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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    ^ That doesn't necessarily occur at low therapeutic doses.

    It's not quite the same, but Lanny's experience with 2-FMA (incredible stimulant) backs me up on this.
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon The Jokes segment is just reading cheesy prewritten jokes that are terrible, that's the comedy and it's really good. I actually think Norm's standup isn't amazing, but he's hilarious as a guest on shows, doing bits and segments etc.

    I don't know what exactly it is I appreciate so much about him, his seeming nervousness, his quirky way of pronouncing regular words every now and then (like he was calling capsule CAP-SUE-UHL) in this moon landing bit, which added to the whole bit (which was fucking hilarious, mind you, check it out). Obviously his baby powder dry style of humorous appeals to me. He's pretty intelligent in an obscure way... I don't know man I just like the fucking guy A LOT. I would spend a night inside of him if the offer extended itself to me.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Holy shit Risir, 12 year old Momo Mong won her MMA fight with the 24 year old.
  4. You are now breathing manually
  5. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Shitfucker You are now breathing manually

    Jakes on you I breathe manually anyway because I'm half retarded.
  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by 1337 Holy shit Risir, 12 year old Momo Mong won her MMA fight with the 24 year old.

    Damn, that has to be embarrassing. The 24 year old may never live this down.

    Originally posted by Shitfucker You are now breathing manually

    Jokes on you, I've attained enough mastery over myself to reset this rapidly, or even prevent it from occurring in the first place.
  7. Originally posted by Malice ^ That doesn't necessarily occur at low therapeutic doses.

    It's not quite the same, but Lanny's experience with 2-FMA (incredible stimulant) backs me up on this.
    This was the most current low-dose *amphetamine research I could find.

    Despite these differences, protracted withdrawal (3 days-4 weeks) from
    repeated low-dose (0.5-2.5mg/kg) administration of either amphetamine or METH
    has been demonstrated to produce a sensitization of their dopamine-releasing effects
    within the NAC (Robinson, Jurson, Bennett & Bentgen, 1988; Banks & Gratton,
    1995; Paulson & Robinson, 1995; Kuczenski, Segal & Todd, 1997; Zhang, Loonam,
    Noailles & Anguolo, 2001; Narita, Akai, Nagumo, Sunagawa, Hasebe, Nagase, Kita,
    Hara & Suzuki, 2004, Fukakusa, Nagai, Mizoguchi, Otsuka, Kimura, Kamei, Kim,
    Nabeshima, Takuma & Yamada, 2008; Lominac, Sacramento, Szumlinski & Kippin,
    2012). However, this finding has yet to be thoroughly vetted, as Segal & Kuczenski
    (1992) found a reduction in the NAC dopamine response
    to a challenge injection of
    amphetamine using a very similar regimen (5 X 2.5mg/kg, challenge at 2 or 6 days)
    to those employed in other amphetamine sensitization studies in the literature (e.g.,
    Robinson et al., 1988).

    Emphasis mine.
  8. Originally posted by 1337 The stance of the scientific community is that meth is physically addictive because it causes anhedonia upon stopping chronic use becuase it is dopaminergic.

    I agree with the first comment in that reddit thread.

    Yeah but thats how you get the best effects though, just like smoking really only works if you become addicted and slowly poison yourself with CO all the time otherwise it just makes me feel sick and dizzy
  9. Originally posted by Malice Damn, that has to be embarrassing. The 24 year old may never live this down.

    Especially losing to a preteen with Down syndrome. Since she's Japanese, I expect her to commit seppuku.
  10. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Yeah but thats how you get the best effects though, just like smoking really only works if you become addicted and slowly poison yourself with CO all the time otherwise it just makes me feel sick and dizzy you admit it's physically addictive? I'm confused by this response, ignoring the anecdote, I'm not even sure what you mean by "smoking only works." Surely you don't mean the cognitive benefits/stimulant effects of nicotine.
  11. Just like with dextromethorphan and cannabis the side effect profile is reduced with tolerance. Meth is physically addictive and causes lots of brain damage especially when you stay HIGH 24/7 and overdose on purpose like me.

    Small amounts of meth or nicotine can do incredible things but people steer clear from all stimulants and are very careful because there are so many side effects and you just want to do more forever until you die.

    Nicotine meth analog vape pens when?.

    Nicotine UV degradation to nictonic acid > methylamine + formic acid + p2p = meth

    The plants have similar structure, stimulants share many characteristics but overall these are low tech drugs, like taking Acetanilide for a headache before the discovery of Aspirin.
  12. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I didn't know she had down syndrome. Is there a video for this fight or more background info for the fighters? Googling their names didn't bring up anything relevant.

    I've speculated before that retard strength/rage could be a genuine phenomenon because they don't abide by normal human limitations. I've also seen mention about some interesting research suggesting a general inverse correlation between fine motor skills and strength.
  13. Originally posted by mmQ I don't know what exactly it is I appreciate so much about him, his seeming nervousness, his quirky way of pronouncing regular words every now and then (like he was calling capsule CAP-SUE-UHL) in this moon landing bit, which added to the whole bit (which was fucking hilarious, mind you, check it out). Obviously his baby powder dry style of humorous appeals to me. He's pretty intelligent in an obscure way… I don't know man I just like the fucking guy A LOT. I would spend a night inside of him if the offer extended itself to me.

    He actually sounds like an old times radio announcer or something, and then he's numbly and long winded and it all comes together to be fucking hilarious somehow. It also helps that he knows how to deliver a fucking joke.
  14. they just now realize Apemode is real. You are so far behind us, eat my dust nigga you ARE my dust
  15. RestStop Space Nigga
    I wonder if being genuinely depressed or simply listening to profoundly sad songs would have any effect on the next meth high? If I can be so bold to get "scientific" on you guys I wonder if generally being a sad cunt for a day or few before a meth binge would give dopamine receptors a rest and a chance to rebuild/repair more?
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Malice Remember, if the pain and suffering of existence ever becomes bad enough you can always vent your anger by engaging in mass violence against those who have wronged you.

    somehow made it to work at like 1pm and it was waiting under my desk

    fuck this I'm going home
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by RestStop I wonder if being genuinely depressed or simply listening to profoundly sad songs would have any effect on the next meth high? If I can be so bold to get "scientific" on you guys I wonder if generally being a sad cunt for a day or few before a meth binge would give dopamine receptors a rest and a chance to rebuild/repair more?

    I doubt that's an effective strategy. Finding a safe dopamine antagonist is what you want, or look into 9mebc.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Originally posted by Malice Remember, if the pain and suffering of existence ever becomes bad enough you can always vent your anger by engaging in mass violence against those who have wronged you.

    It builds character. Genocide, i mean.

  19. Originally posted by RestStop I wonder if being genuinely depressed or simply listening to profoundly sad songs would have any effect on the next meth high? If I can be so bold to get "scientific" on you guys I wonder if generally being a sad cunt for a day or few before a meth binge would give dopamine receptors a rest and a chance to rebuild/repair more?

    I find that kind of music too boring when I'm cranked, even in my worst moods its hard not to smile high on tech.

    High tech.

    werid gont

  20. fuck I triple posted again woops I am too high my b

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