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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. bling bling Dark Matter
    y that women has no leg
  2. bling bling Dark Matter
  3. shes standing on the promise of God (what athiests refer to as drug assisted levitation)
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice My god, weaponized autism is real.

    i called it

    unlock your true potential as a superhuman walking encyclopedia and become the next james bond

    15 seconds of observation later, you now know the most minute and precise things about en entire battalion of soldiers

    one guys left knee clicks when he walks? kick it to immobilize him and grab his left hand (missing a segment of his finger, thanks autism) and disarm him. use his weapon (hk mpk5 made in 2002, thanks autism) to kill everyone else in the room at the optimal engagement range (164gr copper jacketed bullets, as you see from the bullet exiting the barrel, thanks again autism)

    this man could be the next agent 47
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. i weaponized playing video games and smoking meth high on triangles.

    THe world around me is crumbling and burning and literally exploding and its all my fault. I give my money to gangsters, hookers and hardcore binge addicts and contribute to the downfall of capitalism and the state.

    Never been happier honestly.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Originally posted by cerakote i called it

    unlock your true potential as a superhuman walking encyclopedia and become the next james bond

    15 seconds of observation later, you now know the most minute and precise things about en entire battalion of soldiers

    one guys left knee clicks when he walks? kick it to immobilize him and grab his left hand (missing a segment of his finger, thanks autism) and disarm him. use his weapon (hk mpk5 made in 2002, thanks autism) to kill everyone else in the room at the optimal engagement range (164gr copper jacketed bullets, as you see from the bullet exiting the barrel, thanks again autism)

    this man could be the next agent 47

    More like Agent 86.
  7. Originally posted by Malice Bill Krozby, you utterly fail at athletic abilities. He said my posts can be entertaining, but he skips 99% of them. That's not exactly a positive reception. Yet again you merely embarrass yourself and confirm that you are the lowest simpleton here.

    It never fails to amaze me just how much of an imbecile Bill Krozby really is.
  8. Originally posted by Darth Beaver More like Agent 86.

    More like Agent 69

    That reminds me, I was supposed to livestream myself speed running all 4 hitman games on the hardest difficulty. Damn life keeps getting in the way of glory, I'm a fucking tech god.


    How I feel every time I log onto

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

  9. didnt even mean to front page flushI am just really high I have wasted the entire day doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but smoking more meth.. I was supposed to like, write a TO DO list on friday but now its tuesday and I cant even remember what the fuck I was supposed to do LOL.

    I want to clean my house but I need to pretend I went to work today or my mom will think I am a mongolroy deluxe so I have to not touch anything.

    I have officially lost all control. I also ran out of weed, my dealer is 4 houses down but im too paranoid to interact with them, way too high lol I will wait until tonight. I am tripping out hardcore right now because the same guy that sells me weed is painting the apartment right now and the ladder is right against the deck and every time I try to hit the meth pipe there is a loud bang and I hear talking and a car pulls up.

    It's now 12pm. I was supposed to get breakfast and go to work but I got high and called in sick.

    I need to write that list... after I get high

  10. I keep thinking "IF I CAN JUST GET SOME DAMN PRIVACY AND BE ALONE I WOULD NOT BINGE SO FUCKING HARD!". And by damn privacy and be alone I guess that includes missing lots of work and not hanging out with "friends".

    I used to feel like I had my meth use under control and that it wasn't a problem along with the dozens of other things I was abusing and binging on, it did not affect my life for 5+ years I would interact with hundreds of people every day and nobody knew I did drugs but maybe once every few months one of those people would offer me some kind of exotic drug or something hard to get in my small town, right there while I was working and I would take it right there, nothing could stop me. I tripped on benadryl and bundy while driving forklift dozens of times,,,, more than I can count. Just watch out for cars.. and people.. and geometric structures lol.

    When I used to do extractions living at an apartment and turned the whole building into a crash pad/dope house for the local high school kids they would always come bother me at work or show up while having a bad trip on cough syrup or salvia or something and ask me for advice and I would help them while also helping customers.

    I also used to live "alone" I had a girlfriend for 5 years also, we kind of bounced from place to place because I was growing and smoking insane amounts of weed but besides that I never did meth or heroin in my life and OTC drugs were never a problem.

    But for the past few years ever since I moved in with my dad in 2014 my life has gone completely fucked, I keep losing all my possessions, I can't hold down jobs, have or make friends, no sex life, I can't get high without pissing off more people than I can keep track of, I might have an STD, I am close to being homeless or going to jail soon or death and all I do is work, all I want to do is work.

    I can't live with either parent, they are both fucked and so am I but that is not even scratching the surface of the problem. I can't live with stoner,tweekers,opiate freaks,drunk.. I do not like ANYONE, not drug users, not a girlfriend that has sex with me every day, not my sober friends. I do not get along with anyone.

    Okay so lets say I do get a place and live alone.. I have lived alone before but I was unemployed with lots of money, it seemed endless at the time but when I am ALONE I guess I tend to get a little crazy and blow through thousands of dollars while at the same time avoiding rent, work, friends, family, everything. I just want to smoke meth and make money, thats all I care about, I don't even need to break the law or anything I can just trade bitcoin and fuck around. So yeah, if I lived alone I would probably lose my job quickly.. which is fine because I can easily live alone while surviving off money I make on the side.

    Oh shit it's 12:20... that means lunch is almost over at work which means I have wasted half the day doing nothing, I still need to write that list but now I am getting higher and higher opening more and more tabs and the time just fllllyyyysssssssssss by so fast I need 1million years.

    This binge man.

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-05-23T18:30:57.167660+00:00
  11. I think I just drank most a box of apap.
  12. When she take it all off, I be pinchin myself

    you know I gotta thank God for the wealth
  13. Originally posted by 1337

    The whole compilation of jokes from that show is nonstop gold.
  14. Norm makes me cringe
  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    3 hours into shift I've taken one smoke break to lazy cunt server's TWELVE. How do people put up with this shit?
  16. How do you even smoke 12 cigs in 3 hours, that's like what 8 minutes of work followed by a 7 minute cig break?
  17. I need to run some sort of scam, preferably fleecing old people out of their much unneeded money. If I can get hold of their meds then that's a bonus
  18. Originally posted by Coathangers Suck -WS Norm makes me cringe

    That's the point. Listen to the moth joke he tells.
  19. Originally posted by reject How do you even smoke 12 cigs in 3 hours, that's like what 8 minutes of work followed by a 7 minute cig break?

    I can smoke 4 in 10 minutes

    Originally posted by reject I think I just drank most a box of apap.

    YOu are doing drugs wrong

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-05-23T19:47:08.566476+00:00

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