as good as using glass.
  3. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Just to do it I guess..for my own entertainment but could upload to YouTube if it was really good

    If I make a new YouTube channel it will hide my videos from searches. If it was something famous locally it might work.
  4. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny its just a self-heating pressure cooker.

    I don't think you can cook rice/dry beans that fast in a pressure cooker but idk
  5. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by blob6106 First off. Volts don't matter as much as amps, you toad. Your 220v is not the same as American 220v which is deadlier. Our 110v is 15-19 amps and your 220 is 16amps

    But our 220v is above 21amp?

    Waldo, explain

    I got shocked by the AC unit. Idk shit about electricity, but I thought I cut of the breaker for the AC unit instead of cutting the main breaker. I tried to tighten the screw to the power with a butter knife. It just popped me and knocked me down and I dropped the knife.

    I got a shock but the AC guy acted surprised like it could have/should have killed me. What gives?
  6. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I got them once. As I recall I couldn't really tell a difference from regulation hot dogs.

    The ones that come in a 4 or 5 pack? They taste a lot different to me. Nothing to do with them not having sodium nitrite, they're seasoned different. I guess they're supposed to be the equivalent of those applesomething hotdogs but I never tried them to know if they taste the same.
  7. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Does anybody else get the uncured hotdogs from Aldi?
  8. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut

    You're welcome
  9. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I wanted to do a ghost hunt documentary style in this old abandoned school…but they tore it down before I could…

    A documentary for what/who though?

    It's close enough to Halloween to get into stuff like this.
  10. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    I'm pretty sure Brandon has a brain tumor.

    Most anything bad the US media says about Putin is true of Biden or the US in general. When the war started they were claiming Putin had cancer and went Walter White on NATO. Ig until they saw that would actually be pretty cool.

    Biden said they took the top of his head off:

    And then there was a time, a few months ago where there were some vague articles I read about some kind of growth on his brain that was supposedly removed. 🤔

    I think Satan will probably call Brandon home soon.
  11. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Lmao

    No I think it’s just an old house …😋

    But ya…that vintage game shop was out of this world… 💣 ❤️

    You should do some kind of urban exploration. The night ops thing was a big part of those/zoklet. I know some cool abandoned places.
  12. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by UNSUB Nothing glamorous about addiction to anything.

    I've gotten addicted to it when I had a lot around. I think a lot of people do, but then they're are these people who have to go get it everyday and their miserable lives revolve around that. I really don't get it.
  13. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Meth is incredible if you can control yourself. About once a year I get myself a gram or 2 off a DNM and have fun for a few days, then I just don't buy anymore.

    I heard that the difference between meth and most ADD meds is that with ADD meds there's some kind of cap on the dopamine levels. But yeah, you start off feeling good but it doesn't end well. That's how it goes.
  14. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    He has to go to hell sometime.
  15. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Welp!!!

    What an amazing day off guys..we went into some places in nature we’ve never been ..

    Was like stepping back into time …❤️

    Visited a vintage video game shop and saw things we haven’t seen since we were a kid …such nostalgia was priceless ❤️

    2 blasts from the past 🥰

    Winded down the night with some homemade bacon burger cheeses and air fryer fries which were sublime ❤️

    But it looks like it’s about that time 💤
    Looks like my work here is done ❤️😴

    One of the less important reasons I hate Amazon is they've ruined used bookstores with kindles. If you find a used bookstore most of the books are 10+ years old.

    It's hard to find used book stores that will have vintage video games or dungeons and dragons or whatever other nerdy shit. I miss that.

    Did the field trip have something to do with slavery? None of those look like slave houses.
  16. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    And drug addicts in general but especially meth heads. Breaking Bad made it look all fun and glamorous but most of them I know are disgusting. They live in their own filth, I know several that don't have lights or water. I really don't want to know how that works. I don't want to be around anybody like that.

    They're nothing like Badger and Skinny P.
  17. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood im respectful to everyone though so maybe they are just paranoid because I treat everyone good and they all treat me suspicious because society can't comprehend goodness without financial incentive

    If you're a cop, you pull people over to extort them and/or to do a little fishing.

    There's no reason for someone to be polite or respectful to you unless they're guilty of something. If a guy is swearing at you and calling you names that's an innocent man with nothing to hide.
  18. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Guys reading an article from the BBC rn. Ain't no kids though it was a Canadian research submarine.

    Off topic but degenerate British cucks really do have a one track mind to name their state media that.
  19. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 You gotta flex your rights bro. Watch some first amendment audits.

    The only time I ever got let go with a warning after being pulled over I was being very aggressive, rude, and recording him. If you pretend that you like or respect them they know you're probably doing something illegal.
  20. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Yes

    What will you be doing today instead?
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