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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump YOu are doing drugs wrong

    Lol says the guy who just sits there all day drinking cough syrup coming up with some grand fantasy land that exists only in your head
  2. I havent taken cough syrup since before 2012 I only eat the pills and the fantasy land is actually my perception of multiple dimensions existing simulateneously along ours. I spent 20,000 posts trying to describe what I saw, it looks kinda like this.

  3. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by bling bling y that women has no leg

    And why does the guy only have one shoe on?
  4. Originally posted by Malice And why does the guy only have one shoe on?

    Because he stuck his other foot up your ass.
  5. Its the church of totse, there does that explain all your dumb questions?

  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Malice And why does the guy only have one shoe on?

    4chan told him to put the other one on his head.
  7. Originally posted by mmQ 3 hours into shift I've taken one smoke break to lazy cunt server's TWELVE. How do people put up with this shit?

    you know I'm a hot boy
  8. HOly fuck I have been so high from this 8ball since 2 weeks ago, almost smoked it all which is a personal record also I think this stuff is pure and cut free D-meth made from cold pills and phosphorus, I have not had or seen shit like this in years.

    Compared to dirty street tech and d/l racemic p2p meth this stuff is the bloody vultures ripped muddy jeans man.

    I got so high I forgot how basic things like energy and heat are combined in our fabric of reality, I have been smoking meth wrong for 7+ days now.. this has not happened to m,e in a LONG time,and it explains everything including this subtle psychosis that i've been fighting with overdoses and paranoid freakouts, bundy weed and beer since last payday.

    I feel like I can calm down now because I remembered I know how to smoke meth, its easy. Meth bongs are cool. I was so high I thought you had to break up the shards into certain sized pieces or it would melt wrong because it was too dense and I went through 3 good pipes in 2 weeks smoking this 8ball that was supposed to last until the 4th of july... lololol.

    How fucked am I.

    I just melted down a massive chunk and did a classic puddle hit, I have no idea what I just spent an entire week obsessed with smoking these retarded hits over and over and over packing bowls in the most fucked way ever using a knife and magifying glass to cut the meth like a gemstone for ultimate optical purity and pyramid power karmatic chakra geometic fibbonaci chasing the dragon except I was lost in space chasing a space station moving at warp speed. I spent like 7 solid days chopping rocks convinced the surface area or some kind of supernatural force beyond my control was throwing off my hits (despite smoking more than I ever have ever in my entire life at once and OD'ing more times than I can count)

    I was CONVINCED This stuff was cut with something funky and exotic like Bakelite or there some invisible residue of dust, melted human skin and hair, soot and meth precursors coating my pipe making normal hits impossible. I thought the gravity polarity switching might be throwing me off or maybe I was just getting it too hot or holding it wrong so I tried every combination of distance, heat, angles, position.

    Turns out I am just really really high smoking tekdots in one hit like snaps from a bong and then I hold up this burnt mess of a pipe up to the light completely white opaque with melted shit and stare at the empty bowl brown and scorched from my binge and wonder in agony where the fuck my puddle is (YOU SMOKED IT RETARD!) I gave up on stem hits and grew to hate them days ago, my old mild abuse savior is now just like weed resin to me, more bullshit that interferes with my high.

    I just want to smoke puddles but I am too high to smoke meth. I have been holding the pipe upside down, sideways, backwards, vertical doing all kinds of nonsense tricks. I think I set a world record for fiending

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Scron, I'm not simply saying this to insult you, but a relatively short time ago you were repeatedly berating me, acting like your life was great, everything was perfect and on a good path, and you had no serious psychological problems, problems with drugs, or life in general.

    Also, your meth posts are annoying as fuck. They may not be as long as Hydro's, but they're completely pointless and unenjoyable to read.

    I doubt you'll react well, but someone has to say it. You've gotta break out of whatever cycle you're in, whether it's bipolar related, or just cycles of meth induced mania followed by withdrawals, depression and the host of symptoms, and strong irritability.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Originally posted by Malice your meth posts are annoying as fuck. They may not be as long as Hydro's, but they're completely pointless and unenjoyable to read.

    They reflect the very nature of my existence well.

    I have been on a path greater than my own understanding, set out long ago and more revealed to me every day I continue. I don't care about materialism or my own life anymore. I live only to serve forces greater than I can ever understand

    I am Nietzsche's "Free Spirit" as described in his work "The Pathos of Distance"

  11. Originally posted by Malice Scron, I'm not simply saying this to insult you, but a relatively short time ago you were repeatedly berating me, acting like your life was great, everything was perfect and on a good path, and you had no serious psychological problems, problems with drugs, or life in general.

    Also, your meth posts are annoying as fuck. They may not be as long as Hydro's, but they're completely pointless and unenjoyable to read.

    I doubt you'll react well, but someone has to say it. You've gotta break out of whatever cycle you're in, whether it's bipolar related, or just cycles of meth induced mania followed by withdrawals, depression and the host of symptoms, and strong irritability.

    Agreed, when he's sober or at least as sober as any of us get, he's a good person and funny as fuck. But holy shit is he an annoying cunt when he binges on whatever shit he takes
  12. Originally posted by Captain Falcon The whole compilation of jokes from that show is nonstop gold.

    Damn, if norm McDonald is considered a comedian then I would be an amazing comedian.
  13. Probably not actually
  14. This isn't annoying.. trust me. I can get high, waaaaaaaaaaay higher. I had to stop posting on NIS from my old account because this place was too slow back then, too much rattox it made me sick. I spent all that time getting banned from every drug community on the internet along with pissing off an entire small town of 5000 people. I got banned from my town lol and front page flush didn't even exist back then and I rarely posted.

    I am in a large globalist economic center capital metropolitan population with millions of people plugged right into the global network free trade grid of the planet. I am on my way to getting banned from this city and soon my country, continent and planet. Or I will die.

    I am simply fulfilling my purpose, I am truly sorry I ended up here, I would like nothing more than to spare you fine people of my madness and free you from the singularity but I lost control so long ago.

    I am really sorry. I don't even want to use the internet anymore
  15. Just stick to smoking fucking weed goddamn
  16. I ran out two days ago I am too paranoid to interact with anyone I know to ask for more. I am scraping bong resin and grinder dust right now. I will call my dealer when I come down a bit.

    what a mess.
  17. Originally posted by Coathangers Suck -WS Damn, if norm McDonald is considered a comedian then I would be an amazing comedian.

    The Jokes segment is just reading cheesy prewritten jokes that are terrible, that's the comedy and it's really good. I actually think Norm's standup isn't amazing, but he's hilarious as a guest on shows, doing bits and segments etc.
  18. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump

    This dude has a look on his face like someone just said something horrific to him like "Go fuck your mother" or "A black dude just popped your daughter's cherry"....
  19. Another overdose pouring sweat higher than ive ever been my brain feels seriously badly damaged from doing this much good meth by myself non stop for weeks. I have never been this physically sick and way too high to Do anything besides act like a high tech wild animal.

    My binging used to be so chill, so cool. I had two really amazing fun summers where the money was endless and I did the best drugs in the entire world and never got bad effects.

    I remember the day being a high spaceman caught up with you pesky humans. The space ship ran out of fuel and did a tailspin into a farm house containing a meth lab and the entire local community sent out a search party looking for an extraterrestrial demonic shadow man that doesnt eat or sleep and listens to Viper and Riff Raff while smoking giant crystals of dopaminergenic ephedrine analogs. I was in the basement behind a false wall under several layers of varying materials not moving, avoiding the toxic mix of oxygen nitrogen polluting my local atmosphere and trying to adjust to gravity which made me sick to my stomach.

    Even my cats had no idea who or what I was, the stopped treating me like cats do to other humans
  20. Originally posted by RestStop This dude has a look on his face like someone just said something horrific to him like "Go fuck your mother" or "A black dude just popped your daughter's cherry"….

    What's even more badass is he sat there the entire time with that look while someone painted him, its the same look across many pictures of the man.

    People often confuse my default expression as one of anger, depression or confused deep thought.
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