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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. f zleep
  2. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I honestly hate REM sleep. I don't like dreaming and it doesn't feel recuperative. I'm not sure what the latest and best supported theories are as to its purpose, but IIRC a major one was that it may play an important factor memory consolidation, which I literally don't need due to autism power.

    I find dreaming unpleasant and have clearly noticed that, in the past, on nights when there was considerably more REM/dream activity I would wake up feeling far less restored.
  3. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Malice I honestly hate REM sleep. I don't like dreaming and it doesn't feel recuperative. I'm not sure what the latest and best supported theories are as to its purpose, but IIRC a major one was that it may play an important factor memory consolidation, which I literally don't need due to autism power.

    I find dreaming unpleasant and have clearly noticed that, in the past, on nights when there was considerably more REM/dream activity I would wake up feeling far less restored.

    There's some type of evidence somewhere(not sure where) that mental energy expended in dreaming can make you physically and mentally exhasted so you feel zapped even after a otherwise perfectly healthy and sufficient night of sleep. I'd guess it's even more so mentally taxing when vampires and all kinds of crazy shit is happening in your dream or nightmare.

    This might not even have any proven scientific basis but I definitely recall people into the lucid dreaming thing stating things very similar.
  4. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump f zleep

  5. Pretty much. Meth is an immediate marker of a degenerate.
  6. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Lanny isn't a degenerate, he's able to properly channel the power of meth into productive work.
  7. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Also, coinbase balance up to $530.

    I think I'm going to order some ketamine, clonazolam, and just sell the rest. Never done it before, but it seems to be pretty simple to do on a smartphone.
  8. some productive work =/= upstanding member of society
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Lanny seems to live a virtuous life. His strongly authoritarian far-leftist beliefs are impotent and will never be put into action, so he's pretty much harmless.
  10. RestStop Space Nigga
    Ahh well going to bed I guess...I wonder if anyone can pick up the one symbolism I found in this video...

  11. I'm not a meth addict I am just an anarcho primitivist fighting for the most hated scum of all humanity.

    Fight the zystem mam zaint zattox. Needles are the devil and dont eat pills

  12. Originally posted by Malice Lanny seems to live a virtuous life. His strongly authoritarian far-leftist beliefs are impotent and will never be put into action, so he's pretty much harmless.

    I guess that statement was intended for the majority - who are like Scrawny. Not Lanny.
  13. Originally posted by RestStop Ahh well going to bed I guess…I wonder if anyone can pick up the one symbolism I found in this video…

    I'm too gacked out and paranoid to post the tweeker nation meth slut burning her tongue with a lighter dressed up like harly before smoking a nice fat hit of tech.

    Someone post it

    Originally posted by Dargo I guess that statement was intended for the majority - who are like Scrawny. Not Lanny.

    You saved me from another double post Dargo. I can't thank you enough.

    Captain Lanny is a pioneer, a veteran. Chosen by the stars to lead this damned vessel across space and time.

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-05-24T08:01:18.651679+00:00
  14. RestStop Space Nigga
    This seems wildly accurate...

  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    holy fuck, how is it this hard to make cut together a few different clips? I don't even need transitions, I literally want to blit one chunk of video after another, fucking old ass microsoft video editor was better than this shit what the fuck how is this acceptable?

    FUCK video editing software.
  16. HTS opened my mind to this legend of a man.

    He exists as countless identitys simultaneously across multiple dimensions. Does he realize this?.

    This is perhaps the ultimate form of man.
  17. Originally posted by Lanny holy fuck, how is it this hard to make cut together a few different clips? I don't even need transitions, I literally want to blit one chunk of video after another, fucking old ass microsoft video editor was better than this shit what the fuck how is this acceptable?

    FUCK video editing software.

    Zubmit a pull
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    What are you using? I think avidemux was the last software I used, and it worked pretty well. In bed right now, too late to check. If it’s that simple, you’re probably using the wrong software.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Malice Lanny isn't a degenerate, he's able to properly channel the power of meth into productive work.

    It takes a special breed of depravity to transmutate amphetamine stimulation into socially productive behavior. I think Freud would call it "getting assraped by the superego".

    Originally posted by Malice I honestly hate REM sleep. I don't like dreaming and it doesn't feel recuperative. I'm not sure what the latest and best supported theories are as to its purpose, but IIRC a major one was that it may play an important factor memory consolidation, which I literally don't need due to autism power.

    I find dreaming unpleasant and have clearly noticed that, in the past, on nights when there was considerably more REM/dream activity I would wake up feeling far less restored.

    I'm reading Jung, making an effort to remember by dreams but damn, it's pretty hard. I kept a dream journal briefly in like middle school and haven't given a dream a second thought since then. I know what you mean about feeling less rested or restored or what have you, that deep dreamless sleep feels the most restful upon waking but I think that's just because there's the greatest mental transition between the sleep and waking state. If you correct for the impression upon waking I think REM sleep actually is more restful. If you look at like the uberman sleep schedule and co the core focus is usually on maximizing REM sleep. Feeling tired upon wanking isn't necessarily indicative of poor sleep quality I think.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Malice What are you using? I think avidemux was the last software I used, and it worked pretty well. In bed right now, too late to check. If it’s that simple, you’re probably using the wrong software.

    I was using iMovie but it crashes on export. Then I tried DiVinci Resolve which is also a pain in the ass to use. IDK, they probably work well for people who do more serious editing but I really DGAF, I just want to splice some footage. Shit would be easier with a goddamned reel.

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